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  SECTION Ⅱ Use of English(15 minutes)


  Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C, or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.


  After 20 years of marriage, a husband may still not understand his wife. How is it that she is never at a 26 for words? How can she 27 the names of a couple they met on 28 years ago? Now we know 29 to tell him: it's her brain.

  Although there are obviously cultural 30 for the differences in emotions and behavior, 31 breakthrough research reveals that the 32 of many puzzling differences between men and women may 33 in the head. Men's and women's brains 34 much in common, but they are definitely not the same 35 size, structure or insight. Broadly speaking, a woman's brain, like her body, is ten to fifteen per cent smaller than a man's, 36 the regions dedicated to language may be more densely 37 with brain cells.

  Girls generally speak earlier and read faster. The reason may be 38 females use both sides of the brain when they read. In 39 , males rely only on the left side.

  At every age, women' s memories 40 men' s, They have a greater ability to 41___names with faces than men do, and they are 42 at recalling list. The events people remember best are those that an emotion is attached to. 43 women use more of their right brains, which 44 emotions, they may do this automatically.

  While we don't yet know what all these findings imply, one thing is 45 : male and fe-male brains do the same things, but they do them differently.

  26. [ A ] slip [ B ] puzzle [ C ] loss [ D ] failure

  27. [ A ] recall [ B ] understand [ C ] realize [ D ] perceive

  28. [ A ] festival [ B ] event [ C ] occasion [ D ] holiday

  29. [ A ] what [ B ] how [ C ] when [ D ] where

  30. [ A ] senses [ B ] reasons [ C ] purposes [ D ] meanings

  31. [ A ] present [ B ] instant [ C ] recent [ D ] immediate

  32. [ A ] bottom [ B ] basis [ C ] root [ D ] stem

  33. [ A ] hide [ B ] set [ C ] fix [ D ] lie

  34. [ A ] have [ B ] share [ C ] divide [ D ] store

  35. [ A ] in [ B ] at [ C ] with [ D ] for

  36. [ A ] yet [ B ] hence [ C ] thus [ D ] then

  57. [ A ] wrapped [ B ] rested [ C ] gathered [ D ] packed

  38. [ A ] which [ B ] why [ C ] that [ D ] whether

  39. [ A ] fact [ B ] contrast [ C ] addition [ D ] consequence

  40. [ A ] top [ B ] match [ C ] equal [ D ] challenge

  41. [ A ] mix [ B ] combine [ C ] join [ D ] associate

  42. [ A ] shier [ B ] better [ C ] keener [ D ] easier

  43. [ A ] Since [ B ] While [ C ] Although [ D ] Unless

  44. [ A ] process [ B ] promote [ C ] perceive [ D ] produce

  45. [ A ] important [ B ] mysterious [ C ] special [ D ] clear

  SECTION Ⅲ Reading Comprehension(40 minutes)

  Part A


  Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.

  Text 1

  Bum rate is the speed at which a startup business consumes money. My rate would be $ 50,000 a month when my new media company started. So, I began looking around for individuals who would be my first investors. “Angel money” it was called. But when I reviewed my list of acquaintances to find those who might be able to help, I found the number got small.

  With no other choices, I began meeting with the venture-capital companies. But I was warned they took a huge share of your company for the money they put in. And if you struggled, they could drop you cold.

  As I was searching for “angel money”, I started to build a team who trusted me even though I didn't have money for paychecks yet.

  Bill Becker was an expert in computer programming and image processing at a very famous Media Lab at M. I.T. With his arrival, my company suddenly had a major technology “guy” in-house.

  Katherine Henderson, a filmmaker and a former real-estate dealer, joined us as our director of market research. Steve White came on as operating officer. He had worked for the developer of a home-finance software, Quicken. We grabbed him.

  We had some really good people, but we still didn't have enough money. One night, my neighbor, Louise Johnson, came for a visit. She and I were only nodding acquaintances, but her boys and ours were constant companions. She ran a very good business at the time.

  Louise was brilliant and missed nothing. She had been watching my progress closely. She knew I was dying for money and I had prospects but could offer no guarantees of success.

