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Section I Listening Comprehension
(30 minutes)???
This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of selected materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are three parts in this section: Part A, Part B, and Part C.
Remember while you are doing the test you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 5 minutes to transfer all your answers from your booklet to ANSWER SHEET 1
If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started.??
Now look at Part A in your test booklet.??
Part A?
You will hear a passage about vegetable growing. Listen and complete the sentences in questions 1~5 with the information you have heard. Write not more three words for each answer. You will hear the recording twice.
1. By growing vegetables which live in cool climate in the hot places, they will grow faster and .
2. What the engineers used is simply.?
3. They placed pipes in the soil and cold water flowing through them cools .?
4. What is especially appealing about this process is that nothing damaging to is being used.?
5. Another innovative use for cold ocean water is .??
Part B?
You will hear a passage. Answer questions 6~10 while you listen. Write as simply as possible for each answer. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read each questions.??
6.As a result of rising university costs, what are many students finding it necessary to do ??
7. For some students, what could these part _ time jobs lead to?
8. What kind of part _ time job requires the least time??
9. To ask for information, what should the students bring?
10. Who'll give hints to successful interviewing?
Part C?
You will three dialogues or passages. Before listening to each one, you will have time to read the questions related to it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B,C or D. After listening, you will have time to read your answer.You will hear piece only once.?
Questions 11~13 are based on the following passage. You now have 15 seconds to read questions 11~13.
11. How did the friend get into the flat??
[A] Through the kitchen window.?
[B] Through the living _ room window.?
[C] The door was not locked.?
[D] The neighbor gave him the key.?
12. Why did the speaker ask his friend to help himself to food and drink?
[A] The friend was very hungry.?
[B] There were eggs and chicken in the refrigerator.?
[C] He would come home late.?
[D] The friend was very good at cooking.?
13. Why was the speaker astonished??
[A] The friend was expecting to stay with him.?
[B] There was no key under the door _ mat.
[C] The friend had a wonderful meal in his absence.
[D] The friend got into the neighbor's flat.
Questions 14~16 are based on the following passage You now have 15 seconds to read the questions 14~16.??
14. How far is the earth away from the sun??
[A] 93 million miles.?
[B] 193 million miles.?
[C] 930 million miles.?
[D] 93 billion miles.?
15. What is the temperature on the sun??
[A] Not clear.?
[B] 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit.?
[C] 10,000 degrees Centigrade.?
[D] Over 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit.?
16. Which of the following is true according to the passage??
[A] The sun's light comes from millions of candles.?
[B] Most of the sun's heat and light are received on the earth.?
[C] The temperature of the sun is the same as that of the earth.?
[D] Without the correct balance of heat and light, life on the earth would not be possible.
Questions 17~20 are based on the following passage. You now have 20 seconds to read the questions 17~20.??
17. What was the woman doing when the policeman found her??
[A] She was lying near a lonely road.
[B] She was driving along a lonely road.
[C] She was ill seriously.
[D] She was having a terrible accident.
18. According to the woman's account, what happened to her?
[A] She was attacked by robbers.
[B] She escaped from her family.
[C] She survived traffic accident.
[D] She was forced to enter a flying saucer.
19. Which of the following statements is true?
[A] The woman was intended to leave her husband without telling him.
[B] The woman had met some creatures from outer space.
[C] The woman and the creatures couldn't understand each other.
[D] The creatures could read and speak English.?
20. What is the title of the passage?
[A] An astonishing story about husband and wife.
[B] An astonishing story about a woman and a flying saucer.
[C] Flying saucer.
[D] An astonishing story about a policeman and a woman.
Section II Use of English??
(15 minutes)???
Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.
There was a time when parents who wanted an educational present for their children would buy a typewriter, a globe or an encyclopedia set.?
Now those 21 seem hopelessly old _ fashioned: this Christmas, there were a lot of22computers under the tree. 23 that computers are their key to success, parents are also frantically insisting that children24taught to use them on school-as early as possible.?
The problem for schools is that when it25computers, parents don't always know best. Many schools are 26 parental impatience and are purchasing hardware without 27 educational planning so they can say,"OK, we've moved into the computer age." Teachers 28 themselves caught in the middle of the problem-between parent pressure and 29 educational decisions.?
Educators do not even agree30how computers should be used. A lot of money is going for computerized educational materials 31 research has shown can be taught32with pencil and paper. Even those who believe that all children should33to computer warn of potential34to the very young.?
