短信预约 职称英语考试动态提醒 立即预约





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摘要 2015年职称英语考试知识解析:动词时态。




  be v. 是,就是;在,存在 aux.v. [与动词的现在分词连用, 构成各种进行时态]; [与及物动词的过去分词连用, 构成被动语态]e.g. The bridge was built in 1982./这桥建于1982年。[与动词不定式连用, 表示职责、义务、意图、约定、可能性等] e.g. I am to visit Mr. Green tomorrow./我明天要去拜访格林先生…[用于表示虚拟语气]e.g. If I were you, .../假如我是你的话...

  bear n.熊v. (bore, borne)负担, 忍受, 生产(农作物或水果)(bear… in mind/牢记…在心 ) (bear ? endure―stand ? tolerate/忍受)

  beat v. 打, 敲, 击败, 【音】打(拍子),(心脏等)跳动(heart beats. /心脏跳动; beat sb. /战胜..; beat time/打拍子 ; a heartbeat /心跳声);

  beautiful adj.美丽的, 很好的; (beautiful ?pretty ? handsome ?lovely ?good-looking ? smart/美丽的, 漂亮的)

  beauty n. 美, 美丽, 美人(beauty art/ 美容术, 化妆术; beauty contest/选美会;

  because conj. 因为 (because 引导从句,而 because of 引导名词性短语,如:I do it because I like it. /我做这件事是因为我喜欢; He eats because of greed, not hunger. 他不是因为饿了,而是因为贪嘴才吃的。);

  become (became, become) v. 变为, 成为, 适合;

  bed n. 床, (苗)床, (花)坛(make one's bed/整理床铺; go to bed/上床,上床睡觉; single [double] bed/单人[双人]床; lie in bed/躺在床上);

  bedroom n. 卧室, 寝室;

  bee n. 蜂, 蜜蜂, 忙碌的人;

  beef n. 牛肉;

  beer n. 啤酒, 一份啤酒

  before adv.在前, 以前; prep.在...之前; conj.在...之前 (the day before yesterday /前天 );

  (A级) beforehand adv. 事先, 预先; beforehand = in advance

  begin: (began, begun, beginning) v.开始, 首先( begin to do sth./开始..; to begin with/首先;

  beginner n. 初学者;

  beginning n. 开始, 起点, 开端部分 adj. 初等的, 初级的( at the beginning/从一开始; at the beginning of/在...初; from beginning to end; in the beginning/当初, 开始时);

  behalf n. 利益, 代表 (on behalf of/代表, 为了; on sb.'s behalf/以某人的名义, 代表某人);

  behavior n.举止, 行为;

  behind prep. 在…后面;向…后面;

  being (be的现在分词)n. 存在, 存在物(a human being/人; for the time being/暂时, 目前);

  belief (pl. beliefs) n. (宗教)信仰, 信心, 信条(have a strong belief in sth. /虔诚地信仰..; beyond belief/令人难以置信);

  believe v. 相信, 信任, 认为, 想 (believe sb. /信任某人; believe in/信仰, 信任; believe it or not/信不信由你);

  belong v. 属于(to), 合适, 对…合适或有用(belong to/属于);

  below prep. 在…的下面, 低于… adv. 在较低处, 在下面(be below [sb., sth.]低于, 级别低于(某人) );

  beneath adv.在...之下prep.在...之下, 紧靠着..的底下;

  (B级)beneficial adj. 有利[益]的(to), 受益的(be beneficial to/ 有益于); beneficial = profitable


  (EMBA, 2000)

  1. It was a long time ___ I could get to sleep again. So I felt sleepy next morning.

  A. before B. after C. since D. when

  1. A.分析: 被选项A和B构成正反义项, 所以首先重点注意。该句说“很长的时间…我能再次入睡”, 从这个句意来看A(在…之前)合适.

  (该题变形于CET-4, 2003, 6)

  2. Not only the professionals but also the amateurs will profit by the new training facilities.

  A. derive from B. suffer from C. benefit from D. prevent from

  2. C. 分析: 被选项都是与介词from搭配的动词短语, 借助划线短语所在的搭配结构“业余爱好者…新的训练设备”, 判断C(从…获益)

  derive from 由…而来

  suffer from 患…,遭受到…

  prevent… from阻止某人/某物…


  Put the verbs in brackets into correct tenses./在括号里填上动词合适的时态。

  1. There_____(be) a plane ready to take off the airport.

  2. Jack_____(be) ready in a moment.

  3. It_____(rain) a great deal during the summer in our country.

  4. Take an umbrella; it_____(rain).

  5. Don't make a sound or you_____(wake) the baby and then he_____(not get) to sleep again.

  6. The judge always_____(study) all the facts about the case.

  7. We'd better leave a message for Bill, otherwise he_____(not how)where we have gone.

  8. It wi11 be very late when she_____(get) home.

  9. The last train_____(1eave) the station at 11:30.

  10. Lucy_____(take) the college entrance examination at the beginning of next month.

  11. He said he_____ (learn) 3000 English words by the end of this term.

  12. I heard Peter_____ (make) a terrible mistake.

  13. Peter hoped Jack_____ (meet) him for lunch one day.

  14. By the time we got to the airport, the plane_____ (take) off.

  15. They_____ (live) here for 5years before we moved in.

  16. They said they_____ (wait) for me if I was late.

  17. We hoped that the new meter_____ (be) useful for the experiment.

  18. In two month's time he_____ (finish) his training.

  19. "We have our tickets."

  "That's good, I was afraid that you_____ (forget) them.”

  20. I hope they _____(repair) this road by the time we come back next summer.

  2. Choose the best answers

  The Greatest Show on Earth (B/C级)











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