  She told me that her attorney had talked to mine and the terms had been agreed upon. She handed me an envelope. Inside was a check for $ 500,000.

  I almost fell down. I heard her voice as if from heaven.

  “I have confidence in your plan,” she said. “You' 11 do well. You're going to work hard for it, but it' s satisfying when you build your own company.”

  Who would have thought I'd find an angel so close to home? There were no words sufficient for the moment. We just said good night. She left and I just stood there, completely humbled and completely committed.

  46. For a newly-established business, bum rate refers to___________.
  [ A ] the salary it pays to its staff
  [ B ] the interest it pays to the bank
  [ C ] the way in which it raises capital
  [ D ] the speed at which it spends money

  47. By "Angel money", the author refers to__________.
  [ A ] the money borrowed from banks
  [ B ] the money spent to promote sales
  [ C ] the money raised from close friends
  [ D ] the money needed to start a business

  48. To get help from a venture-capital company, you may have to__________.
  [ A ] put up with unfair terms
  [ B ] change your business line
  [ C ] enlarge your business scope
  [ D ] let them operate your business

  49. The author easily built a team for his company because__________.
  [ A ] they were underpaid at their previous jobs
  [ B ] they were turned down by other companies
  [ C ] they were confident of the author and his business
  [ D ] they were satisfied with the salaries in his company

  50. Louise decided to lend money to the author because__________.
  [ A ] she wanted to join his company
  [ B ] she knew he would build a team
  [ C ] she knew his plan would succeed
  [ D ] she wanted to help promote his sales

  Text 2

  Nearly all “speed reading” courses have a “pacing” element--some timing device which lets the student know how many words a minute he is reading. You can do this simply by looking at your watch every 5 or 10 minutes and noting down the page number you have reached. Check the average number of words per page for the particular book you are reading. How do you know when 5 minutes has passed on your watch if you are busy reading the book? Well, this is difficult at first. A friend can help by timing you over a set period, or you can read within hearing distance of a pub-lic clock which strikes the quarter hours. Pace yourself every three or four days, always with the same kind of easy, general interest books. You should soon notice your accustomed w. p.m. rate creeping up.

  Obviously there is little point in increasing your w. p. m. rate if you do not understand what you are reading. When you are consciously trying to increase your reading speed, stop after every chapter ( if you are reading a novel) or every section or group of ten or twelve pages ( if it is a text-book) and ask yourself a few questions about what you have been reading. If you find you have lost the thread of the story, or you cannot remember clearly the details of what was said, reread the section or chapter.

  You can also try “lightning speed” exercise from time to time. Take four or five pages of the general interest book you happen to be reading and read them as fast as you possibly can. Do not bother about whether you understand or not. Now go back and read them at what you feel to be your "normal" w. p. m. rate, the rate at which you can comfortably understand. After a ‘lightning speed' reading through (probably 600 w. p. m. ) you will usually find that your “normal” speed has increased-perhaps. by as much as 50-100 w. p.m. This is the technique sportsmen use when they usually run further in training than they will have to on the day of the big race.

  51. According to the passage, a “pacing” device_________.
  [ A ]is used to time student' s reading speed
  [ B ]is. not used in most, speed reading courses
  [ C ] is used as .an aid to vocabulary learning
  [ D ] should be used whenever we read alone

  52. In speed reading, looking at your watch every 5 or 10 minutes_________.
  [ A ] avoids the need for reading faster
  [ B ] is not the same as pacing
  [ C ] may seem unworkable at first
  [ D ] helps you to remember your page number

  53. When you are reading a novel, you should check your understanding of the content after_______.
  [ A ] every chapter
  [ B ] every section
  [ C ] every four or five pages
  [ D ] every ten or twelve pages

  54. The purpose of the “lightning speed” exercise is to_________.
  [ A ] increase your speed by scanning the text first
  [ B ] test your maximum reading speed
  [ C ] help you understand more of the content of the book
  [ D ] enable you to win reading races against your friends

  55. The best title for this passage would be_________.
  [ A ] Hints for Successful Reading
  [ B ] Hints for Speed Reading
  [ C ] Effective Reading
  [ D ] Lightning Speed Exercises

    Text 3

  There is one difference between the sexes on which virtually every expert and study agree: men are more aggressive than women. It shows up in 2-year-olds. It continues through school days and persists into adulthood. It is even constant across cultures. And there is little doubt that it is rooted in biology in the male sex hormone testosterone.

