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摘要 环球对2014职称英语考试出自教材的原文进行了汇总整理,希望对大家有所帮助

  原文来自于职称英语教材综合类新增文章 第一篇


  第一篇Taking Pictures of the World

  Meet Annie Griffiths Belt, a National Geographic photographer. Belt has worked for National Geographic since 1978,and has taken pictures on almost every continent in the world. In fact, Antarctica is the only continent Belt hasn't seen yet.

  Belt's photographs are well known for their beauty and high quality. They also reflect very different cultures and regions of the world. Belt has photographed the ancient city of Petra, Jordan, as well as the green landscapes of the Lake District in England. Recently,her pictures appeared in a book about undeveloped natural places in North America.

  Everywhere that Belt goes, she takes pictures of people. Belt has found ways to connect with people of all ages and nationalities even when she does not speak their language. “The greatest privilege of my job is being allowed into peopled lives,” she has said. “The camera is like a passport, and I am often overwhelmed by1 how quickly people welcome me!”

  Knowing how to break the ice has helped to make Belt a successful photographer, but experts say that anyone can learn to connect with new people. When people speak the same language, greetings and small talk can make strangers feel more comfortable with each other. When people don't speak the same language, a smile is very helpful. Having something in common can also help break the ice. For example, Belt has traveled with her two children, so when she takes pictures of children or their parents,they all have that family connection in common. Even bad weather can help people to connect when they are experiencing it together.

  Belt has some advice if you are thinking about a career in photography. You can volunteer to take pictures for a local organization that can't afford to hire a professional photographer. You can also take a good, honest look at your best photographs. If you're a real photographer, your photos are good because of your personal and technical skills. Belt also recommends studying and learning from photos taken by professional photographers.

  Remember, the next time you look at a beautiful photograph, you might be looking at the work of Annie Griffiths Belt. And the next time you meet a new person, don't be afraid to break the ice. The connection you make could be very rewarding.


  landscape n.风景,风景画

  rewarding adj.值得的,有益的,有报酬的

  privilege n.特权,优惠

  nationality n 国籍,民族

  think about 考虑

  overwhelm vt. 征服;使受不了,使不知所措


  1. I am often overwhelmed by ...我常常被……搞得不知所措。

  2. Having something in common can also help break the ice.彼此的共同点也有助于打开话题。


  1. Belt has never traveled to England.

  A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

  2. Belt has never traveled to Antarctica.

  A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

  3. Belt has worked for a number of magazines.

  A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

  4. Petra is a very old city in Jordan.

  A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

  5. Belt can only connect with English-speakers.

  A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

  6. People can connect with each other in bad weather.

  A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

  7. Volunteering is one way to begin a photography career.

  A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned


  1. B在第二段第三行,作者提到贝尔特曾经为英格兰湖区的美景拍过照片,那她自然就去过英格兰。因此,这一题题干的表述(贝尔特从没去过英格兰)明显是错误的。

  2. A第一段第三行说到南极洲是贝尔特唯一没亲眼见过的大洲,那么她必然没去过南极洲。 所以这一题题干的表述(贝尔特从没去过南极洲)是正确的。

  3. C第一段第一行提到贝尔特从1978年就开始为《国家地理》杂志工作,但是并无其他信息,所以我们无从得知在1978年之前,贝尔特是否还为其他杂志工作过。所以我们既没法说贝尔特只为《国家地理》一家杂志工作过,也没法说贝尔特在很多家杂志工作过。因而,我们无法在文中找到这一题题干所表述的信息(贝尔特在很多家杂志工作过),答案只能是C。

  4. A在第二段第二行,作者提到贝尔特曾经在约旦的古城佩特拉进行过拍摄,这迎合题干的表述(佩特拉是一座古老的约旦城市)。所以答案为A。

  5. B在第三段第一行第二句话,作者提到:在语言不通的情况下,贝尔特找到了和不同年龄、不同民族的人沟通的方法。而题干中的表述(贝亦特只能和会说英语的人沟通)和文中的信息完全不符,所以答案为B。

  6. A在第四段第七行,作者提到:一起体验坏天气可以帮助人们增进相互间的交流。这和题干的表述(人们在坏天气下可以相互沟通)基本一致,所以答案为A。

  7. A第五段第一行提到贝尔特为希望从事摄影行业的人提供了一些建议:当个志愿者为没钱请专业摄影师的地方机构拍摄照片。这和题干的表述(做一名志愿者是开始摄影生涯的一种方式)基本吻合,所以答案为A。


  第一篇 镜头中的世界






  记住,当你下一次看到漂亮的照片时,也许你看的正是艾妮•格里菲斯•贝尔特的作品。 当你下一次遇见陌生人时,不要害怕打开话题。你为沟通所做的一切都是非常值得的。



  1 In 1959 Americans welcomed Alaska into the Union as the 49th state1, symbolizing a change of attitude from that held in 1867, when the peninsula was purchased from Russia. Then, most Americans had little interest in 1 ,500 ,000 square kilometers "of icebergs and polar bears”一beyond Canada's western borders, far from the settled areas2 of the United States.