The temptation remains strong largely because young children 35 so well to computers. First graders have been 36 willing to work for two hours on math skills. Some have an attention span of 20 minutes.?
37 school, however, can afford to go into computing, and that creates 38 another problem: a division between the haven's and have _ note's. Very few parents ask 39 computer instruction in poor school districts,40there may be barely enough money to pay the reading teacher.??
21.[A] items [B] toys[C] sets [D] series?
22.[A] private [B] children [C] school [D] personal?
23.[A] Given [B] Provided [C] Convinced [D] Believed?
24[A] are [B] be[C] are being[D]were?
25.[A] talks about [B] comes to[C] turns to[D] mentions?
26.[A] ignorant of [B] blaming [C] yielding to [D] improving
27.[A] reason [B] sound[C] hard [D] some?
28.[A] relied on[B] relaxed[C] freed [D] found?
29.[A] wise [B] clever[C] slow [D] enough?
30.[A] on[B] with[C] to[D] among?
31.[A] however [B] where[C] what [D] that?
32.[A] equally [B] the same way [C] just as well[D] not as well
33.[A] be open [B] have access[C] look [D] turn?
34.[A] approaches[B] exposures [C] dangers[D] laziness
35.[A] adopt [B] keep [C] adapt [D] devote?
36.[A] watched[B] seen[C] told [D] taught
37.[A] High [B] Not every[C] No[D] Any?
38.[A] already[B] of course[C] in addition [D] yet
39.[A] for [B] against[C] to buy [D] to use?
40.[A] in that [B] in any case[C] although [D] where
Section III Reading Comprehension??
(60 minutes)???
Part A?
Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A,B,C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. ??
Text 1?
One hundred and thirteen million Americans have at least one bank _ issued credit card. They give their owners automatic credit in stores, restaurants, and hotels, at home, across the country, and even abroad, and they make many banking services available as well. More and more of these credit cards can be read automatically, making it possible to withdraw or deposit money in scattered locations, whether or not the local branch bank is open. For many of us the"cashless society"is not on the horizon-it's already here.?
While computers offer these conveniences to consumers, they have many advantages for sellers too. Electronic cash registers can do much more than simply ring up sales. They can keep a wide range of records, including who sold what, when, and to whom. This information allows businessmen to keep track of their list of goods by showing which items are being sold and how fast they are moving. Decisions to reorder or return goods to suppliers can then be made. At the same time these computers record which hours are busiest and which employees are the most efficient, allowing personnel and staffing assignments to be made accordingly. And they also identify preferred customer for promotional campaigns. Computers are relied on by manufacturers for similar reasons. Computer analyzed marketing reports can help to decide which products to emphasize now, which to develop for the future, and which to drop. Computers keep track of goods in stock, of raw materials on hand, and even of the production process itself.?
Numerous other commercial enterprises, from theaters to magazine publishers, from gas and electric utilities to milk processors, bring better and more efficient
services to consumers through the use of computers.??
41. According to the passage, the credit card enables its owner to .?
[A]withdraw as much money from the bank as he wishes?
[B]obtain more convenient services than order people do?
[C]enjoy greater trust from the storekeeper?
[D]cash money where he wishes to?
42. From the last sentec of the first paragraph we learn that.?
[A]in the future all the Americans will use credit cards?
[B]credit cards are mainly used in the United States today
[C]nowadays many Americans did not pay in cash?
[D]it is now more convenient or use credit cards than before?
43. The phrase"ring up sales"most probably means .?
[A]make an order of goods?
[B]record sales on a cash register?
[C]call the sages manager?
[D]keep track of the goods in stock?
44. What is this passage mainly about??
[A]Approaches to the commercial use of computers.?
[B]Conveniences brought about by computers in business.?
[C]Significance of automation in commercial enterprises.?
[D]Advantage of credit cards in business.?
45. It can be inferred that?
[A] Computers will bring disaster.?
[B] Computer industry will not develop faster.?
[C] Computers will bring about more convenience to people's life.?
[D] None.??
Text 2
Studies of the effect that makes many of us slumber or feel sleepy during the queen's Speech on Christmas Day have revealed that changes may be required in Britain's drink drive legislation.?
Dr James Horne, director of the Sleep Research Laboratory at Loughborough University, is investigating pose _ lunch sleepiness."We humans are designed to sleep twice a day, once at night and a short nap after lunch, but in this part of the world we tend to repress that."?
