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摘要   三级  PUBLIC ENGLISH TEST SYSTEM(PETS)  LEVEL 3  2 0 1 3年3月笔试真卷  笔试部分答题时间:1 20分钟  姓名―― 准考证号一  SECTION I Listening Comprehension  (25 minute




  2 0 1 3年3月笔试真卷

  笔试部分答题时间:1 20分钟

  姓名―― 准考证号一

  SECTION I Listening Comprehension

  (25 minutes)


  This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English.You will hear a se

  lection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them.There are

  two parts in this section~Part A and Part B.

  Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test

  booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer all your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET l.

  If you have any questions, you may, raise your hand now as you will not be allowed to speak

  once the test has started.

  Now look at PartAin your test booklet.

  Part A


  You will hear 10 short dialogues~For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible

  answers.Choose the correct answer--A, B,C or D, and mark it in your test booklet.You will

  have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue only once. .

  1.What does the man want to do?

  [A] Learn how to dance [B]Dance with the woman.

  [C] Invite the woman to a party. [D]Ask for the woman's advice

  2.What do we learn about the man?

  [A] He is health-conscious. [B]He is sensitive to taste. ,

  [C] He often catches colds. [D]He likes eating onions.

  3.Where is the woman talking with the man?

  [A]At her workplace. [B]At her home.

  [C] In a hospital. [D]In a hotel.

  4.What do we learn about David's sister? ’

  [A] She is living in Paris now. [B].She is moving to Paris soon.

  [C] She will leave her husband. [D]She will work in Paris soon,

  5.What does the woman say to the man?

  [A]She must change her driving habits. [B]She must learn the new traffic rules.

  [ C ] She must renew her driver's license. [D] She must improve her driving skills.

  6. What is the man mainly talking about?

  [ A ] A long-lost friend. [ B ] Preparations for a trip.

  [ C ] An extraordinary experience. [D] Wild animals in South Africa.

  7. What is the woman' s purpose in speaking to the man?

  [ A ] To tell him about a bank robbery. [ B ] To recommend a good Book to him.

  [ C ] To give him some advice on safety. [D] To ask him to help her with banking.

  8. What is the most important quality a parent should have according to the man?

  [ A ] To be patient. [ B ] To be consistent.

  [ C ] To be supportive. [D] To be considerate.

  9. Why is the woman happy?

  [ A ] Her present rent is much lower. [ B ] Her room is bigger than before.

  [ C ] She has got rid of her dull work. [D] She has left her former roommate.

  10. What are the speakers going to do?

  [ A ] Change to another flight. [ B ] Take a rest while waiting.

  [ C ] Take their seats on the flight. [D ] Complain about the flight delay.

  Part B


  You will hear four dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5

  seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question

  by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each

  question. You will hear the recording only once.

  Questions 11--13 are based on the following conversation between a man and a woman who

  have just arrived at the cinema.

  11. Why did the speakers go to the cinema early?

  [ A ] To get ideal seats. [ B ] To buy some drinks.

  [ C ] To avoid traffic jams. [D] To meet some friends.

  12. Where was the man when he offered to get something to drink?

  [ A ] At the cinema Box office. [ B ] Between the rows of seats.

  [ C ] In the line to get into the cinema. [D] In the lobby when they had a rest.

  13. What can we learn about the ticket?

  [ A ] It was for a seat in the front row. [ B ] It could be used by two holders.

  [ C ] It could be used repeatedly. [D] It showed no seat number.

  Questions 14--17 are based on the following conversation between a reporter and a pop singer.

  14. Why did the company put the two singers together as a group?

  [ A ] They are B。th talented singers. [ B ] They are B。th popular among fans.

  [ C ] Their voices make a good match. [ D] Their appearances make a good match.

  15. What are the two singers best at?

  [ A ] Soft rock.. [ B ] Slow music, [ C ] Love songs. [D] Country music.

  16. Why does the company like the song "Studying"?

  [ A ] It displays a different singing style.

  [ B ] It has some distinguishing features.

  [ C ] It adapts to audiences" different tastes.

  [D] It brings out the best of the singers'voice.

  17. What is the main idea of the song "Believe" according to the man?

  [ A ] Make music part of your life. [ B ] Share your happiness with others.

  [ C ] Trust yourself before others trust you. [D] Learn to interpret the power of music.

  Questions 18--21 are based on the following discussion about job applicants at an employment agency.

  18. What kind of position is to be offered?

  [ A ] A teacher. [ B ] A director. [ C ] An operator. [D] A programmer.

  19. What do the two speakers say about Anderson?

  [ A ] He is dependable. [ B ] He is well-trained.

  [C] He is experienced. [ D] He is hard-working.

  20. Why does the man think Logan is the best candidate?

  [ A ] She is devoted. [ B ] She is intelligent.

  [ C ] She is considerate. [D] She is enthusiastic.

  21. How many applicants do the speakers mention?

  [A] 2. [B] 3. [C] 4. [D] 5.

  Questions 22--25 are based on part of an interview on setting and reaching goals.

  22. What does the woman say about everybody' s life?

  [A ] It' s like a road. [ B ] It' s like a struggle.

