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                      Passive Smoking Is Workplace Killer

      Pressure mounted on Britain on Monday to take action on_______(51)smoking with new research showing second—hand smoke_______ (52)about one worker each week in the hospitality industry(服务行业).

     Professor Knorad Jamrozik,of Imperial(帝国的)College in London,told a conference on environmental tobacco that second—hand_______ (53)kills  49 employees in pubs,bars,restaurants and hotels each year and contributes to 700 deaths from lung cancer,heart_______ (54)and stroke across the total national work force.

   “Exposure in the hospitality_______ (55)at work outweighs(超过)the consequences of exposure of living_______ (56)a smoker for those staff,” jamrozik said in an interview.

     other_______ (57)have measured the levels of exposure to passive smoking but Jamrozik calculated how it would translate into avoidable deaths.
His findings are_______ (58)on the number of people working in the hospitality industry in Britain,their exposure to second hand smoke and their_______ (59)of dying from it.

    Jamrozik said the findings would apply to_______ (60)countries in Europe because,to a greater or_______ (61)extent,levels of smoking in the community are similar.  
    Professor Carol Black,president of the Royal College of Physicians,which sponsored the meeting.said the research is proof of the need for a ban on smoking In_______ (62)places.

    “Environmental tobacco smoke in pubs,bars,restaurants and other public places is _______ (63)damaging to the health of employees as well as the general public,”she said in a statement。

    “ Making these places smoke—free not only protects vulnerable(易受伤害的)staff and the public,it will_______(64)help over 300,000 people in Britain to stop smoking completely,”she added,

    Ireland recently became the first country to introduce a national ban on smoking in public_______ (65).New York and parts of Australia have taken similar measures.

  51. A natural       B passive        C extensive       D whole
  52. A hurts         B kills          C wounds        D injures
  53. A dealing       B working       C shopping       D smoking
  54. A rate          B motion        C disease        D system
  55. A industry      B level          C location       D nature
  56. A with         B close          C for           D next
  57. A patients      B researchers     C members      D smokers
  58. A based        B applied        C called         D hoped
  59. A habits        B places         C chances       D ideas
  60. A most         B no            C few          D much
  61. A small         B larger         C more         D lesser
  62. A private        B secret         C public        D open
  63. A strangely      B seriously      C nervously     D personally
  64. A yet           B still          C just          D also
  65. A places        B sports         C moves        D actions

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