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|0·2009-10-19 23:27:29浏览0 收藏0

M: Do you like Chinese food?
  W: Yes, I do.
  M: What's your favorite Chinese food?
  W: Mmm.. It's hard to say. I like hot and sour soup a lot but I guess I like bean curd better.
  M: Do you eat Chinese food often?
  W: Once in a while.

15.What is the woman's favorite Chinese food?
  Beans.         Bean curd.       Peas.  
16.The woman eats Chinese food   .
  once a week      frequently       occasionally     
  Now, you want to know about life in the past. Right? I can tell you. When I was a boy, things were different. I had to get up at six every morning. That was not very bad in summer, but in winter it was cold. And we didn't have any hot water in the house. We had to wash in cold water. We didn't have a bathroom. My dad had some chickens. I had to feed them every morning and then I had to walk to school with my little sister. It was two miles to school and two miles back in the evening. But it always seemed longer in the morning when we were going to school. There was a bus, but we didn't have the money. And we had to go to bed at seven o'clock every night. We couldn't watch TV because there wasn't any. On Sundays we had to go to church three times ― morning, afternoon and evening. And we couldn't play outside on Sundays. But it wasn't all bad. We had some good times. We could go out and our parents didn't have to worry about us. There weren't so many cars on the roads then, so the streets were safe to play in. And there were not many robbers and thieves in those days. We had to work hard and we weren't able to buy all those things in the shops today. Life was hard, but it was simple and people were happier. I don't think I'd like to be young today.

17.What did the man have to do in the morning?
  He carried water for the family. 
  He cleaned the bathroom. 
  He fed the chickens. 

18.Why did the man go to school on foot?
  The school was near. 
  No bus ran in that direction. 
  His family was poor. 

19.What did the man do every Sunday?
  He was taken to church three times. 
  He stayed at home all day. 
  He played in the street. 

20.What can we learn from what the speaker said?
  He lives on a farm far away from cities. 
  He is a retired teacher of history. 
  He thinks children were happier in the past.
   第二部分  英语知识公用

    第一节 单项填空

 21.Sorry, there is no more        for more luggage.
  room       rooms       a room      any room     
 22.It is    work of art that everyone wants to have a look at it.
  such an unusual  a so unusual   so unusual    such unusual   
 23.Robert is said    abroad, but I don't know what country he studied in.
  to have studied 
  to study 
  to be studying 
  to have been studying 
 24.He thought this painting of little    and let me have it for only 20 yuan.
  price       cost       value       worth      
 25.John    like to eat fish.
  is        does       looks       seemed      
 26.The writer has written a number of books,    only one is widely read.
  that       which       of which     from which    
 27.We were just about to leave    the building collapsed.
  when       as        while       then       
 28.Five pounds is    for the second-hand suit.
  a good enough price 
  an enough good price 
  a price enough good 
  a good price enough 
 29.He is reading a novel (长篇小说,新奇的) but he    a textbook (教科书) now that he is entering for an entrance exam.
  should be reading 
  may be reading 
  ought to read 
  shouldn't have read 
 30.He is the worker who kept the machine    the whole night.
  running      run        ran        to ran      
 31.The railway station is only twenty    walk from my home.
  minute      minute's     minutes'     minutes     
 32.The chief foods eaten in any country depend mainly on    best in its climate (气候) and soil.
  does it grow   it grows     what it grows  what grows    
 33.What do you think of my English study?
  Oh,    progress you have made this year!
  what a rapid   what great    how good     how big      
 34.I    get this done immediately or it will be too late.
  must       can        shall       may        
 35.Sports and games are of    value to us.
  greatly      very       much       a lot
   第二节 完形填空


  If the relationship ( 36) two persons is ( 37) become friendship, there ( 38) be understanding. Unless you can know and comprehend what it is ( 39) the other person values and seeks, you ( 40) establish a deep bond between you. There may be admiration, ( 41) scarcely affection. Understanding and a ( 42) of sharing is essential to this. The understanding may not be of strengths ( 43) but of weaknesses, too. It is ( 44) that "a friend is ( 45) who knows and understands all about us and loves us ( 46) the same." There must be confidence ( 47) loyalty. Have you ( 48) kept a person whom you once thought you might ( 49) as a friend just as ( 50) acquaintance because you could not trust her? Perhaps you found her ( 51) secrets you had given her with many ( 52). Possibly you overheard some slighting remark she made ( 53) you or someone else for ( 54) she had vowed high regard. In such cases you have been forced to recognize that this person could not be trusted. You could safely offer your friendliness but ( 55) friendship.  36.about       among       between      for        

 37.but        with       to        just       

 38.must       should      can        may        

 39.that       what       which       when       

 40.would not     will not     have not     cannot      

 41.further      and        not        but        

 42.meaning      sense       time       place       

 43.lonely      alone       only       one        

 44.said       talked      spoken      told       

 45.one        which       that       it        

 46.partly      just       only       right       

 47.also       or        between      and        

 48.never       ever       once       before      

 49.know       get        like       think       

 50.an        a         the        any        

 51.telling      share       tell       sharing      

 52.other       others      another      the other     

 53.with       for        about       to        

 54.that       whom       this       which       

 55.not        also       only       more    



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