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摘要 2012年注册会计师《职业能力综合测试二》考试试题(A卷)

       课程推荐:2013年注册会计师考试网络辅导 无忧通关










  通过对大量数据的手工汇总,财务部终于完成针对年轻客户群的销售情况分析。分析发现,虽然华光眼镜整体销售收入在过去三年以平均每年10%左右的速度增长,但从20-30岁客户群所得的销售收入呈每年3 ~ 5%左右的下降。另外,市场部从最近的一次品牌形象问卷调查中获悉,受访者普遍认为华光的品牌给人以高质量和传统沉稳的形象,但与年轻消费者追求美观时尚的消费需求有较大的差距。

  资料(三) :

  华光眼镜管理层通过研究和分析,提出一项新的市场开发战略――“明天”战略:针对年轻消费者追求美观时尚的习惯,以全新的理念打造 “明天”品牌的新门店,通过“华光”和新“明天”两个业务线的市场细分,更好地抓住增长机遇。管理层意识到要获得消费者对“明天”店的认同,需要应对新的挑战。管理层对新战略很有信心,制定了详细的业务计划书,“明天”战略获得了董事会的支持。
















  根据华盛股份2009年度利润分配及资本公积转增股本方案,分别计算实施该项利润分配及资本公积转增股本方案对华盛股份的股本、资本公积及未分配利润的影响金额;并简要说明:(1)公司法关于公积金的提取有哪些规定; (2)按照公司法规定,公积金有哪些用途。

  In early 2011, Mr. Colin heard from a friend that the landlord of the largest store of Hua Guang Optical (华光眼镜) was considering whether to sell the building (where the store was located) to another company for Rmb22 million. The existing lease contract between Hua Guang Optical and the landlord will expire by the end of 2013. Mr. Colin was not familiar with the relevant laws in China. Therefore, he wrote an email to Sky Consulting to consult on (i) whether the existing lease contract will be terminated because of the sale of the building by the landlord; (ii) whether Hua Guang Optical should offer the landlord more than Rmb22 million if Hua Guang Optical wants to buy the building; and (iii) whether the landlord can sell the building without letting Hua Guang Optical know about that. On behalf of Sky Consulting, please write an email to reply to Mr. Colin.

  On behalf of Li (李琳), please write an email to Mr. Colin to (1) explain whether Su (苏小青) can join the audit engagement team; and (2) explain the general principles in judging whether Gong Xin Accounting Firm (公信) can provide the advisory service to Nan Feng Optical (南风眼镜), and seek further clarification from Mr. Colin regarding the nature of the advisory service required.



  ● Finding: A stores were profitable, B stores were loss making; Half of B stores were in operation for<3 years. Management attributed the losses to the new

  stores, whose sales have not yet ramped up.

  ● Implication: historical profitability adversely affected by B stores

  ● Recommendation: Suggest further investigate the market potential outside central area, so as to (i) assess whether the market for B stores are really promising,

  (ii) tailor relevant sales and marketing strategy for B stores to improve their performance, and (iii) identify stores that should be closed.


  ●Finding:Debt ratio continued to increase. Difficulty to get bank financing.

  ●Implication: Liquidity risk

  ●Recommendation: Future financing plan to be considered in advance.


  ●Finding: There are 8 stores without written rental contract

  ●Implication: Risk of not being able to secure the lease (without contract protection), in particular after the change of ownership of Nan Feng Optical

  ●Recommendation: To sign lease contract before acquisition is completed


  ●Finding: Unrecorded liability of Rmb4.5 million identified (financial lease)

  ●Implication: Net debt understated, hence impact the deal price calculation

  ●Recommendation: Suggest management to correct the error.


  ●Finding: Net investment was understated in the cash flow forecast

  ●Implication: Cash flow overstated; enterprise value in LOI overstated

  ●Recommendation: Suggest re-calculate the enterprise value


  ●Finding: Sales accountant also act as the cashier

  ●Implication: Internal control risk caused by no segregation of duties

  ●Recommendation: Segregation of duty


  ●Finding: Chen Nan and Zhang Xiao take critical roles in the daily business

  ●Implication: The business of Nan Feng likely to be adversely affected if they leave the company after acquisition

  ●Recommendation: Chen Nan and Zhang Xiao’s continued service in the company (at least in the short term) necessary.