  If there's a feminine trait that's the counterpart of male aggressiveness, it's what social scien-tists awkwardly refer to as "nurturance". Feminists have argued that the nurturing nature of women is not biological in origin, but rather has been drummed into women by a society that wanted to keep them in the home. But the signs that it is at least partly inborn are too numerous to ignore. Just as tiny infant girls respond more readily to human faces, female toddlers learn much faster than males how to pick up nonverbal cues from others. And grown women are far more adept than men at interpreting facial expressions: A recent study by University of Pennsylvania brain researcher Ru-ben Gur showed that they easily read emotions such as anger, sadness and fear. The only such e-motion men could pick up was disgust.

  What difference do such differences make in the real world? Among other things, women appear to be somewhat less competitive--or at least competitive in different ways--than men. At the Harvard Law School, for instance, female students enter with credentials just as outstanding as those of their male peers. But they don' t qualify for the prestigious Law Review in proportionate numbers, a fact some school officials attribute to women' s discomfort in the incredibly competitive atmosphere.

  Students of management styles have found fewer differences than they expected between men and women who reach leadership positions, perhaps because many successful women deliberately imitate masculine ways. But an analysis by Purdue social psychologist Alice Eagly of 166 studies of leadership style did find one consistent difference: Men tend to be more “autocratic”-making decisions on their own--while women tend to consult colleagues and subordinates more often. Studies of behavior in small groups turn up even more differences. Men will typically domi-nate the discussion, says University of Toronto psychologist Kenneth Dion, spending more time talking and less time listening.

  56. The passage mainly discusses__________.
  [ A ] how sex differences are demonstrated in social relations
  [ B ] how hormone determines sex differences
  [ C ] why there are differences between males and females
  [ D ] why men and women have different social roles

  57. Which of the following is true of women's nurturing nature according to the passage?
  [ A ] It is not inborn in any sense.
  [ B ] It is inspired by women' s families.
  [ C ] It is caused by social prejudice.
  [ D ] It is partly biological in origin.

  58. The Harvard Law School example in paragraph 3 suggests that_________.
  [ A ] women are not as competitive as men
  [ B ] law is not the fight profession for women
  [ C ] women are as excellent as men when they are young
  [ D ] academic credentials are disproportionate to performance

  59. Which of the following statement is tree according to paragraph 4?
  [ A ] Men leaders should consult colleagues and subordinates more often.
  [ B ] Female leaders' success is due to their imitating male leaders.
  [ C ] Men and women are different in their leadership style.
  [ D ] Decisiveness is an important quality for a successful politician.

  60. It can be inferred from the passage that the writer_________.
  [ A ] denies the difference sexes make in real life
  [ B ] is prejudiced against men
  [ C ] discourages women to be competitive
  [ D ] treats sex difference objectively

  Part B


  Read the texts from an article in which five people talked about energy and making use of it. For questions 61 to 65, match the name of each speaker to one of the statements (A to G) given below. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET 1.


  Viewed from a scientist's standpoint, all of the energy contained in fuel either now or in the future becomes heat. Some of the heat is used directly or produces useful work. The rest is lost or rejected. That is to say, it is radiated into the atmosphere from the engines, motors, furnaces, power lines, television sets, boilers and all the other energy-consuming machinery that makes our wheels go around.


  It is necessary to improve the efficiency with. which we use energy in order to do more work. But improvement cannot come overnight, and there are limits beyond which not even science can help. According to the Center for Strategic and International studies, about three quarters of the energy we use to move things, including ourselves, accomplishes no useful work.


  In terms of efficiency, buses, trains, and other forms of public transportation may be using en-ergy more efficiently than private automobiles. Unless private automobiles can operate at near capacity, their overall efficiency is poor. For example, an urban bus carrying 36 passengers may achieve an efficiency of around 120 passenger-miles per gallon of gasoline. But buses are not al-ways fully loaded, and sometimes they carry no passengers at all.