It is a remnant of the same primeval programming that makes all animals in the bush rest in the hot afternoon sun to conserve energy.?
"Hot environments make it worse and many cultures living near the equator", says Dr Horne,"have conceded to the inevitable, where the afternoon siesta is the way of life."?
In this studies Dr Horne has been investigating the role of alcohol."The theory is that if you are more sleepy after lunch then it figures that alcohol will be more potent after lunch. One would figure then that a pint of beer at lunchtime has more effect than in the evening, when people are more alert. Indeed, we find that it has about twice the effect."?
This has more sinister implications."If people take alcohol up to the legal driving limit, their performance is seriously impaired after lunch." He said.?
It seems that alcohol interacts with the circadian rhythm of sleep to cause afternoon sleepiness, so that one pint at lunch _ time is equivalent, in effect, to a quart in the evening.?
"For this reason, most drivers ought not to drink at all at lunchtime and the legal blood alcohol limit is no guide to 'safe'driving here,"said Dr Horne.?
For those who wish to enjoy the Queen's speech, Dr Horne recommends mild exercise, a splash of cold air or cold water on the face, or a cup of coffee. Otherwise, take a cat nap. But this should be less than 15 minutes,"otherwise, sleep really sets in and one can wake up feeling very groggy and far sleepier than to ??? be in with."
46. It is implied that British people
[A]like to take a short nap after lunch.
[B]don't take a short nap after lunch.
[C]don't feel sleepy after lunch.
[D]like to sleep twice a day.
47. take a rest in the hot afternoon sun.
[A]All animals in the bush
[B]The remnant of the same primeval programming
[C]The same primeval programming
[D]All animals in the world
48. Most drivers ought not to drink at all at lunch time because
[A]alcohol will be less potent after lunch.
[B]a pint of beer at lunchtime is equivalent to a quart in the evening, it cause afternoon sleepiness.?
[C]people are more alert at lunchtime.
[D]it is not legal to drink at lunchtime.
49. According to the passage, if you sleep more than 15 minutes after lunch
[A]you will be refreshed.
[B]you will be waken up.
[C]you will feel far sleepier.
[D]you will take a cat nap.
50. It can be inferred that
[A] People are not allowed to drive after they drink one quarter in the evening.
[B] People are still allowed to drive after they drink one quarter in the evening.
[C] People are still allowed to drive after they drink out pint at lunch _ time.
[D] None.
Text 3
Society was fascinated by science and things scientific in the nineteenth century. Great breakthroughs in engineering, the use of steam power, and electricity were there for all to see, enjoy, and suffer. Science was fashionable and to it is not surprising that, during this great period of industrial development, scientific methods should be applied to the activities of man, particularly to those involved in the processes of production. Towards the end of the nineteenth century international competition began to make itself felt. The three industrial giants of the day, Germany, America, and Great Britain, began to find that there was a limit to the purchasing power of the previously apparently inexhaustible markets. Science and competition therefore provided the means and the need to improve industrial efficiency.?
Frederick Winslow Taylor is generally acknowledged as being the father of the scientific management approach, as a result of the publication of his book. The Principles of Scientific Management, published in 1911. However, numerous other academics and practitioners had been actively applying such approaches since the beginning of the century. Charles Babbage, and English academic, well _ known for his invention of the mechanical computer (with the aid of a government grant as long as 1820) applied himself to the costing of processes, using scientific methods, and indeed might well be recognized as one of the fathers of cost accounting.
Taylor was of well _ to _ do background and received an excellent education but, partly owing to troubles with his eyesight, decided to become an engineering apprentice. He spent some twenty _ five years in the tough, sometimes brutal, environment of the US steel industry and carefully studied methods of work when he eventually attained supervisory status. He made various significant innovations in the area of steel processing, but his claim to fame is through his application of methods of science to methods of work, and his personal efforts that proved they could succeed in a hostile environment.?
In 1901, Taylor left the steel industry and spent the rest of his life trying to promote the principles of managing scientifically and emphasizing the human aspects of the method, over the slave _ driving methods common in his day. He died in 1915, leaving a huge school of followers to promote his approach worldwide.??
51. According to the passage, what was badly needed to improve industrial efficiency?
[A]Great breakthroughs.
[B]Unlimited purchasing power.
[C]Science and competition.
[D]International competition.
