短信预约 职称英语考试动态提醒 立即预约





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    Biological Identification Technologies When a person walks,the movement of his head,trunk,and limbs(肢体)are a reflected in changes in his body.A computer stores these database(数据库).Later,the computer can accurately to these changes.This is a new biological identification quickly identify an examinee without disturbing him

    Eve body’S voice is_______(51)into a_______(52)him according________(53)and it can_________(54).When a person’S voice is recorded by an instrument,his voice frequency spectrum(频谱)is called sound print fingerprint,eye.body’S sound print is different.How can a computer his sound? First,his voice is recorded_________(55)a fingerprint, everybody’s sound print is different. How can a computer________(56)his sound? First, his voice is recorded,________(57)allows the computer to become familiar with his voice.It will then turn his sound characteristics into a series of digits(数字).These are the _________(58)on which the computer can distinguish his voice from another's.

    We often bring ID cards,work cards,or driving licenses with US to _________(59)our identity.If all these cards are forgotten or lost,how can we prove whom we are? in________(60),it's not difficult to prove whom you are________(61)your body itself has identifying markers.Some are physiological(生理的)features,such as fingerprints,一sounds,facial(面部的)types and eye color.The computer can________(62)to identify you.Suppose your features have already been________(63)in the database.To identify you.we have to take your picture with a camera and send it to a computer for________(64).First,the computer needs to reposition this picture according to the position of your eyes,and then starts to read the ________(65)of your physiological features such as the ratio of your pupil to the whites of your eyes and the shape of your nose.Next,it seeks matching records from the database.Finally, it makes a decision.

51. A parts       B changes      C positions          D directions
52. A identify     B inform       C affect            D bother
53. A number     B card         C level             D method
54. A soft        B loud         C unique            D clear
55. A With       B Like         C For               D As
56. A distinguish  B make         C gather            D develop
57. A who        B where        C that              D which
58. A reasons     B causes        C basis             D origin
59. A prove       B create        C hide              D protect
60. A all         B fact           C summary         D case
61. A unless      B though         C so              D  because
62. A stop        B help           C mean            D continue
63. A stored      B borrowed        C searched         D linked
64. A printing     B researching      C processing       D filing
65. A point       B picture          C size             D message

环球网校率先推出09年职称英语基础班,精讲班课程            试听








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