  It is true that buses can sometimes run without passengers. City trains seem to be very effi-cient, but they suffer the same shortcomings as buses and cost more. Except for rush hours, com-muter trains seldom run at full capacity. This wastes even more energy and is more than the management can afford. As a result, commuter trains are truly practical only in places where there are a lot of people.


  For some people, mass transportation may serve their needs. For others, a combination of mass transportation and private transportation may be preferable. Better design and wise use of both mass transportation systems and private vehicles will play an important part in helping us make full-er use of energy for transportation.
  Now match each of the persons (61 to 65) to the appropriate statement.
  Note: there are two extra statements.


  61. Jackson [ A ] City trains and buses have different faults to overcome.
  62. Browning [ B ] The efficiency of the city train depends on the size of population.
  63. Jeffrey [ C ] Public transportation is usually more energy-efficient.
  64. Vandenberg [ D ] Private cars usually run at full capacity.
  65. Nathan [ E ] No fuel energy is fully used.
   [ F ] A combined means of transport can help increase energy efficiency.
   [ G ] Problems of energy loss can never be completely solved.

    SECTION IV Writing(40 minutes)


  You should write your responses to both Part A and Part B of this section on ANSWER SHEET 2.

  Part A

  66. You have read the job advertisement below in a newspaper and you want to apply for the job. Write a letter of application to the manager of the company, Mr. Meed, giving all the necessary personal information. You should write approximately 100 words.

  Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter. Use “Wang Lin” instead. You do not need to write the address.

  Part B

  67. Here is a picture of a traffic accident caused by a man crossing the street in a hurry.Write an essay of approximately 120 words describing the accident and giving your comment on it.




  第二部分 英语知识运用


  结婚二十多年后,一个丈夫也许仍然不能理解他的妻子. 她怎么能从来不会语塞呢?她是如何记得数年前度假时遇到的夫妻的名字的?现在我们知道该怎么告诉他了:那是因为她的大脑.

  尽管情绪和行为上的差异明显有文化上的原因,但最近有一项重大突破性的研究表明男女间令人迷惑的差异可能源于大脑. 男性和女性的大脑大部分都一样,但是他们大脑的大小、结构和观察力绝对不一样.大体上说,女人的大脑,就像她们的身体一样,比男人的大脑小10%-15%.因此她们大脑里用于语言的区域里脑细胞要比男人的密集.

  女孩子一般说话比较早,读书比较快. 原因可能在于女性在阅读的时候左右脑都用上了. 相反,男人在阅读的时候只用左脑.

  在任何年龄女人的记忆力都比男人好. 她们将名字与人物对应起来的能力比男人强,并且她们记清单的能力也比男人强. 人们所记的最清楚的事件是与情感联系在一起的. 因为女人用产生情绪的右脑比男人用的多,所以她们会自动记忆。尽管我们还不知道这些发现预示了什么,但有一点是清楚的:男人和女人的大脑做的是同样的事情,但是他们做的方式不一样.

  26.C 【精析】本题考查固定搭配. at a loss for words茫然而语塞. 故选C.

  27.A 【精析】本题考查动词的用法. recall 回忆;understand 理解;rca-lizc意识到;perceive认识,理解;从文章来看,这里显然是指女人能记得多年前遇到的人的名字. 故选A.

  28.D 【精析】本题考查对文意的理解. 从四个选项来看,只有holiday符合文意. on holiday在休假中(在度假). 故选D.

  29.A 【精析】本题考查引导词的用法. 从后面的it’s her brain可知,空格处应填的词引导的是名词性短语,选项中可以引导名词性短语或从句的是what. how引导方式状语从句;when引导时间状语从句;where引导地点状语或定语从句. 故选A.

  30.B 【精析】本题考查上下文语义的衔接. 从上下文及表原因的介词“for”可知,这里说的是“男女行为与情绪不同的原因”,故选B.