  [ C ] There' s much business. [D] There' s much happiness.

  23. Why do most people fail to reach goals according to the woman?

  [ A ] They give in to a lot of interruptions. [ B ] They tend to set too ambitious goals.

  [ C ] They change their goals very often. [D] They have too many goals at once.

  24. What does the woman think of the goals that some people claim to have?

  [A] Serious. [B] Sensible. [C] Interesting. [D] Impractical.

  25. What does the woman suggest those with goals do?

  [ A ] Make important decisions about life first.

  [ B ] Remind oneself of the goals frequently.

  C ] Think of the goal in its best interests.

  [D] Take necessary actions in one' s life.

  You now have 3 minutes to transfer all your answers from your test Booklet to ANSWER

  SHEET l.

  That is the end of Listening Comprehension.

  SECTION lI Use of English

  ( 15 minutes)


  Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B,

  C, or D on ANSWER SHEET l.

  I don't know what it is about English pubs that I find so disappointing. 26 , pubs are

  supposed to be the Englishman' s 27 meeting place, where he can get together with a few friends 28 a glass of beer and talk about football or horse racing, or business or whatever else

  29 his thoughts. You notice that the pub is the Englishman' s meeting place, not the English-

  woman' s. Even in our liberated times it is still not quite 30 for a woman to go into a pub

  alone; she must have a man to 31 and protect her. Perhaps that' s partly 32 pubs

  disappoint me--they are 33 mainly to provide for male interests, which are often pretty 34 . I think this male-dominated atmosphere 35 reminds me of being back at school, or in

  the army, neither of which is an 36 I much want to relive.

  However, I' m 37 in the minority. Most Englishmen have their local, where they can escape from the 38 0f family life or work, and if they are 39 , tell their troubles to a pretty

  barmaid. 40 , many men dream of retiring from their nine-to-five jobs and 41 a little country pub, where they imagine they'11 be the 42 0f a seven-nights-a-week party. This 43 usually dies when they think of having to clean up spilled beer at one o' clock in the morning.

  Still, there' s a pub for every type of man, and a man for every type of pub. And I must 44 that, for someone who doesn't like them, I've 46 a lot of time in pubs of various kinds.

  26. [ A ] After all [ B ] In addition [ C ] As a result [D] For example

  27. [ A] favorite [ B ] proper [C] formal [ D] exclusive

  28. [ A ] by [ B ] over [ C ] upon [D] to

  29. [A] forms [ B ] influences [ C ] occupies [D] troubles

  30. [ A] lawful [B ] meaningful [ C] impressive [ D] respectable

  31. [ A ] accompany [ B ] comfort [ C ] encourage [D] support

  32. [ A ] how [ B ] when [ C ] where [ D] why

  33. [ A ] forced [ B ] enabled [ C] intended [D] claimed

  34. [ A ] narrow [ B ] noble [ C ] practical , [D] personal

  35. [ A ] also [ B ] hence [ C ] yet [ D t only

  36. [ A ] existence [ B ] experience [ C ] interest [D] incident

  37. [ A ] naturally [ B ] normally [ C ] obviously [D] oddly

  38. [ A ] needs [B] objectives [ C ] pressures [D] requirements

  39. [ A ] careful [ B ] honest [ C ] doubtful [D] lucky

  40. [ A ] Still [ B ] Indeed [ C ] Thus [D] Nevertheless

  41. [ A ] decorating [ B ] buying [ C ] designing [D] visiting

  42. [ A ] host [ B ] member [ C ] servant [D] sponsor

  43. [ A] hobby [ B ] project [C] habit [ D] dream

  44. [ A ] recognize [ B ] remember [ C ] believe [D] admit

  45. [ A ] found [ B ] recovered [ C ] spent [D] saved

  SECTION i!I Reading Comprehension

  (40 minutes)

  Part A


  Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark

  your answers on ANSWER SHEET l.

  Text 1

  Researchers at UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, California found that a 12-minute bed-

  side visit with a dog can help ease anxiety levels by 24 percent in heart failure patients, compared

  to a 10 percent drop when patients had a visit from a human volunteer, and no drop in patients whohad no visit.

  Results of the 76-patient study were presented last week at the American Heart Association' s annual Scientific Sessions in Dallas, Texas. The study was funded by the Pet Care Trust Founda-

  tion, a non-profit organization which promotes human-animal interaction and B。nding. In the study, effects of dog and volunteer visits were compared with those of volunteers only, and with

  patients who had no visits and remained at rest. Heart pressures were monitored and patients were

  asked to answer a list of anxiety assessment questions before and after the visits. Although critical

  pressure measures also decreased, suggesting improved cardiac function, the most marked response was seen in anxiety levels.

  "The first thing you notice is that the patient' s facial expression changes to a smile and the

  stress of the world seems to be lifted off their shoulders,'' study author Kathy Cole said. Feelings

  of depression and helplessness are common among heart patients, Cole said, and just three nights

  in a hospital is enough to make some patients feel anxious and unsettled. During the visit, the furry friend is allowed tO lie on the bed next to the patient With its head within two feet of he patient' s. Most patients petted the dog, while others engaged human volunteers in conversation about the dog.

