包装占货物总成本的百分比是多少? How much does packing take up of the total cost of the goods?
包装必须很坚固,能承受野蛮装卸。 The packing must be strong enough to withstand rough handing.
坚固的包装可以防止货物在运输途中受到任何损失。 Strong packing will protect the goods from any possible damage during transit.
纸箱适合海运。 Cartons are seaworthy.
人们购买这种商品通常用来赠亲友,所以精美高雅的设计至关重要。 This kind of article is often bought as a gift, so exquisite and tasteful design is of prime importance.
我们很想听听你们在包装方面有什么意见。 Wed like to hear what you say concerning the matter of packing.
有关包装运输唛头的条款你们有什么异议吗? Do you have nay objection to the stipulations about the packing and shipping marks?
我们将按你方的要求进行包装。 Well pack the goods according to your instruction.
货物将用细刨花包装,以防损坏。 The goods will be packed in wood wool to prevent damage.
应采取措施加固纸箱。 Measures should be taken to reinforce the cartons.
我们非常欢迎大家对包装方面提出建议。 Suggestions on packing are greatly appreciated.
许多国外客户已经认可了我们标准化的包装。 Our standardized packing has been approved by many foreign clients.
必须马上改进包装。 Its urgent to improve the packing.
包装费用未算在报价中。 Packing charges are excluded in the quoted prices.
为使损失减少到最低限度,我们对货物的包装足以承受长途海运。 To minimize any possible damage, weve packed our goods in the way to suit for long sea-voyage.
请报价并说明包装情况。 Please make an offer indicating the packing.
请保证货物不受潮。 Please make sure that the goods be protected from moisture.
我们希望你们的设计和颜色对美国人具有巨大吸引力。 We hope your design and the color will be strongly attractive to the American people.
这种箱子不适合装茶具海运。 This kind of box is not suitable for the transport of the tea sets by sea.
我们想知道你们如何包装这些真丝衬衫。 We would like to know how you will pack the silk shirts.
虽然这些纸箱轻便、易拿,但我们认为它们在运输中不太结实。 Although the cartons are light and easy to handle, we think it is not strong enough to be shipped.
除非你们收到我方代理的特别指示,否则请用正常出口集装箱。 Please use normal export containers unless you receive special instructions from our agents.
所有包内都有一层防水内衬。 All bags contain an inner waterproof lining.
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