  2 In those sections of the state which lie above the Arctic Circle, Alaska still is a land of icebergs and polar bears. Ice masses lie buried in the earth3, which is pennanently frozen to a depth of 90 or more meters. From early May until early August, the midnight sun never sets on this flat, treeless region, but the sun cannot melt the icy soil more than two-thirds of a meter down.

  3 Alaska is America's largest state, but only about 325,000 people live there. According to estimates, 800,000 hectares of its land area are fit for plowing but only about 640,000 hectares are being cultivated.

  4 Arctic AJsi, icsi has been the home of Eskimos for countless centuries. It is believed that the Eskimos moved there from Mongolia or Siberia, probably crossing Bering Strait4, named for Vitus Bering, the Danish sea captain who discovered Alaska on his voyage for Russia in 1741.The Eskimos are the state's earliest known inhabitants5. Russian fur traders established settlements but, by the time Alaska was sold to the United States, most of the traders had departed.

  5 In 1896 gold was discovered near the Kiondike River in Canada just across the Alaskan border. Thousands of Americans rushed to the region on their way to Klondike; some never returned. Alaska was never completely cut off again, although even today transportation is a major problem. There are only two motor routes from the US mainland, and within the state, every town has its own airfield. Planes fly passengers, mail and freight to the most distant villages.

  6 The gold that changed life so suddenly for Alaska was soon ended, and although many stories about mining camps have become part of American literature, the gold from Alaskan earth contributed less to economic progress than the fish from Alaskan waters. The fish caught in a single year range in value from $80 million to $90 million. Fur-bearing animals are plentiful in the forests and streams, and valuable fur seals inhabit the waters. After fishing, the state's chief industry is lumber and the production of wood pulp. In recent years, Alaska's single most important resource has become oil. The state also has large deposits of coal, copper, gold and other minerals.


  symbolize /'simbəlaiz/ v.象征

  peninsular /pe'ninsjulə/ n.半岛

  hectare /'hekta:(r)/n.公顷


  fur-bearing /fə:'beəriŋ/ adj.有毛皮的

  lumber/'lʌmbə ( r)/n.伐木,木材

  pulp /pʌlp/ n.木浆


  1. In 1959 Americans welcomed Alaska into the Union as the 49th state. 1959年美国人欢迎阿拉斯加成为美国的第49个州。the Union指美国南北战争时期支持联盟政府的各州,此处即指美国。

  2. the settled areas:已有人定居的地区

  3. Ice masses lie buried in the earth:地下埋藏着巨大的冰块。注意这里动词lie的用法,这里lie作半系动词用,既有动词的实义,同时又起系动词的作用,后面跟的buried是它的补语或称表语。

  4. Bering Strait:白令海峡

  5. the earliest known inhabitants:已知的最早的居民,也可说the earliest inhabitants known。


  1. Paragraph 3_________

  2. Paragraph 4_________

  3. Paragraph 5_________

  4. Paragraph 6_________

  A Rich Resources of the State

  B Connections with the Outside

  C Transportation Problem

  D The Natives of the Land

  E Cold Climate

  F Land and Population

  5. For as long as three months of a year, the sun_________on the ice-covered land of Alaska.

  6. According to statistics,_________ of the total area of Alaska has been used for farming.

  7. Alaska was originally part of Russia, but was bought_________.

  8. Gold did not bring to Alaska as much wealth_________.

  A as fish does

  B because of its rich natural resources

  C by the United States in the 19th century

  D shines day and night

  E only a very small percentage

  F a limited amount of the gold found there



  1. F 这段不长,但提供了一些有关阿拉斯加面积和人口的数字。

  2. D 本段介绍了爱斯基摩人最早是怎样来到阿拉斯加并成为这片土地永久的居民的。

  3. C 这一段的开始虽然谈了淘金热的情况,但主要讲的还是阿拉斯加和外界的联系,以及它的不那么方便的交通情况。

  4. A 这段介绍了阿拉斯加的几种主要的自然资源,包括鱼类、木材、裘皮、石油等。

  5 D 本句中缺少谓语动词,在所给的六个选项中只有shines是单数第三人称的动词,后面所跟的状语day and night符合文中内容:the midnight sun never sets.

  6. E 本句的主语不完整,of前面缺少一个名词短语,从内容上看应填入E。

  7. C but后面的被动语态的句子使我们很自然就想到或许应该有一个by短语。

  8. A 句中出现as much wealth,后面很可能还会有一个as引导的句子,否则比较的意义不完整。




  ?2014年职称英语考试教材 新增文章汇总



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