  Dogs used in the study are specially trained animal-assisted therapy dogs that undergo a series of trainings, evaluations and certifications to qualify as therapy dogs. Dog breeds varied. Researchers used everything from Bemese mountain dogs to small schnauzers. However, a dog doesn' t have to be specially trained to have a calming effect on its human counterparts. In fact, the animal doesn' t even have to be a dog in order to help. "As long as~the animal has meaning to the patient, or a relationship with the patient, it can help calm the patient, "Cole said.

  46. We learn from the text that heart patients benefit most from visits

  [ A ] by a volunteer with a dog [ B ] by a volunteer on his own

  [ C ] by a well-trained dog alone [D] by a non-profit organization

  47. The study shows that, for heart patients, . .

  [ A ] their anxiety is reduced if they stay longer in hospital

  [ B ] their contact with animals improves their condition

  [C ] their heart pressure decreases if they remain at rest

  [D] their recovery relies on contact with animals

  48. According to Cole, the change of patients'facial expression indicates that

  [ A ] they are happy with the experiment

  B] they are psychologically comforted

  [C ] their hospitalization may be shortened

  [D] their heart function is returning to normal

  49. Cole believes that dogs are helpful to the patients if

  [ A] they are limited to certain breeds [ B ] they are specially trained ones

  [ C ] they have meaning to them [D] they stay with them all day

  50. This report focuses on

  [A ] the healing power of animals

  [ B ] the treatment of heart disease

  [ C ] the relationship between dogs and humans

  [D] the promotion of human-animal interaction

  Text 2

  In many respects, Katsura Okiyama is a typical Japanese woman in her 20s. She enjoys

  spending time with her friends and loves Disney. But, less typically, she is a writer. And, quite

  exceptionally, her medium is a cell phone.

  In Japan, not only are people reading novels on their cell phones; they' re also writing novels with themmuploading SMS-length chapters to specialist websites where they are in turn downloaded to the phones of millions of readers. The most popular are printed as Books and sell in the hundreds of thousands. In Book form, K, Okiyama' s first cell-phone novel, is 235 pages long. "I think I was writing 20 pages in two hours per day at the most, and it took me almost a month," she says.

  Although she was used to writing around 100 text messages daily, Okiyama never expected

  that thumbing her keypad would enable her to become one of the country' s hot new writers. "I had

  never written a story, she says. I never had the idea of how a real novel should be, so that

  might be why I could do it. "

  "Cell-phone novels are created and consumed by a generation of young people in Japan that

  demands to be heard," says John Possman, an entertainment consultant. "It is truly pop culture. It

  has also become big business, shaking up a publishing industry whose sales have been declining for a decade. "

  Individual voices are hard to find, however. As dictated by the medium, the language of cellphone novels is simple and peppered with emoticons--signs that represent various attitudes or emotions. Dialogue and description are scarce. Subject matter is always the same. Typically, a heroine loses her first love and then later struggles to find love again.

  "The stories are often told in the first person and lack diversity," agrees Possman. But that

  hasn' t been a problem with consumers yet. "Why don' t you write a novel and move me?" read

  one angry schoolgirl' s recent online post, in response to a fierce opponent of cell-phone novels. So far, Japan' s literary establishment hasn't come up with an answer.

  51. In Japan, cell-phone writers

  [ A ] upload their stories bit by bit to websites

  [ B ] pay to have their novels printed as Books

  [ C ] spend almost one month to finish a novel

  [ D] send SMS-length texts to readers' phones

  52. According to Katsura Okiyama, she is able to write because

  [ A] she has an insight into literature [ B] she has training in storytelling

  [ C ] she is skilled in text messaging [ D] she is free from literary rules

  53. According to John Possman, the Japanese publishing industry

  [ A] is pushed forward by the pop culture

  [ B ] is strengthened by cell-phone novels

  [ C ] has been shrinking for many years

  [D] has been creating a generation of young readers

  54. We learn from the text that cell-phone novels

  [A] feature moving dialogues E B J have different writing styles

  [ C] lack variety in subject matter [ D] encourage readers to read others

  55. It can be inferred that Japan' s literary establishment can' t

  [ A] settle the dispute between the two sides

  [B] compete with cell-phone novels

  [C] adapt to the new technologies

  [ D] change their writing styles

  Text 3

  Too many people fear failure. Some of us let it keep us from trying new things, telling our-

  selves we' d be no good at it. Some limit our goals to only what we feel absolutely sure we can accomplish. Others among us try something once and when it doesn't work out, we decide that

  course is not for us.

  That' s unfortunate because, according to many top scientists, failure is nothing to fear. Not

  only is it inevitable, they say, it is even an indispensable ally. "In the research lab," says John Polanyi, the Nobel prize-winning chemist, "failure is a good thing. If everything you try is very successful, it means you' re playing it safe; you' re not out on the edge. Failure means that you' re

  learning. To ask a scientist whether he has experienced failure is like asking an artist whether he

  has ever made a sketch. The answer is, ' a million times. 'That is the price of success. "

  Failure is not the opposite of success. It' s more like an ingredient. In Hollywood, thousands

  of ideas for new TV shows are pitched each year, but only a select few get to the screen, let alone

  survive their first season. In real life, misses outnumber hits whenever people try something new.