  31.C 【精析】本题考查词语的辨析. present现在的,出席的;instant 立即的;recent最近的;immediate立即的,即刻的. 这里是讲“最近的一项突破性研究”. 故选C.

  32. C 【精析】本题考查词语的辨析. bottom底部,底面;basis根本,基础;root根,起源;stem茎. 此处指的是“根源”,故选C.

  33.D 【精析】本题考查固定搭配. lie有“存在,在于”的意思,在表达“原因在于…”的时候经常用lie in. 故选D.

  34.A 【精析】本题考查固定搭配. have sth.in common有共同点,此处指的是男女的大脑大部分都一样.故选A.

  35.A 【精析】本题考查介词的用法. in多指“在某点上,就某一点来说”;at多指“在某一程度上”;with一般表示伴随的状态;for表原因. 这里显然指的是“就男女大脑的大小、结构和观察力来说绝对不同”,故选A.

  36.C 【精析】本题考查连词的用法。hence表示“因此,从此”,为副词不能引导句子,故排除;yet仍,至今;then当时,在那时,然后;thus有“因此,于是”的意思,表结果。从上文来看,这里是由上文得出的结论,故选C.

  37.D 【精析】本题考查动词短语的用法。wrap with用…包裹;rest和gather不与with搭配;pack with塞满,充满. 这里指的是该区域内脑细胞更加密集,故选D.

  38.C 【精析】本题考查表语从句的引导词. 名词reason作主语时,后面的表语从句表示原因时要用that引导,不宜用because或why. 故选C.

  39.B 【精析】本题考查固定词组. in contrast相反;in fact实际上;in addition此外;in consequence因而,由于…的缘故. 这里是把男女进行比较,且前后文所述情况相反. 故选B.

  40.A 【精析】本题考查上下文语义的衔接. 由下文的阐述可知女性的记忆力优于男性. top作动词讲表示“超越,比…高”的意思.

  41. D 【精析】本题考查动宾短语. mix with和…混合;combine with与…结合;join with参与;associate with联合,联系. 这里指的是女人比较善于将人的长相和名字联系起来. 故选D.

  42.B 【精析】本题考查对文章的理解. 这里是在对男女的记忆力进行比较,前文已经说过女人在记名字方面比男人强,这句话承接上文,我们可以推测说的还是女人的记忆力比男人强. 故选B.

  43.A 【精析】本题考查连接词的用法. since有“因为”的意思;while尽管,虽然;although尽管;unless除非. 从后面“they may do this automatically”可知,空格处连接词所引导的分句是后面结论的原因. 故选A.

  44.A 【精析】本题考查动词的意义. process产生;promote提升;perceive理解,认识;produce生产.这里指的是右脑产生情绪. 故选A.

  45.D 【精析】本题考查文意. while含有“对比,相反”之义,因此此处所填词含义应该与前面的“尚不清楚”相反. 故选D.

    第三部分 阅读理解

  Pan A


  “燃烧速率”是指一家刚起步的公司花钱的速度. 当我的新媒体公司刚创立的时候燃烧速率是每个月50,000美元. 因此,我开始四下寻找可能成为我的第一批投资者,得到的投资被称为“赞助资金”. 但是当我考虑在我认识的人中有谁能帮我时,我发现寥寥无几.

  在别无选择的情况下. 我开始接触风险投资公司. 但是有人警告我说这类投资公司会因为他们投入的资金而抽走公司的很大一部分股份. 而且如果你表示反对,他们会立刻把你扔在一边不予理睬.

  在我寻找“赞助资金”的同时我开始建立自己的团队. 团队里的每一个人都信任我,即使是我没钱给他们发薪水.

  比尔?贝克是麻省理工一个非常出名的媒体实验室的电脑程序和图像处理老师. 他的到来使公司内部一下子便有了一名技术骨干.

  凯瑟琳―汉德森是一个电影制片人,曾是一名地产商. 她也加入了我们的团队,成为公司的市场研发主管. 史蒂芬―怀特也加入进来成为执行官. 他之前一直为家庭财务软件开发商Quicken工作. 我们把他挖了过来.