52. Taylor is most famous for.
[A]his application of scientific methods to work
[B]his book"The Principles of Scientific Management"
[C]his various innovations in steel processing
[D]The spreading of his scientific management method
53. Charles Babbage, an English academic,.
[A]tried to use computers in production processes
[B]first used computers in the area of cost accounting
[C]was the father of modern computers
[D]tried a scientific management approach
54. Taylor's scientific management method was described as .
[A]scientific and human
[B]efficient but slave _ driving
[C]academic but practicable
[D]brutal but highly successful
55. When he died in 1905, Taylor
[A] purchased a steel mill.
[B] sold a steel mill.
[C] started to protect environment.
[D] left a huge school of followers.
Text 4?
This is the weather Scobie loves. Lying in bed he touches his telescope lovingly, turning a wistful eye on the blank wall of rotting mud _ bricks which shuts off his view of the sea.?
Scobie is getting on for seventy and still afraid to die; his one fear is that he will awake one morning and find himself dead-Lieutenant _ Commander Scobie, O.B.E. Consequently it gives him a severe shock every morning when the water _ carriers shriek under his window before dawn, waking him up. For a moment, he says, he dares not open his eyes. Keeping them fast shut (for fear they might open on the heavenly host) he gropes along the cake _ stand beside his bed and grabs his pipe. It is always loaded from the night before and an open matchbox stands beside it. The first whiff of tobacco restores both his composure and his eyesight. He breathes deeply, grateful for reassurance. He smiles. He gloats. Then, drawing the heavy sheepskin which serves him as a bed _ cover up to his ears, he sings a little triumphal song to the morning.
Taking stock of himself he discovers that he has the inevitable headache. His tongue is raw from last night's brandy. But against these trifling discomforts the prospect of another day in life weighs heavily. He pauses to slip in his false teeth. He places his wrinkled fingers to his chest and is comforted by the sound of his heart at work. He is rather proud of his heart. If you ever visit him when he is in bed he is almost sure to grasp your hand in his and ask you to feel it. Swallowing a little, you shove your hand inside his cheap night _ jacket to experience those sad, blunt, far _ away humps-like those of an unborn baby. He buttons up his pajamas with touching pride and give his imitation roar of animal health-"Bounding from my bed like a lion"-that is another of his phrases. You have not experienced the full charm of the man unless you have actually seen him, bent double with rheumatism, crawling out from between his coarse cotton sheets like a ruin. Only in the warmest months of the year do his bones thaw out sufficiently to enable him to stand erect. In the summer afternoons he walks in the park, his little head glowing like a minor sun, his jaw set in a violent expression of health.?
His tiny nautical pension is hardly enough to pay for one cockroach _ infested room; he ekes it out with an equally small salary from the Egyptian government, which carries with it the proud title of Bimbashi in the Police Force. Origins he h
as none. His past spreads over a dozen continents like a true subject of myth. And his presence is so rich with imaginary health that he needs nothing more-except perhaps an occasional trip to Cairo during Ramadhan, when his office is close
d and presumably all crime comes to a standstill because of the past.??
56. Scobie liked to have his telescope in bed because
[A]he enjoyed looking at the passers _ by, even if he could see the sea.
[B]he refused touching it and looking through it at the wall.
[C]he refused to accept the fact that he could not see the sea.?
[D]he enjoyed looking at he passers _ by, even if he could not see the sea.
57. Every morning Scobie
[A]refused to open his eyes until he had had his first cigarette.?
[B]according to himself, did not open his eyes in case he had died in the night.
[C]denied that he opened his eyes until he had had his first died in the night.
[D]could not see anything when the first noises in the street woke him.?
58. Scobie's morning discovery that he was still alive made him feel
[A]delighted with his success in surviving the night.
[B]delightful because of his achievement in living.
[C]satisfied with his victory over life.
[D]satisfying with his victory over death.
59. When he got out of bed, Scobie?
[A]jumped out like a young man, to show how healthy he was.
[B]got out slowly because he was too busy talking.
[C]could hardly get out although he suffered badly from rheumatism.
[D]got out with difficulty because his homes were stiff and painful.
60. What can his pension enough to pay for??
[A] one big apartment?
[B] a Two _ room apartment?
[C] one cockroach _ infested room?
[D] his well _ being life
Part B?
Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET
61)The main impression growing out of twelve years on the faculty of a medical school is that the No.1 health problem in the U?S. today, even more than AIDS or cancer, is that Americans don't know how to think about health and illness.