  Nina Spencer, a motivational speaker and author of Getting Passion out of Your Profession, likes to remind audiences that whenever we try a new skill, we go through four stages. "There' s

  the point when you don' t know about the skill, and because you don' t know about it, you' re no

  good at it. Eventually, you come to know about the skill, but you' re incompetent to perform it.

  Then, as long as you think carefully and go slowly, you can do it. Eventually, it becomes so practiced, it' s easy. " The secret is not to give up at stage two.

  In short, the seeds of success almost always flourish best in the well-turned soil of failure. As Charles Kettering, inventor of the modern electric ignition system for cars and the holder of nearly 200 patents, once said, "failures, repeated failures, are f'mger-posts on the road to achievements--one fails forward towards success. "

  56. According to John Polany, a seemingly all-time successful person may in fact

  [A ] be very adventurous [ B ] be very competitive

  [C] be very sensitive [D] be very cautious

  57. The Hollywood example is used to show that to succeed you should

  [A ] avoid mistakes [ B] live with failures

  [C] avoid competition [D] live with new ideas

  58. When it comes to trying new things, people should know it is natural that

  [A ] success results from trial and error [ B ] they might miss something important

  [C ] success requires safety guarantees [D] they will hit more than they miss

  59. According to Nina Spencer, the key to acquiring a new skill lies in

  [A] practice [ B ] persistence [ C ] competence [ D] performance

  60. The writer of the text wants to tell people not to

  [A ] be frightened by failure [ B] repeat the same failure

  [ C] underestimate failure [D] be misled by failure

  Part B


  Read the texts from a magazine's LETTERS section in which five people wrote about education. For questions 61 to 65, match the name of each person to one of the statements ( A to G)

  given below. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET l.

  Charles Swecker:

  Thank you for getting it fight in your articles on how to make a better student. As an educator, I' m sure I speak for others in saying parents who encourage learning at home ultimately have kids who perform at a higher level in class. School systems have been trying to get that message out for years. Imagine, excellent teachers working with students who have a drive and desire to learn. What a perfect world!

  Sandy Simonson:

  The students you pictured have positive attitudes; they expect to work hard on their own.

  Consequently, the effort they put in produces positive results. But my sons are different. They se,

  their parents read. They were read to at home. We've encouraged and praised the genuine effort

  they've made. But the B。ttom line for my' sons is that until something fires them up from within

  they are content to do as little work as possible.

  Bridget Boyle:

  Parents should do these things to make their child a better student: turn off the television. Fill every room with Books. Play, read, travel, and then read some more with your kids. If reading

  becomes the primary form of entertainment in the home, youngsters will turn to Books. It was my

  pleasure to catch them reading on their own. Killing our television was the best thing we ever did.

  DeB。rah Curtin ~

  Your report provided a glimpse into the life of young geniuses, but noB。dy made these kid~,

  better students. Each one can obviously grasp any task. Each could have been left in a Box with a

  Book and would have ended up self-taught. You did, however, confirm my belief that most teachers are only capable of communicating information to ready-made A students. Of course, there are a few good teachers, but they cannot overcome the defective system we have.

  Alan Holman:

  1 don' t think that the success of students really depends on marks. I just finished writing my

  second average-length stage play, which is going to be produced at my high school. And I'm also

  playing a part in Hamlet. Despite all these really great things, my marks in school are really bad.

  I pay more attention to my hobbies than to school, and it's actually getting me somewhere. So

  marks aren't everything:.

  Now match the name of each person (61 to 65) to the appropriate statement.

  Note: there are two extra statements.


  61. Charles Swecker [ A-I Grades cannot fully reflect the whole picture of a student.

  62. Sandy Simonson [ B ] Try your best to make your children habitual readers.

  63. Bridget B。yle [ C ] Tolerant parents are sure to shape successful children.

  64. DeB。rah Curtin [D] Parents' encouragement helps to improve children's per-

  formance at school.

  65. Alan Holman [ E ] Schooling is very different from educating.

  [ F] Good students are actually not made but B。m.

  [ G ] Students cannot become better at school unless they are self-driven.

  Section IV Writing

  (40 minutes)


  You should write your responses to B。th Part A and Part B of this section on ANSWER SHEET 2.

  Part A

  66. You have read the following notice about a lost handbag. As you have lost your bag, you

  want to contact the Lost and Found office to know if the bag is yours.

  Lost and Found

  Found: handbag on April 12~ at Spring Hill

  contact :us at L & Fpark@ yahoo, com to ider

  Write an email to the Lost and Found office, telling about:

  1 ) when and where you lost your bag;

  2) what your bag is like and what is in it.

  You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your email. Use

  "Wang Lin" instead.

  Part B

  67. Below is a table showing the percentages of people in a big city going to work in different ways in 2007 and 2011. Look at the table closely and write an essay of about 120 words making reference to the following points:

  1 ) the difference between the two years in the ways of people going to work;

  2) the possible reasons for the difference.