  Consider make it a condition in the deal negotiation

  7. 根据资料四、资料五和资料六的有关信息,采用实体现金流量模型计算收购南风眼镜90%股权的价格金额(需分步骤列出计算过程);并简要说明为什么实务中估计企业价值大多使用实体现金流量模型而非股权现金流量模型。(5.5分)










  8. 根据资料五,假设南风眼镜B类门店固定成本中的租金保持不变,但通过相关改进措施可使B类门店固定成本中的人工费用和其他费用分别下降15%,计算分析B类门店销售收入需平均增长百分之几才能达到B类门店的盈亏平衡。(4分)






  9. 简要说明:(1)与普通债券以及普通股相比,可转换债券筹资的优缺点;(2)上市公司发行可转换债券,除了应当符合增发股票的一般条件之外,还应符合哪些条件。(4分)














  10. 根据华盛股份2009年度利润分配及资本公积转增股本方案,分别计算实施该项利润分配及资本公积转增股本方案对华盛股份的股本、资本公积及未分配利润的影响金额;并简要说明:(1)公司法关于公积金的提取有哪些规定; (2)按照公司法规定,公积金有哪些用途。(4分)


  股本增加50000*0.2+50000*0.4 = 30000万元

  资本公积减少50000*0.4 = 20000万元

  未分配利润减少50000*0.1+50000*0.2 =15000万









  11. In early 2011, Mr. Colin heard from a friend that the landlord of the largest store of Hua Guang Optical (华光眼镜) was considering whether to sell the building (where the store was located) to another company for Rmb22 million. The existing lease contract between Hua GuangOptical and the landlord will expire by the end of 2013. Mr. Colin was not familiar with the relevant laws in China. Therefore, he wrote an email to Sky Consulting to consult on (i) whether the existing lease contract will be terminated because of the sale of the building by the landlord;

  (ii) whether Hua Guang Optical should offer the landlord more than Rmb22 million if Hua Guang Optical wants to buy the building; and (iii)whether the landlord can sell the building without letting Hua Guang Optical know about that. On behalf of Sky Consulting, please write an email to reply to Mr. Colin. (2.5 分)


  (i) Change of ownership of the property does not impair the validity of the existing lease contract. So the existing contract will continue to be valid before it expires

  by the end of 2013.

  (ii) Under same terms, lessee has the priority to buy the property. So Hua Guang Optical does not have to offer a higher price.

  (iii) worried that landlord sell the building without letting them know. The landlord should give the lessee a reasonable notice period before selling the building. If

  the landlord sells the building without notifying the lessee, the lessee can ask landlord for indemnification of any losses caused.

  12. On behalf of Li (李琳), please write an email to Mr. Colin to (1) explain whether Su (苏小青) can join the audit engagement team; and (2)explain the general principles in judging whether Gong Xin Accounting Firm (公信) can provide the advisory service to Nan Feng Optical (南风眼镜), and seek further clarification from Mr. Colin regarding the nature of the advisory service required. (8分)


  Dear Mr. Colin,

  Thanks for letting me know that the former deputy finance manager, Su, of Nan Feng Optical has recently joined our firm. I am afraid that Su can’t join the

  engagement team; it will impair audit independence. According to the CICPA ethical guidelines, the fact that an audit team member was recently a director, senior

  officer, or employee in certain special positions of the audit client, may create self-interest, self-review, or familiarity threats. Examples of special positions

  mentioned above include an employee in the finance department of the audit client who prepared certain accounting records, on which the firm will audit and

  express opinion. The ethical guidelines further states that if an audit team member was in such a position during the period covered by the audit engagement, the

  threat to independence is consider so serious that no safeguards could possibly reduce the threat to an acceptable level. So the only solution is to remove him/her

  from the engagement team. Therefore, I am afraid Su cannot be a member of the audit engagement team of Nan Feng Optical.

  Regarding the advisory service you mentioned in your email, first of all, thank you very much for considering Gong Xin CPA. I need to know more details of

  the nature of the service you require before I can draw a definitive conclusion on whether we, as the auditor, are allowed to provide such advisory service.

  The CICPA ethical guidelines have provided general principles to assess whether the provision of non-assurance services might create self-review threat

  against our audit independence. In general, we should make sure not to take any management roles, such as the design and implementation of internal controls.

  Usually, providing professional advices and comments is not regarded as management role. To avoid taking management role, we need to ensure that client’s

  management team makes decisions, evaluates service results, and take responsibility for actions taken following the service results.

  In relation to the improvement of Nan Feng Optical’s management analysis system, I wish to clarify with you on the following questions, in order to help me

  understand the nature of the service required. (1)Is the management analysis system a critical part of the financial reporting and internal control? Does the

  information generated from the management analysis system has material impact on the accounting records or financial statements to be audited? If the answer

  to either of the questions is yes, then we are not allowed to provide any service in relation to the design and implementation of such system (as Nan Feng Optical

  is a subsidiary of a public company). (2)What is the nature of the specific advisory service that you expect us to provide? It is generally fine for us to provide

  comments and suggestions on the system that was designed and implemented by you or other service providers.



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