62)Our reactions are formed on the terror level. We fear the worst, expect the worst, thus invite the worst. 63)The result is that we are becoming a nation of weaklings and hypochondriacs, a self _ medicating society incapable of distinguishing between casual, everyday symptoms and those that require professional attention.?
Somewhere in our early education we become addicted to the notion that pain means sickness. We fail to learn that pain is the body's way of informing the mind that we are doing something wrong, not necessarily that something is wrong. We don't understand that pain may be telling us that we are eating too much or the wrong things; or that we are smoking too much or drinking too much; or that there is too much emotional congestion in our lives; or that we are being worn down by having to cope daily with overcrowded streets and highways, the pounding noise of garbage grinders, or the cosmic distance between the entrance to the airport and the departure gate. We get the message of pain all wrong. Instead of addressing ourselves to the cause, we become pushovers for pills, driving the pain underground and inviting it to return with increased authority.?
64)Early in life, too, we become seized with the bizarre idea that we are constantly assaulted by invisible monsters called germs, and that we have to be on constant alert to protect ourselves against their fury.65)Equal emphasis, however, is not given to the presiding fact that our bodies are superbly equipped to deal with the little demons and the best way of forestalling an attack is to maintain a sensible life _ style.
Section IV Writing??
(35 minutes)???66.The opening up policy has brought about great advances in various fields in China, yet a few still claim that things were much better before.
There is a discussion in a newspaper on these two viewpoints.?
Write an essay to the newspaper?
1) criticizing their view and?
2) justifying your stand.?
In your essay, make full use of the information provided in the graphs printed below.
You should write 160_200 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.?
Section Voral Test
Part A?
●Good morning/afternoon. Could I have your mark sheets, please? Thank you.??
●My name is and this is my colleague .He/She is just going to the listening to us. So, you are and ?Thank you.??
●First of all we'd like to know something about you, so I'm going to ask some questions about you.??
●Can you say something about yourselves?(Where are you from? What can you tell me about your family? Can you tell me something about your work or studies? Do you have any hobbies? How did you become interested in your hobby?)??
Part B?
●Now I'd like you to talk about something between yourselves, but speak loudly so that we can hear you. You should take care to share the opportunity of speaking.(Put the picture in front of both candidates and give instructions with reference to the picture)??
●Suppose you are classmates. You are talking about the end of the school term. Both of you are going to leave school and start work. Discuss between yourselves that you'd like to do after leaving school and why you want to choose the job.
●This picture is for your reference. You have three minutes for this. Would you like to begin now, please?
Part C?
●I'm going to give each of you a picture and I'd like you to first briefly describe and then give your comment on what you see in the picture.?
(Put picture 1 in front of both candidates)??
●Candidate A, this is your picture. You have three minutes to talk about it.
●Candidate B, listen carefully while Candidate A is speaking. When he/she has inished, I'd like you to ask him/her a question about what he/she has said.??
●Candidate A, would you like to begin now, please??
Candidate A:(Three minutes)?
picture 1
●Thank you. Now, Candidate B, could you please ask your partner a question?
(Half a minute for asking and answering the question)?
(Take back picture 1 and put picture 2 in front of both candidates)??
●OK, Candidate B, here is your picture. You also have three minutes to talk about your picture.??
●Candidate A, listen carefully while Candidate B is speaking. When he/she has finished, I'd like you to ask him/her a question about he/she has said.??
●Candidate B, would you like to begin now, please??
Candidate B:(Three minutes)?
picture 2?
●Thank you. Now, Candidate A, could you please
ask your partner a question?
(Half a minute for asking and answering the question)??
●Thank you. That is the end of the test.?
Section I?
Part A?
1. taste better 2. cold sea water 3. the earth?
4.the natural environment 5. to cool buildings??
Part B?
6. To take on part _ time jobs 7. Full time work after graduation
8. Child care?
9. A resume10. Our counselors??
Part C?
11.[B] 提问方式,从文中:but fortunately, the living _ room window just by the apple tree had been left open and he had climbed in.可以看出他的朋友是从窗户爬进去的,故答案为B。?
12.[C]原因题。需要注意文中表示原因的句子。从原文可以发现以as引导的句子:as I was likely to be home rather late, I advised him to go into the kitchen and help himself to food and drink, 可见原因是我可能回来很晚,故答案为C。?
13.[D]原因题,从短文最后可以得出答案:I listen to these all in astonishment. There is no apple tree in front of my room, but there is one in front of my neighbor's room.他的朋友走错了房子,所以答案是D。?