  Private car Subway Bus Bicycle

  2007 15% 35% 40% 10%

  2011 25% 40% 30% 5%



  1 -5 BACBD 6 - 10 CCBDB 11 - 15 ACDCA 16 -20 DCDCA

  21 - 25 BCADB

  Part A

  1. M: Good evening. My name is Tom Smith, may I know your name?

  W: My name is Mary Classon.

  M: Mary, would you care to dance?

  W: I'd love to but I have to be off with something important to do.

  2. M: We' d better start to eat onion frequently, Linda,

  W: P-at you hate onions, don' t you?

  M: Until I learned from a report from today' s paper that they protect people from flu and colds. After all, compared with health, taste is not so important.

  3. W: When do you think that I can go home, Doctor Smith?

  M: Well, you came in on Monday and today is Friday. I say that you could probably leave tomorrow. But you should stay at home and not go back to work too soon.

  4. M: Laura, I ran into David today.

  W: Really? Did he say anything about his sister?

  M: Yes. She should be leaving London very soon because her husband has taken a job in Paris.

  5. M: Do you have a driver' s license?

  W: No. I am going to take the test in a couple of weeks.

  M: Didn' t you drive in your own country?

  W: Yes. But I have to be more skilled.

  M: And you have to study the traffic rules too.

  6. M: Let' s back up. Where was I?

  W: You were talking about your trip to South Africa. I bet you had great time.

  M: Yes, we did. In fact, you know what we encountered.

  W: A long-last friend?

  M: Come on! A lion.

  7. W: When do you usually go to the bank, John?

  M: Anytime I have to. Why did you ask?

  W: You' d better avoid Friday mornings. I' m reading an interesting Book these days. And it says most robberies happen on Friday mornings.

  3. W: What do you think of your father?

  M: Oh, he was the first stable male figure in my life. The best attribute a parent can have is consistency. When he said he would be there at 3 0' clock, he was there. That meant more to me than anything.

  9. M: How do you like your new room, Jane?

  W: It' s not big; the rent is high. And I' m far awa~ from work. But I enjoy myself very much.

  M: Why?

  W: I am able to get rid of that annoying roommate at last.

  10. M: Our flight will be delayed by 6 hours. That means it won' t be leaving until 3:30 in the afternoon.

  W: What shall we do in the meantime?

  M: Let' s find some seats in the quiet part of the terminal to take a nap.

  W: Good idea. I am pretty tired.

  Part B

  11. W: Wow, look at the line It' s worse thanI expected. We are lucky we got here an hour earlier. Or else we will definitely have had problems getting tickets.' I' m glad we made the effort to come early.

  M: Me too. I learned my lesson the last time I went to a new film. I didn' t arrive early enough and ended up with a terrible seat all the way in the front row. Believe me, it was one of the worst movie experiences ever.

  W: Yeah. I hate sitting in the first row.

  M: By the way, it was really nice of you to get this ticket for me. Why don' t I show you a bit of appreciation by getting you a drink?

  W: That would be great.

  M: OK. What kind of soda do you want?

  W: Let me see. I' 11 take a large coke. Thanks a lot.

  M: I'd better get going. You hold my place and I'll be back really

  quick. Oh, I almost forget. I' d better hold on to my ticket in case you get let in before I get back. If that happens, just save me a seat and I'll meet you inside.

  W:OK. It' s a plan.

  12. W: You two are quite different, How did your company put you two together as a team?

  M: At first, they wanted to hear our harmony. We sang to them and they really liked to. So they decided that it would be best to put us together as a group,

  W: What are some of the distinctive features of your music?

  M: We have a variety of different songs; we have four different styles: soft rock, slow music, love songs and country music. But we are most at.home with soft rock. !.really like our voices merged together and I like how it sounds. Actually, there is a song called Studying. Our company really likes the song because it represents our voice.

  W: What would you like to bring to the audience through your music?

  M: I' d like to recommend our first song to everyone. The name of the song is Believe. The main idea we want to share isthat we want to tell everyone you have to believe in yourself before people can believe in you. Actually,we want to bring our music to everyone and make everyone happy. Music is something all around you. You can listen to music and you can feel what the music says.

  13. W: I don' t think Poppas is right for this position.

  M: I agree. He' s got experience as a computer operator but he has very little training in programming. What about Anderson?

  W: I like him. He seems very enthusiastic and he knows :a lot about programming.

  M: That' s true.‘ Do you think he is dependable enough, though? He's already had two different jobs this year. He mightwork for a couple of months and then decide to leave.

  W: I suppose so. But his last supervisor wrote a three-page letter of recommendation. He says Anderson is an excellent programmer.

  M: He probably is. But we don' t want him to leave after we' ve spent a lot of time training him. Actually, I think Logan is the best candidate.

  W: She hasn' t worked since she got married, hasn' t she?

  M: She's been taking care of her family. But she is really devoted.

  W: Oh, yes. The letter from her principalsays she did a wonderful job. Do you think she'll be a good programmer?

  M: I bet she will. She has an excellent letter of recommendation from her teacher at the institute she attended.

  W: That' s true.

