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第七篇 Exercise

(冲刺班 第14讲)

  Weather or not exercise adds ___l___ the length of life. it is common experience that a certain ___2___ of regular exercise improves the health and contributes a feeling of well-being. Furthermore, exercise___3______ involves play and recreation. and relieves nervous tension and mental fatigue in so doing. is not only pleasant but beneficial.

  How much and what kind of exercise one should ___4____ merits careful consideration. The growing child and the normal young man and young woman thrill with the exhilaration of strenuous sports. 1They fatigue to the____5___of exhaustion but recover promptly with a period of rest. But not so with ___6____of middle age and beyond. For them moderation is ____7____ vital importance. Just how much exercise a person of a given age can safely take is a question ____8______ to answer. Individual variability is ____9____ great to permit of generalization. A game of tennis may be perfectly safe for one person of forty but folly for another. The safe limit for exercise ____10____on the condition of the heart, the condition of the muscles, the type of exercise, and the regularity with which it is taken. Two general suggestions, however, will ___11____ as sound advice for anyone. The first is that the condition of the heart and general health should be____12_____periodically by careful. thorough physical examinations. The ___13__is that exercise should be

  kept below the point of physical exhaustion.

  What type of exercise one should___14_____depends upon one's physical condition .Young people can safely enjoy vigorous competitive sports, but most older persons do better to limit themselves to 1ess strenuous activinties.2 Walking, swimming, skating are among the sports that one can enjoy and safely participate___15____throughout life. Regularity is important if one is to gel the most enjoyment and benefit out Of exercise 3.


  well-being n康乐 generalization [ˌdʒenərəlɪˈzeɪʃən] n一般化,普遍化

  recreation n娱乐,消遣

  fatigue n疲劳 folly n愚蠢,蠢事

  thrill n激动 regularity n规律性

  exhilaration n高兴;振奋

  periodically adv定期地

  strenuous adj.紧张的;费力的

  vigorous adj.精力充沛的,有力的

  exhaustion n筋疲力尽 competitive adj竞争的,比赛的

  promptly adv迅速地 .

  moderation n适度,适中 skate vi滑冰

  variability n变异性,可变性

  enjoyment n享受,欢乐,愉快


  1 The growing child and the normal young man and young woman thrill with the exhilaration of strenuous sports发育中的儿童和一般的青年男女都会因紧张剧烈的运动而激动不已

  2 but most older persons do better to limit themselves to less strenuous activities…… 但大多数老年人最好还是把自己的活动限制在不太剧烈的程度之内。Do better to do sth. 最好做……事情 limit sb./sth. to sth:把……限制在……(范围内)。

  3 Regularity is important if one is to get the most enjoyment and benefit out of exercise;如果任何人想从体育锻炼中获得最大的乐趣和益处,那么有规律是很重要的事情。Be to do sth. 打算做……(事情)。这里的be是助动词,与不定式一起构成谓语,表示预定、命令、责任、义务、意图、可能性等,意思是:“准备、应该、必须、打算”。例如:

  We are to meet at 5.我们计划五点见面。 j

  At what time am I to come?我应该在什么时候来?

  You are not to do that不许你那么做。


  l A for B to C at D of

  2 A heaviness B highness C amount D number

  3 A which B where C when D why

  4 A carry B make C bring D take

  5 A point B place C left D reverse

  6 A these B this C those D that .

  7 A against B below C on D of

  8 A easy B hard C impossible D unnecessary ,

  9 A very B too C constantly D considerably

  10 A depends B bases C acts D carries

  11 A refer B regard C serve D treat

  12 A delayed B defended C designed D determined

  13 A other B another C one D same

  14 A endure B choose C rebuild D produce

  15 A with B from C In D on


  1 B在四个选项中,add只可以与幻搭配,意为“增加”,正符合上下文的意思。

  2 C存四个选项中,A和B显然不符合逻辑,可供考虑的只有C和D。需要考虑的是,exercise这个词,如果作为“体育锻炼”讲是不可数名词,只有作为“一项运动”讲时才是可数名词,根据上下文意思,exercise也不是用来强调体育项且的(没有用复数),而amount正好与不可数名词连用,number则须与可数名词连用,故应选C。

  3 A从语法上分析,主句主语exercise的谓语应该是is not only pleasant but beneficial中间显然应该是一个定语从句,定语从句所缺少的是主语,故应选A。

  4 D从语法上分析,one should十动词应该是前面那个主语的定语从句,只是定语从句的宾 语which/that被省略了,而四个选项中只有take可与exercise搭配,故应选D。

  5 A同答这一道题,首先要知道point这个词,既可表达时间(“时刻”)或空间(“地点”)也可表达“程度”的意思,to the point of正是“达到……的地步/程度”的意思,符合上下文要求。

  6 C本空格后面的of middle age and beyond提示了本空格要填的词应该是指“人”的词,而且不止-个人,从上下文看,these显然不合适,因为上文并没有特指哪些人,故只有C合适。

  7 D本句中is后面应该是表语部分,四个选项中只有of合适,of importance= important,of vital importance = very, very important.

  8 B从语法上分析,这个空必须填上一个形容词作question的定语,从上下文分析,只能是hard合适,因为这里的hard= difficult.

  9 B前句已经说到,“不同年龄的人从事多少运动是一个难以回答的问题”,显然本句就应

  是“个人的差异太大,无法一概而论”,因此选择too是最恰当的。我们都知道,too to的结构具有否定的意义,too great to permit of generalization正是这个意思。

  10 A虽然四个选项都可以与on搭配,但act on是“按照……行动”的意思,carry on是“进行”的意思,不符合上下文要求,只有depend on(“取决于……”)和base on(“根据…”)可以考虑,但base是及物动词,应该“base sth. on ”,故只能选择A。

  11 C虽然四个选项都可以与as连用,但用法和意义各有不同,refer to sb./sth. as把……说成……;regard sb./sth.她把……当成……;treat sb. /sth. as把……当成……;均不符合上下文的要求,只有serve as(“充当……,作为……”)才在语法上和意义上恰当。

  12 D前面A、B、C三个选项的词义分别为“推迟”“保护”“设计”,与上下文意义风马牛不相及,只有D项“测定、确定”才是恰当选项。

  13. A前面说到有两个一般性的建议,并且已提到“第一个”,那么“另~个”只能考虑A、B两个选项了。二者都有“另一个”的意思,只是用法不同,another不用冠词,而the other则需要定冠词the,故选A。

  14. B四个选项中A、C、D三个选项的意思与上下文相去甚远,只有B项合适。one should


  15. C四个选项中只有m可与participate连用,意为“参加”,in的宾语是引导定语从句的关系代词that。


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