14.[A]提问具体信息,问太阳与地球之间的距离。从短文:one is its distance from the earth. This is about ninety _ three million miles.可以发现答案为A。
15.[B]具体信息,见原文:the temperature on the sun is about ten thousand degrees Fahrenheit. 可见答案为B。注意B与C之间的区别:数字一样,但后面的单位不同。
16.[D]判断题,需找出符合原文的选项。A 明显不对。B亦不对,因为:but we only receive a small part of this heat. C根据常识可以判断不对,所以答案为D。?
17.[A]提问具体信息,从文中第一句:some years ago, an American police men found a woman lying near a lonely road.可以发现答案为A。?
18.[D]从文中第二段开头:she was driving along a country road when she was stopped by a flying saucer landing in front of her. She had been forced to leave the car and enter the flying by some creatures.可以发现D为正确答案。?
19.[B]判断题,要求找出与原文相符的选项。A文中没有提到。B符合原文。C不符合原文,因为:these creatures looked like human beings and could easily make themselves understood although they couldn't speak. D 从C中所引的句子也可以判断不对。因此B为正确答案。?
Section II?
21.根据原文第一段的内容,本小题空白处所填入的词语指的就是第一段中所例举的与教育有关的礼物,诸如打字机、地球仪、百科全书这些东西。toys 专指玩具,sets 指的是一套或一组的东西,series 用于表示丛书之类的东西,这几个词都过于具体,不能囊括上述作为与教育子女有关的礼物。items 常用来指一组事物或一清单中的一项,正好可以填入本小题空白处。因而,选项A为正确答案。
22.这道小题主要是区分private 与personal 的具体用法。前者强调的是"归私人所有的",经常译成汉语的"私有的","私人的",如a private letter(私人信件),for private reasons(出于私人原因)。而 personal 虽然在某些方面与private 的含义及用法相同,如也可以说 personal affairs(私事)。但是personal主要强调是"个人的","个人用的"。所以本小题正确选项应当为D。 personal computer 指个人用计算机。?
23.given 为过去分词,可用来引导条件状语,意思为"在有......的情况下","如果有......","假定......",例如Given good health, I hope to finish the work this year.(在身体好的情况下,我希望今年把工作干完。)Given that he can get the same treatment again, he is sure to get well.(如果他能再得到同样的治疗,他肯定会好起来。)provided (that) 或 providing (that) 可以用来作从属连词,作用相当于if,引导条件状语从句, 意思为"如果......的话","只要......",如Provided that there is no opposition, we shall hold the meeting here.(如果没有反对意见的话,会就开到此为止。)believe 为动词,意思为"相信","认为",后面直接跟宾语,很少用过去分词的形式作状语。而convince 意为"使相信,说服",常用于句型convince sb. of sth. 和 convince sb. + that (从句),而且常常用过去分词形式表示"相信",如Covinced of the truth of the report, he told his colleagues about it.(他相信了报道的真实性,把这件事告诉了同事们。)根据本小题空白处前后词语的意思以及结构,正确选项应当为C。?
24.本小题空白处前面的谓语动词是insist。这个动词常用的句式中有insist + that(从
句),表达两种意思:1)表示"坚持认为(说)",从句应该用陈述语气,如Though all his friend criticized him, he insisted that he had done nothing wrong.(虽然朋友们都批评他,但他坚持说他没有做错。)2)表示"坚决要求","坚决主张",这时从句应该用虚拟语气,无论主语是什么人称,动词都用原形或should + 原形,如He insisted that she (should) go at once.(他坚持要求她马上就走。)本小题句子的意思是"父母们深信计算机是使孩子走向成功的必备之品,所以,他们坚决主张应尽早教孩子们学会使用电脑。"因此本小题应选答案B。?
25.when 和it comes to 搭配在一起使用时,表示"当说到......",或"当涉及到......",如He is not good at sports, but when it comes to English he is the best one in the class.(他虽然不擅长于体育运动,但是谈到英语,班里没有人能比得上他。)本小题正确选项应当为B。?
26.本小题要求根据题意选择一个合适的词组或词。be ignorant of 的意思为"不知道","对......无知",如What his plans are I am quite ignorant of. (我对他的计划一无所知。)blame的意思为"责怪",常用的句式为blame sth. on sb. 或者blame sb. for. sth. 如He blamed his failure on her. 或 He blamed her for his failure.(他把失败怪罪到她的头上。) yield to 的意思为"屈服于......","让步",如We will never yield to force.(我们是决不会屈服于武力的。)improve 的意思为"改进","改善"。句中谈到"由于家长们急不可耐,许多学校迫于压力,在没有做出任何慎重合理的教学计划的情况下便购买了计算机。"所以从意思上讲,本小题的正确选项为C。?