  M: And Logan seems more professional. She was well-dressed and seemed to have a very positive attitude about working for us.,

  14. M: Well, what do you think is the reason most people do so badly at reaching goals?

  W: They lose focus.Everybody's life is busy.There is so much happening in everybody's life .That what happens is they might have a goal and then something wilt get in the way of that. Maybe their goal is that they want to go on a holiday every year and they put in their leave form with their B。ss and their B。ss may ask them to wait for another month and then for another month.That is, so different things get in their way and people don't stand up for their goals. They don't struggle for them.They let other forces push them around a little bit. Also,a lot of people don't set goals; they think they do. But it's either a dream of very loose goal. So when they have to make a decision about a necessary action in their life the goal is so far back in their mind that they don't act in its best interest. Also because people will sit down and say "oh, here are my goals" and forget all about them. Revisiting them every week is a good way.They stay at the top of your mind so you can take actions based on them.


  第一节 单项填空





  26.A【精析】本题考查短语词义辨析。 after all毕竟,说到底;in addition加之,另外;as a result结果;for example例如。此句是说,无 论如何,酒吧都是应该男性喜欢去的地方,但是不知怎么回事,我 却很失望,根据前后句的语气,A符合题意。

  27.A 【精析】本题考查形容词词义辨析。favorite最喜欢的;proper恰 当的;formal正式的;exclusive独一无二的。根据文意,酒吧应该 是男性最喜欢去的地方,故选A。

  28.B 【精析】本题考查介词词义辨析。此句意思为男性可以边喝啤酒 边喝朋友聊天,over可以表示“边…边…”,例如:Why don't we talk about it over a cup of coffee.即我们边喝咖啡边聊天吧。所以 选B。

  29.C 【精析】本题考查动词词义辨析。form形成;influence影响;occupy占据;trouble惹麻烦。根据句子意思,男性在酒吧里可以谈论足球,赛马或者任何想到的事情,故选C。

  30.D 【精析】本题考查形容词词义辨析。lawful合法的;meaningful有 意义的;impressive印象深刻的;respectable值得尊敬的。根据原 文意思,D选项最符合题意。

  31.A 【精析】本题考查动词词义辨析。accompany陪同;comfort安慰;encourage鼓励;support支持。此处是说女性单独去酒吧不太体 面,需要有人陪同,故选A。

  32.D 【精析】本题考查上下文语义的衔接。此处是说女性得有男性陪 同时去酒吧才比较合适,因此作者不怎么喜欢酒吧,根据前后句 的语气关系,D选项最符合题意。

  33.C【精析】本题考查动词词义辨析。 force强迫;enable使…有能力; intend计划,目的;claim声称;be intended to表示以…为目的,故 选择C。

  34.A 【精析】本题考查形容词词义辨析。此处是说,酒吧主要是为男性 而设计的,没有考虑女性,因此目的比较狭隘。narrow狭隘的; noble高贵的;practical实用的;personal个人的。故选A。

  35.D 【精析】本题考查副词词义辨析。also也;hence因此;yet还;only 只。此处是说,酒吧以男性为服务对象,对女性不公平;不好的结 果就是让我想起以前的各种经历,故选择D。

  36.B 【精析】本题考查名词词义辨析。 existence存在;experience经历,兴趣incident事件。在学校或者军队,是一种经历,故选择B。

  37.C 【精析】本题考查上下文语义的衔接。naturally自然而然地;normally正常地;obviously显而易见地;oddly奇怪地。此处是说我 觉得酒吧令人失望,但是每个英国人家附近都会有一家酒吧,而 且大家都爱酒吧,所以大部分人都觉得酒吧很好;对比之下,我明显属于少数觉得酒吧不令人满意的人,故选C。

  38.C 【精析】本题考查上下文意义推理和词义辨析。男性到酒吧里应 该是逃避工作和家庭带来的压力。need需求;objective目标;pressure压力;requirement要求,故选C。

  39.D 【精析】本题考查形容词词义辨析。这里是说男性到酒吧里逃避 压力带来的烦恼,有时候可以和漂亮的女服务聊天,属于比较幸 运的事情;所以比较四个选项,只有D选项合适,故选D。

  40.B 【精析】本题考查连词词义辨析。 still仍然;indeed事实上;thus因 此;nevertheless然而。根据上下文的语气indeed最符合原文意 思,故选择B。

  41.B 【精析】本题考查前后语义连贯。此处是说很多男性梦想辞掉无 聊的工作,自己开酒吧,成为派对的主人o decorate表示装修;buy 表示购买;design表示设计;visit表示拜访,故选B。

  42.A 【精析】本题考查名词词义辨析。 host主人;member成员;servant 仆人;sponsor赞助者。根据题意,应该是应该男性梦想成为派对 的主人,故选A。

  43.D 【精析】本题考查名词词义辨析。辞掉工作自己开酒吧,一个星期 举办七次派对活动,对于大部分男性来说,不是一件切合实际的 事情,只能是一种梦想。 hobby嗜好;project项目;habit习惯; dream梦想,故选D。

  44.D 【精析】本题考查动词词义辨析。recognize辨认出;remember记 得;believe相信;admit承认。根据上下文推理,作者应该是承认尽 管自己不喜欢酒吧,但是去的次数也很多,故选D。