  我们有很棒的员工,但是我们的钱不够. 一天晚上,我的邻居露易丝?强森来访. 她和我只有点头之交,但是她的儿子和我的儿子却是天天在一起的伙伴. 那时她的事业正如火如荼.

  露易丝很聪明,并且不会错过任何机会. 她一直在密切关注我的公司. 她知道我非常需要钱,而且还知道我很有希望,但是不能保证一定能成功.

  她告诉我说她的律师已经和我的律师谈过了,并且达成了共识. 她递给我一个信封,里面是一张50万美元的支票.


  “我对你的计划有信心,”她说.“你会做得很好. 你得为之努力奋斗,但是建立自己的公司是一件很令人满足的事情.”

  谁会想到我会在家门口找到赞助人? 此刻,说什么都显得不足. 我们只是道了晚安. 她离开之后我站在那里,充满了谦卑和诚恳.

  46.D 【精析】细节题. 本题答案在文章第一段第一句话.

  47.D 【精析】推理题.“angel money”出现在文章第一段第四句. 由其前面的一句话可知这笔钱是第一批投资商投入的资金,此时公司刚刚成立,从而可判断“angel money”是用来创业的. 故选D.

  48.A 【精析】推理题. 从文章第二段第二句话“…they took a huge share of your company for the money they put in.”可知,投资公司会拿走公司相当大的一部分股份,这种交易当然是不公平的. 故选A.

  49.C 【精析】推理题. 本题答案在第三段. 作者说团队里每一个人都很信任他,即使自己没有钱可以付给他们工资. 由此可见,团队成员都对作者及其创办的公司很有信心,不然不会不计后果地给他做事. 故选C.

  50.C 【精析】细节题. 文章倒数第五段说“She knew 1 was dying for money and I had prospects...

  可知,露易丝认为作者的公司很有希望. 故选C.

  Text 2

  几乎所有的“快速阅读”课程都有“计划进度”这一部分―一指设定时间以使学生知道自己每分钟看了多少字. 你自己也可以做到这点,只需要每隔5分钟或10分钟看一下手表,然后记下你读到的页码. 查一下你所读的书平均每页有多少字. 在你忙于看书的时候怎么知道5分钟已经过去了呢? 开始是很难. 你可以叫一个朋友在设定的时间提醒你,有些公共大钟每到整刻都会敲响,你可在能够听到钟声的范围内看书. 每三、四天给自己定一个“进度计划”,每次都看同种类的通俗易懂的书. 你很快会发现自己惯常的字/每分钟速率在不断上升.

  显然,如果你不明白自己在读什么的话,提高阅读速度也就没有意义. 当你有意识地试着提高阅读速度的时候,读完一章(如果你读的是小说),一节或者10到20页(如果你读的是课本)停下来问自己几个关于所读内容的问题. 如果你发现自己已经忘记了故事的主线或者不能清楚记得细节,那么把这一章或这一节再读一遍.

  你还可以时不时地尝试一下“闪电速度”练习. 在你正在看的符合大众趣味的书中选四或五页来看,能看多快就看多快. 不要在乎是否看得懂. 现在回过头去以你认为“正常”的速度来看那几页书,也就是以你能易于看懂的速度. 在一次“闪电速度”阅读之后(大概每分钟600字),你通常会发现你的“正常速度”提高了――可能每分钟要提高50-100字. 运动员们也是用这种方法,他们通常在训练的时候跑的比参加大赛时跑的距离要远一些.

  51.A 【精析】释义题. 本题答案可由文章第一句话得出. 破折号后面的句子解释了pacing device是用来测试学生阅读速度的. 故选A.

  52.C 【精析】细节题. 由文章第一段第四句“How do you know when 5 minutes has passed on your watch if you ale busying reading the book? Well,this is difficult at first.”可知,刚开始的时候每5分钟或者lO分钟看一下表似乎不太现实. 故选C.

  53.A 【精析】细节题. 由文章第二段第二句“...stop after every chap-ter(if you ale reading a novel)”可知,如果读的是小说的话应该在读完每一章后停一下. 故选A.