27.本小题空白处与上面的小题同属一个句子,显然应当选择选项B。sound 作形容词时,除可表示"健全的","完好的",还可表示"可靠的","合理的",相当于reasonable。?
29.这道小题的正确选项为A。wise 的意思是"明智的","聪明的",经常用来指行动上或决定等方面的正确性,如He was wise enough not to drive when he was feeling ill.(他很明智,在感到身体不适时不去开车。)选项B] clever的意思也是"聪明",但是其一般强调的是智力上的聪明,如He is clever at making excuse. (他很会找借口。)
30.本小题的选项给出了四个介词,显然是一道搭配题。除了选项D] among之外,动词agree和这其余介词搭配使用时,都可表示"同意",但是各自的侧重点却有所不同。agree on表示"就......取得一致意见",如We all agree on (making) an early start.(我们一致同意及早出发。)agree with 表示"与......意见一致","与......相符",后面既可以跟表示人的名词或人称代词,也可以跟表示意见、看法的名词或what引出的从句,如I agree with you without reservation.(我毫无保留地同意你的意见。)We agree with what you said just now.(我们同意你刚才所说的意见。)agree to 表示"同意某一建议或安排并参与执行",如They all agree to our plan.(他们都同意我们的计划<并要参与执行>。)根据题意,本小题正确选项应当为A。?
31.根据小题空白处所在的句子结构,这里需要填入一个引导定语从句的关联词。选项A] however和选项C]what不能引导定语从句,可以排除。选项B]where虽然可以引导定语从,但其先行词应当是表示地点的词语,故也可以排除。因而本小题的正确选项为B。这个句子的结构比较复杂,关系代词that 引导的定语从句本身又是一个复合句,that指代先行词material,在定语从句中的宾语从句里作主语。
33.be open to意思为"对......开放",turn to 意思为"转向","求助于",look to 意思为"照顾","照料",这几个词语填入小题空白处显然意思不通。只有have access to正确,其意思为"进入","能接近、了解、使用......",如Students have access to the library during the vacation.(假期学生们可以使用图书馆。)根据本小题句子的意思,应选择选项B。?
34.在本小题四个选项里,选项A]approach,选项B]exposures和选项C]dangers都可以和介词to 搭配使用。approach to 意思为"接近","处理......的方式(方法)",如There is no easy approach to this question.(没有处理这个问题的简单方法);exposure to 意思为"暴露于......",如Her skin was dry after exposure to the wind.(经过风吹后她的皮肤很干。)danger to 意思为"对......有危险",如Narrow and winding roads are a danger to drivers. (狭窄而迂回的路对司机来说是危险的。)根据本小题的意思,正确选项应当为C。?
35.选项中adopt是一个及物动词,意思为"采纳","采用","通过",如The board adopted the proposal in the end after much debate.(经过许多争论后,董事会最终通过了这个提议。)adapt 表示"适应",常和介词to 搭配使用,如He has not adapted himself to the climate here.(他还没有适应这里的气候。)devote 也可以和to 搭配使用,表示"致力于......",如Every spare moment of his was devoted to English study.(他把自己所有的空闲时间都用来学习英语了。)Mary devotes much of her time to cooking.(玛利把她大部分的时间都用在做吃的上了。)根据本小题的意思,正确选项应当为C。?
36.本小题主要是要求辨别选项A]watched 和选项B]seen 的含义。前者主要着眼于观看比赛、电视等动态的事物,如I am sure they are watching the football game in the dorm.(我敢肯定他们正在宿舍里观看足球比赛。)而后者则着眼于"看到"之意,如Have you ever seen him play football?(你看到过他踢足球吗?)本小题正确选项应当为B。
38.本小题要求根据上下文的内容选择填入空白处在意义和结构上都正确的词语。already 意思为"已经",of course 意思为"当然",in addition 意思为"除此之外还......"。而yet 的用法比较复杂,应注意以下几点:1)用在否定句中,表示"还(没有)",如I'm not quite clear yet about this question.(我还不太明白这个问题。)2)用在疑问句中,表示"已经",如Have you finished it yet?(你已经做完了吧?)3)表示"仍然","还在","还得",如Father rose early and is working yet.(父亲起得很早,现在还在工作。)4)和比较级连用,表示"更加",如This is bad; that is yet
worse.(这个不好,那个更糟。)5)和another 或more连用,表示"还有"如I've had yet another bill.(我还有一份账单。)根据本小题句意,正确的选项应当为D。?