  45.C 【精析】本题考查动词的固定搭配。 spend time in/on表示把时间 花在(做)某事上面,故选C。

  第三部分 阅读理解






  “最先注意到的是病人的表情变成了笑脸,他们的压力似乎都得以释放。”研究人员Kathy Cole说道,“心脏病患者很容易出现沮丧和绝望感,只要在医院住三个晚上就足以让病人感到焦虑不安。在拜访当中,这些毛茸茸的朋友可以躺在病人旁边,头离病人的头只有两英尺远。大部分的病人会拍拍宠物狗的头,有些病人会和探访者一起谈论宠物狗。”


  46.A 【精析】细节题。题干意为:“从文中可以得知,心脏病患者从以 下哪个当中获益最大?”从第一段中“…with a dog.., anxiety levels by 24 percent in a heart…”可以得知,带着狗一起看病人,会使病 人的焦虑感降低24%,因此带着宠物看病人对患者最有好处,故 选A。

  47.B 【精析】推理题。题干意为:“研究表明,对于心脏病患者来说 。”从第一段内容“…with a dog...anxiety levels by 24 percent in a heart…”来看带着狗一起看病人,会使病人的焦虑感降 低24%,因此和动物的接触对心脏病人有好处,故选B。

  48.B 【精析】推理题。题干意为:“根据Cole的说法,病人表情的变化 说明哪一点?”前两段详细陈述了带着狗去看病人的好处,第三段 第一句就提到病人表情的变化,可以推断,在与动物接触之后,病 人的心理压力变小,故选B。

  49.C 【精析】细节题。题干意为:“Cole认为狗对于病人有帮助,其条件 是…”。从文章最后一句“As long as a dog has meaning to the patient...calm the patient.”可以得知,任何动物只要对于病人有意 义,都有助于其病情的恢复,狗当然也不例外,故选C。

  50.A 【精析】概述题。题干意为:“本文主要阐述了…?”整篇文章主要 讲述了一项研究的结果,即带着动物看病人对于患者有很大好 处,故选A。



  从很多角度来看,Katsura Okiyama是一个典型的二十多岁的日本女性。她喜欢和朋友一起而且喜欢迪士尼乐园。但是,与众不同的地方是,她是一名作家。而且更特别的是,她的写作工具是手机。

  在日本,人们不仅仅用手机看小说,而且也用手机写小说――上传短信长度的章节到专门的网站上,然后又被数百万手机用户下载到手机上。最流行的会出版成书,销量可达几十万册。 Katsura Okiyama第一部以书的形式出版的手机小说长达235页。“我觉得我每天在两个小时内最多写大概20页,我几乎用了一个月时间写这本书。”她说到。


  “手机小说在日本被那些渴望被倾听的年轻一代日本人创造并消费。”娱乐顾问John Possman这样说:“它是真正的流行文化,已经成为了一项大产业,使得销量已经连续十年下降的出版行业不得不作出调整。”



  51.A 【精析】细节题。题干意为:“在日本,手机小说作家____?” 文章第二段“…up loading SMS-length chapters to specialist…”介 绍了日本读者通过短信的形式把手机小说上传到专门的网站上, 然后被网友下载,因此是一点点的把故事上传到网上。故选A。

  52.D 【精析】细节题。题干意为:“Katsura Okiyama认为她能够写小说 主要是因为____?”根据文章第三段最后一句话“I never had the idea of how a real novel should be, so that might be why I could do it.”可知,她认为自己成功的出版小说的原因,恰恰是她自己 从未想过真正小说的样子,即她没有受到传统文学的影响。故选 D。

  53.C 【精析】推断题。题干意为:“根据John Possman可知,日本出版社 一?”由文章第四段“…shaking up a publishing industry whose sales have been+ declining for a decade.”可知出版业的销量在 不断的减少,故选C。

  54.C 【精析】细节题。题干意为:“根据文章可知手机小说―― 从文章最后一段的第一句可知,手机小说通常用第一人称描述并缺乏多样性,故选C。

  55.A 【精析】推理题。题干意为:“从文中可推断日本的文学界不能 一”文章最后一段中,有女学生在网上提出来“Why don't you write a novel and move me?"你为什么不写本感动我的小说文学界没有给出回应,没有解决他们与手机小说读者直接的争 端,故选A。

  Text 3



  这真是一种不幸。从很多优秀科学家的观点来看,失败没有什么可怕的。他们认为失败不仅仅是不可避免的而且是一个不可或缺的盟友。诺贝尔化学奖获得者John Polanyi说:“在实验室里失败是一件好事。如果你实验的每个东西都是成功的,那就说明你在打安全牌;你没有去冒险。失败说明你在学习。问一个科学家有没有失败过就像是问艺术家有没有画草图一样。答案是‘无数次’,这就是成功的代价。”


  Nina Spencer是一名励志演讲家和Getting Passion out of Your Profession的作者。她喜欢提醒听众,每当我们尝试新技能的时候,都会经历四个阶段。“开始是你不了解这个技能;因为不了解,所以不擅长。最后你会了解这个技能,但是没有能力去做。接下来,只要你认真思考,你就可以运用这个技能。最后,由于实践次数很多,做起来也变得容易了。”诀窍就在于:在第二阶段时不要放弃。