  54.A 【精析】推理题. 解答本题关键在于理解文章第三段. 本段首先介绍了如何进行闪电阅读练习――首先速读,而后指出了其效果――正常阅读速度得到提高. 并提到运动员也常用类似方法来提高成绩.可见“lightning speed”是通过首先快速浏览文章来提高阅读速度.

  55.B 【精析】主旨题.本文的主旨是“提高阅读速度”,文章谈论了“快速阅读”中时间设定及内容理解方面的问题,并推荐了一种练习方法――“闪电速度”,主要是围绕快速阅读而谈.与此有关的选项是B.

    Text 3



  这种差异对现实世界有什么意义呢? 在很多其他事情中,女性显得稍微比男性缺少竞争力――或者至少她们是以一种不同的方式在竞争. 例如,在哈佛法学院,女生以和男生同样优异的成绩入校.但是她们有相当一部分人在权威性的《法律评论》这门课程上都不舍格,一些学校领导把这个事实归于女生不适应非常激烈的竞争环境.

  研究管理模式的学生发现管理层的男性和女性之间差异比预想的要小,或许是因为很多成功的女性都刻意模仿男性做事的方式. 但是Purdue的社会心理学家艾丽丝?伊格利在研究了166名管理人员的工作方式后分析发现了一个一致的区别:男性比较专断独行――独自做决定――而女性则更多地倾向于与同事和下级商量. 对一小组人的行为进行研究发现的差异更多. 多伦多大学的心理学家肯尼斯?迪昂说男性典型地主导讨论,他们发言的时间很多,听别人发言的时间相对较少.

  56.A 【精析】主旨题.本文在前两段论述了男女性别的差异,在第三段第一句提出问题“这种差异在现实中有什么意义”,紧接着后面开始阐述这种差别所导致的男女在竞争及工作中的不同表现. 故选A.

  57.D 【精析】细节题. 由第二段第三句“But the signs that it is at least partly inborn are too numerous to ignore.”可知,女性的这个特征有先天方面的原因. 故选D.

  58.A 【精析】主旨题.该段的主旨句是第二句“…women appear to be somewhat less competitive…”, 该句提出了“女性在竞争力方面不如男性”的观点,后文所举例证即是为了证明这一观点.故选A.

  59.C 【精析】判断题. 由文章第四段最后一句“Men tend to more…mote often.”可知,男性比较专断而女性则喜欢和同事商量再做决定. 从而看出男女在管理方式上的差异. 故选C.

  60.D 【精析】推理题.作者在说男女之间差异时并无偏袒任何一方,而是通过研究结果来分析说明男女的差异,因此是客观的表达,故选D.

  Part B

  下面五个人在谈论能源及其利用. 注意每个人观点有何不同.

  杰克逊:以科学家的立场来看,不管是现在还是将来,燃料里所含的全部能量都会转变为热量. 有些热量会被直接使用或用于有用的生产. 其余的不是丢失了就是被遗弃了,也就是说,这些热量从引擎、汽车、熔炉、电线、电视机、锅炉、以及所有其他消耗能量的机器上散发到大气中,正是这些机器使我们生活的齿轮得以运转.

  布洛林:为了做更多的工作而提高能源使用的效率是很必要的. 但是这种提高不是一夜之间能实现的,而且其中有些限制就连科学也无能为力. 根据国际研究与战略中心发布的报告,我们用来使用东西,包括我们自己,运转的能量中有四分之三做的是无用功.

  杰弗里:说到效率,公交车、火车和其他公共交通设施对能源的利用可能比私家车更高效. 除非私家车的容量能被最大限度的使用,否则它们的总效率很低. 比如说,一辆载有36名乘客的市区公交车,它的效率能达到120乘客.英里/加仑汽油.但是公交车不总是满载,有时车上一名乘客也没有.

  文登博格:公车上有时确实一个人也没有. 城铁看上去效率很高,但是它们也有和公车相同的缺点,而且成本更高. 除了交通高峰期,载上下班乘客的列车很少满载运行.这浪费了更多的能源,而且造成出资方负担不起的结果. 载上下班乘客的列车只有在人很多的地方才真正实用.