40.很明显,这个句子是对上一句话的原因进行说明的,因而选项A为正确答案。in that 是从属连词,用在这里引导状语从句表示原因,相当于because。例如I like the city, but I like the county better in that I have more friends in the county.(我喜欢城市,但我更喜欢乡村,因为我有更多的朋友在那里。)In any case 表示"不管怎么样",如:In any case I shall return in a day or two.(无论如何,我会在一两天内回来。)
Section III?
41.[B] 主旨题。此题答案是第一段中心思想,答案根据第一段第二、三句推知。
42.[C] 推理题。此题答案根据第一段最后一句的"cashless society"推知。
43.[B] 推理题。此短语含义根据第二段第二句提到的机器"cash registers"推知。
44.[B] 主旨题。文章主题依据文中例举的计算机带来的便利推知,因此A、C、D选项不对。?
45.[C] 推理题。此题答案根据第三段推知。?
46.[B] 含蓄题。此题答案由第二段第二句推知"We humans are designed to sleep twice a day...but we tend to repress that"。?
48.[B] 具体题。此题答案在第七、八段。?
49.[C] 具体题。答案在第九段第三句。?
50.[A] 推理题。此题答案根据第七段推知。由于alcohol可引起afternoon sleepiness, C选项不对;根据one pint at lunch _ time与a quarter in the evening造成sleepiness效果等同,因此B选择不对,A选项为答案。?
B 选项不全面。工业的发展需要一个广阔的市场,而到19世纪末,国际竞争加剧,原来似乎取之不尽、用之不竭的(inexhaustible)市场现已近枯竭,这时三大工业巨头更加感觉到,他们应该利用科学的方法提高生产效率,以加强其竞争力占领有限的市场。?
52.[A] 具体题。泰勒主要是以其科学的管理方法在工作中的应用而闻名于世。注意文章第3段第3句中的关键词"his claim to fame is through...""意为""他的成名是通过......"。
C 选项第3段第3句中转折词"but"的使用说明他并不是因为在炼钢领域进行了各种重大改革而成名的。
53.[D] 具体题。文章的第2段谈到了从20世纪初,一大批学术界人士和实践者一直在积极地探索和应用科学管理方法,而英国的科学家Charles Babbage则成功地将科学管理方法运用于成本核算中,被认为是成本核算的鼻祖之一。?
A选项不正确。从文章第2段第3句了解到,曾以发明机械计算器闻名的英国科学家Charles Babbage致力于成本核算的研究工作,而不是把计算机用于生产中。apply oneself to意为"致力于"。?
C 选项"computer"这里意为"计算器"。因为在20世纪初还没有计算机,原文也并未指出他是计算机的发明者,所以C是错的。?
54.[A] 具体题。从文章的第4段第1句可看出,泰勒强调管理的科学性和人文因素(如老板和工人对工作的兴趣和积极性)而不是当时普遍的赶鸭式的劳动方法。emphasize A over A 意为"与A相比更强调A",slave _ driving意为"严厉的监管和使工人过度工作"。?
55.[D] 具体题。此题答案在第四段最后一句,文中指出"...died in 1915, leaving a huge school of followers to promote his approach worldwide"。?
56.[C] 具体题。参见第一段第二句"...he touches his telescope lovingly...
the blank wall of rotting mud bricks which shuts off his view of the sea"。
57.[B] 具体题。参见第二段前三句"...still afraid to die (keep them (eyes) fast shut (for fear they might open on the heavenly host)..."。?
58.[A] 具体题。参见第二段第五、六、七句"(restores both his composure and his eyesight...grateful for reassurance"。?
59.[D] 推理题。此题根据第三段倒数第二句推知。原文"Only in the warmest...
his bones thaw out sufficiently to enable him to stand erect"表明他的骨头有问题
Part B?
64.小时候,我们也曾被一种怪异的想法所支配,那就是我们一直不断地遭受一种看不见的、叫做"细菌"的怪物的攻击,而且我们不得不时刻保持警惕,以防这些怪物发怒时对我们的身, , 体造成伤害。


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