  总而言之,成功的种子总是在失败的土壤中茁壮成长。正如现代汽车电子点火系统的发明者和200项专利持有者Charles Kettering曾经所说的:“失败,反复的失败,是成功路上的指示牌―一每一次失败都是向成功的一次靠近。"

  56.D 【精析】推理题。题干意为:“根据John Polanyi可知,一个看起来 一直成功的人实际上可能―― ”根据文章第二段“If everything you try is very successful, it means that you are playing it safe” 来看,John Polanyi认为在实验室里如果从没有失败过,说明我们 打的是安全牌,没有去冒险;因此一个看起来似乎很成功的人,其实是一个不敢于冒险的人,也就是一个太谨慎小心的人,故选D。

  57.B 【精析】推理题。题干意为:“好莱坞的例子说明要成功,你应该 一”此处以好莱坞为例,每年在好莱坞都会有几千个节目 创意,但是只有一小部分能够被搬上荧屏,说明大部分的创意都 会失败,因此想取得成功,失败是必不可少的,故选B。

  58.A【精析】推理题。题干意为:“当开始尝试新事物的时候,人们应该 意识到 是自然的。”从文章内容来看,失败是不可避免的 经历,同时也是成功的盟友.在尝试新事物的时候要反复‘试验坚持不懈,故选A。

  59.B 【精析】细节题。题干意为:“根据Nina Spencer所说可知:获得的新技能的关键在于 ”按照Nina的观点,尝试新事物的时候要分四个阶段,“the secret is not to give up at stage two.”最重要 的秘诀就是在第二阶段的时候不能放弃;故选B。

  60.A 【精析】概述题。题干意为:“本文作者想告诉人们不要 一”从文章内容来看,作者不断通过各种例子和名人的告诫提醒读者,失败并不可怕,失败在成功的道理上是不可避免 的,我们不能惧怕失败,逃避失败。故选A。

  Part B .


  Charles Swecker:


  Sandy Simonson:


  Bridget Boyle:


  DeBorah Curtin:,


  Alan Holman:

  我不认为学生的成功取决于分数。我刚刚完成我第二部长度适中的舞台剧剧本,并且将会在我的高中演出。我也在哈姆雷特当中扮演一个角色。除了这些很棒的成绩,我的考试分数真的很差。我把更多的注意力放在兴趣上而不是学校,通过这样做,我其实已经在取得一定的成 功。所以,分数不代表一切。

  61.D 【精析】主旨题。 Charles Swecker认为“…parents who encourage learning at home...have kids...a higher level in class.”可以得知, 鼓励孩子学习的家长,会把孩子变成一个更好的学生;故选D。

  62.G 【精析】主旨题。 Sandy Simonson以自己的孩子为例“…until something fires them up from within...as little as possible.”说明如 果孩子没有内在学习的动力和热情,就会在学习方面偷懒,不愿 意付出努力,故选G。

  63.B 【精析】主旨题。 Bridget Boyle的建议是“turn off the television, fill every room with Books把电视关掉j每个房间里都摆满书”,经 常陪孩子一起读书,因此他提倡让孩子养成读书的习惯;故选B。

  64.F 【精析】主旨题。 Deborah Curtin认为“…the life of young genius, but nobody made these kids better student,”可知文章当中的小天才们都很优秀,但是他们不是被任何人培养出来的天才,而是天 生就有学习的动力,因此他们是天生的学习者,故选F。

  65.A 【精析】主旨题。 Alan Holman认为自己虽然考试分数很差,但是 自己会写剧本而且会演戏,因此分数并没有那么重要;而且 “marks aren't everything.”分数并非代表一切,故选A。

  第四部分 写作

  Part A


  Dear Sir,

  I saw your notice about the lost bag on your website. It so happened that I lost my bag at Spring Hill Park on 11 th, April.1 was walking my dog in the park and ran into an old friend. We had a little chat in the central pavilion and I forgot to take my bag When we left. It was a medium-sized white female bag. Inside the bag there were a memo with my name on the front page,adressing case,a pack of tissue and a copy of Readers'Digest.

  I am expecting your reply soon. Thank you.

  Wang Lin




  It happened that... 碰巧

  walk my dog 遛狗

  run into 遇

  have a chat 聊天

  dressing case 化妆盒

  a pack of 一包

  a copy of 一本

  Part B


  Ways of Going to Work

  This table shows the ways of people in a big city going to work between the year of 2007 and 2011.According to the table, the number of people traveling in private cars and by subway increases from 2007 to 2011. In contrast, fewer people travel by bus Or by bike in the year of 2011.

  The reason for the changes can be summed up, as follows:

  Firstly, private cars are cheaper than before. The income of urban citizens has increased while private cars are becoming cheaper. More people can afford to buy their own cars.

  Secondly, more subway lines are in operation. It is convenient and cheap to travel by subway. Therefore, more people choose to go to work by subway than before.

  Since more people drive their own cars or by subway, fewer people go to work by bus or by bike accordingly.




  according to 根据

  the number of 数量

  in contrast 相比之下

  afford to 负担得起

  in operation 运行中

  choose to 选择做某事




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