  南森:对有些人来说,公共交通设施满足了他们的需求,而其他人比较倾向于把公共交通设施和私人交通工具结合起来. 更好的设计和更明智的使用两者对我们在交通设施上充分利用能源来说至关重要.

  61.E 【精析】推理题.在第一段第一句话作者说燃料里的能源转化为热量. 第二、三句紧接着说一部分能量被使用,其余的丢失或遗弃了,由此可推出燃料里的能量没有被完全利用. 故选E.

  62.G 【精析】推理题. 第二段第二句话说提高能源不是一夜之间能实现的,而且其中有些限制就连科学也无能为力,说明能源浪费是不可避免的,故选G.

  63.C 【精析】主旨题.第三段的主旨句是第一句话,意思是“公共交通设施对能源的利用比私家车更高效”,与此一致的是C.

  64.B 【精析】细节题. 由第四段短文最后一句“…commuter trains are truly practical only in places where there are a lot of people.”可知城铁是否实用取决于人口的多少. 故选B.

  65.F 【精析】主旨题. Nathan明确提出更好的设计和更明智的使用两者至关重要,主张把公共交通设施和私人交通工具结合起来. 故选F.
 第四部分 写作

  Part A

  66. 【高分范围】

  Dear Mr. Meed
  I read the job advertisement of your company in a newspaper. And I think the job suits me very much. Now I' d like to introduce myself to you.

  My name is Wang Lin. I' m 24. I was awarded B.A. degree as an English major student in Beijing Foreign Studies University in 2002Dur-ing my college time, my marks range among top 5 of my peers in my school. After graduating from college, I worked as an interpreter in a trade company for three years. My boss gave me very high remarks about my work. And my easy-going personality made me build a broad network with my colleagues and customers. I think three years is enough to do the same work, and I want to try something new. So I write to apply for the position offered by your company. Hope I can hear from you soon. Thanks for paying attention. Wish everything goes 6n well.

  Yours sincerely,
  Wang Lin


  求职信是一种比较正式的文体. 在申请中要写清楚自己的概况,并阐述自己有哪些条件符合该职位的要求. 在表述中要让对方感觉你已经很认真的看过他们公司的职位描述和要求. 如果职位要求里没有对工作经验作出要求,我们在写申请的时候也要申明自己有相关的工作经验,因为用人单位都很注重应聘者的工作经验. 求职申请开头的称呼和最后的署名一定要写.


  1. I read the job advertisement of your company in a newspaper And I think the job suits me very much. 求职信的第一句可以套用这句话.
  2. I was awarded B.A. degree. 我被授予文学学士学位.
  3. My boss gave me very high remarks about my work. 我的老板对我的工作评价很高.
  4. So I write to apply for the position offered by your company. 所以我写信来申请你们公司的空缺职位.
  5. Thanks for paying attention. 结尾表述这句话是很必要的,这样会显得你很有礼貌.

  Part B


  Life Is Precious
  From the c picture below, we can a man Js crossing the street in a hurry. And he is not walking on the pavement, instead, he is running in front of cars which are moving on the street. And to avoid hitting him, the car makes a sudden stop. The following car hits that car on its back. Thus an accident is caused.

  The man who is crossing the street doesn' t take life seriously, both his and others. Running across a street is very dangerous because the run-ning person can be easily hurt by cars. And if the car which is about to hit the person makes a sudden break, there may be a car accident, just the picture, thus the people in the cars might be hurt.

  Life is precious, and also vulnerable. We should not put ourselves in danger by any improper behavior.


  这篇看图作文是一篇警示性的图画文章. 第一步是向读者描述这张图片说的是什么事情. 第二步是自己的评论. 警示性的文章在评论中要向读者阐明图片中所示的危险性. 最后在文章结尾可以加入号召性的话语.


  1.in a hurry 急急忙忙地
  2.m man who is crossing the street doesn’t take life seriously.这个人对待生命的态度很不严肃.
  3.be about to 将要
  4.Life is precious,and also vulnerable.生命是珍贵的,也很脆弱.
  5.We should not put ourselves in danger by any improper behavior.我们不应因任何不适当的行为而把自己置于危险中.




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