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求职必看 准备一次完美面试的4点陈述小技巧

|0·2010-01-28 22:48:37浏览0 收藏0

  A Good Impression Is in the Details


  4 Presentation Hints for a Good Job Interview


  As the presidential candidates answer endless variations of the same questions in pursuit of the ultimate government job, we can't help but be reminded of our own often-torturousexperiences on job interviews.


  If, like the candidates, we could review our performances on tape, what might we see?


  Watch and Listen to Yourself


  "Verbal fillers are the No. 1 problem," says Randy Bitting, cofounder of InterviewStream, a Web-based service that gives job seekers the chance to tape and watch themselves in mock interviews.

  InterviewStream网站专门为求职者提供机会让他们有机会录下自己在模拟面试中的表现,从而仔细观察,网站创始人之一Randy Bitting说:"口头的记录是最大的问题。"

  "People are so used to texting and emailing in short phrases that they can get stuck putting together a few complete sentences," he observes. "It's better to opt for silence while you gather your thoughts, especially if you're nervous."


  Of course, nervousness can also generate over-talking. "We have a bar running along the bottom of the screen as you're being recorded to mark the passage of time," Bitting says. "We strongly suggest that respondents limit their answers to two minutes, at most."

  当然了,紧张也可能引起你说话说个不停,Bitting 说"我们在屏幕的底部安装了条码计时器,可以记录你用的时间。我们强烈推荐求职者的回答最多不超过两分钟。"

  Watching yourself on tape is also a good way to monitor things like dress -- too much cleavage, too-short cuffs -- and gestures, Bitting adds. "People don't realize how many times they scratch their heads or fliptheir ties."


  Maintain a Conversation


  Mastering the art of presentation goes hand in hand with carefully packaging the content of what you want to get across. "The key idea is to remember that an interview is a two-way conversation designed to determine if there's a mutual fit," says Rob Sullivan, a Chicago-based career coach and author of "Getting Your Foot In The Door When You Haven't A Leg To Stand On."

  掌握陈述的艺术与精心地润色你想要表达的内容是同样重要的。Rob Sullivan ,是芝加哥一名职业教练,也是"Getting Your Foot In The Door When You Haven't A Leg To Stand On." 一书的作者,他说:"主要的宗旨是要记住,面试是一次双向会话,是为了找到同时符合双方利益的共通点而定制的谈话。"

  A good formula, Sullivan continues, has you doing most of the talking for the first two-thirds of that conversation, and then ceding the floor to the interviewer. "That's your chance to ask lots of questions, which people tend to forget to do," he says.


  Assemble a list of talking points and make sure you get through them, adds Sullivan. "If you realize that this person's asked you one standard question after the next -- What's your greatest weakness? Where do you see yourself in the next five years? -- look at your watch and say, 'I notice we're running out of time. There are a few things that I'd like to share with you. Is that OK?' Make their job easier for them."




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