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摘要   【摘要】环球网校:2016年职称英语考试即将开始报名,目前备考2016年职称英语考试的考生也在循序渐进的复习中。对此,环球小编整理了《2016年职称英语考试《综合类》补全短文专项小测汇总》,希望备考2016年



  Mobile Phones

  Mobile phones should carry a label if they proved1 to be a dangerous source of radiation, according to Robert Bell, a scientist. And no more mobile phone transmitter towers should be built until the long-term health effects of the electromagnetic radiation they emit are scientifically evaluated, he said. “Nobody’s going to drop dead overnight2 but we should be asking for more scientific information,” Robert Bell said at a conference on the health effects of low-level radiation. ____1____

  A report widely circulated among the public says that up to now scientists do not really know enough to guarantee there are no ill-effects on humans from electromagnetic radiation. According to Robert Bell, there are 3. 3 million mobile phones in Australia alone and they are increasing by 2,000 a day3. ____2____

  As well, there are 2,000 transmitter towers around Australia, many in high density residential areas5. ____3____The electromagnetic radiation emitted from these towers may have already produced some harmful effects on the health of the residents nearby.

  Robert Bell suggests that until more research is completed the Government should ban construction of phone towers from within a 500 metre radius of school grounds, child care centres, hospitals, sports playing fields and residential areas with a high percentage of children. ____4____ He adds that there is also evidence that if cancer sufferers are subjected to electromagnetic waves the growth rate of the disease accelerates.

  ____5____ According to Robert Bell, it is reasonable for the major telephone companies to fund it. Besides, he also urges the Government to set up a wide-ranging inquiry into possible health effects.


  mobile 移动的 electromagnetic 电磁的(环球网校2016年职称英语考试《综合类》补全短文专项小测第三套)

  transmitter tower发射塔 shield 隔离屏

  circulate 流传 density 密度

  disregard 不顾 accelerate 加速,加快



  2.Nobody’s going to drop dead overnight ... 没有人会在一个晚上倒地死去……”overnight是副词,意为“一夜间;一下子;整夜”。如:This stadium was not built overnight.这个体育场不是一下子建起来的。

  On his way to Europe, John stayed with his parents in Chicago overnight.在去欧洲的途中,约翰在芝加哥他父母那儿待了一个晚上。



  By Thursday morning you should complete writing the experiment report.到周四上午你应该写完实验报告。

  the year 2000:公元2000年

  5.many in high density residential areas是独立主格结构。注意它省略了being,即many(being)in high density residential areas0此夕卜,many指的是many transmitter towers。

  6.vat a rate more than three times that of adults可以理解为at a rate(that is)more than three times that of adults,意为“以比成人多两倍的比率”短语中的that指代rate。倍数的表达法是:“数字+times+名词/that”。如:

  His salary is three times that of mine.他的薪水比我多两倍。

  The sales Volume of refrigerators in 2000 was twice that in 1999.2000年冰箱的销量比1999年多一倍。


  A He says there is emerging evidence that children absorb low-level radiation at a rate more than three times that of adults6.

  B By the year 20004 it is estimated that Australia will have 8 million mobile phones :nearly one for every two people.

  C “If mobile phones are found to be dangerous, they should carry a warning label until proper shields can be devised,” he said.

  D Then who finances the research?

  E For example, Telstra, Optus and Vodaphone build their towers where it is geographically suitable to them and disregard the need of the community.

  F The conclusion is that mobile phones brings more harm than benefit.








  1.C“空1”应该填入与low-level radiation有关的内容,例如:low-level radiation究竟有害还是无害。所以,C是合适的选项。此外,直接引语也佐证了选择的合理性。



  4.A“空4”前面一句说的是Robert Bell建议政府应该禁止在儿童比例高的地区(如学校操场、儿童医疗中心、居住小区等)的500米半径范围内建造发射塔。选项A说明为什么要这样做的原因,因而是答案。

  5.D“空5”后面一句说的是major telephone companies出钱资助研究项目的问题,提示了D是正确答案。


  根据科学家罗伯特·贝尔的观点,如果移动电话被证实是一种辐射危害的来源的话,那在上 面应该贴一个标签。而且直到移动电话发射塔的电磁辐射对人体健康的长期影响有一个合乎科学 的评价之前,不能建造更多的发射塔。“没有人会在一个晚上就倒地死去,伹我们还是应该寻找更 多的科学论据去指出它的危害。”罗伯特?贝尔在一次关于少量辐射对人体健康影响的会议上说。 “如果移动电话被证明有危害,就应该在它上面贴一个警告标签,直到设计出合适的隔离屏为 止。”他说。

  在公众中一个广泛的流行说法是,现在的科学家们还不能完全地保证,电磁辐射对人类没有 负面影响。正如罗伯特?贝尔所指出,仅在澳大利亚就有330万部移动电话,而且正以每天 2 000部的速度增加。估计到公元2000年之前澳大利亚将拥有800万部移动电话,接近每两人一部手机。

  同时,在澳大利亚境内分布着2 000座发射塔,其中有许多还坐落在人口密集的居民区。例 如,Telstra, Optus和Vodaphone所建造的发射塔从地理位置上来说是合适的,但都忽视了公众的 需求。从这些发射塔发出的电磁辖射可能已经对附近的居民产生了一些有害影响。

  罗伯特·贝尔建议,在更多的研究工作未完成之前,政府应该禁止在学校操场、儿童日托中 心、医院、运动场所以及儿童占比例较高的居住场所方圆500米范围内建造发射塔。他说显现的 证据表明,儿童以成年人三倍多的比例吸收微量辐射。同时他补充说还有一个证据证明如果癌症 患者受到电磁波的辐射,就会导致疾病的加速恶化。








  Ants as a Barometer of Ecological Change

  At picnics, ants are pests. But they have their uses. In industries1 such as mining, farming and forestry, they can help gauge the health of the environment by just crawling around and being antsy.

  It has been recognized for decades2 that ants一which are highly sensitive to ecological change一can provide a near-perfect barometer of the state of an ecosystem. Only certain species, for instance, will continue to thrive at a forest site that has been cleared of trees._____(1)_____ And still others will move in and take up residence.

  By looking at which species populate a deforested area, scientists can determine how "stressed" the land is._____(2)_____Ants are used simply because they are so commonand comprise so many species.

  Where mine sites are being restored, for example, some ant species will recolonize the stripped land quickly than others._____(3)_____Australian mining company Capricorn Coal Management has been successfully using ant surveys for years to determine the rate of recovery of land that it is replanting near its German Creek mine in Queensland.

  Ant surveys also have been used with mine-site recovery projects in Africa and Brazil, where warm climates encourage dense and diverse ant populations." We found it worked extremely well there." says Jonathan Majer, a professor of environmental biology. Yet the surveys are perfectly suited to climates throughout Asia, he says, because ants are so common throughout the region. As Majer puts it: "That's the great thing about ants3."

  Ant surveys are so highly-regarded as ecological indicators that governments worldwide accepttheir results when assessing the environmental impact of mining and tree harvesting4. _____(4)_____

  Why not? Because many companies can't afford the expense or the laboratory time needed to sift results for a comprehensive survey. The cost stems, also, from the scarcity of ant specialists. _____(5)_____


  ecological 生态学的 barometer 气压计 forestry 林业

  gauge 测定,测量 antsy 坐立不安的 ecosystem 生态系统

  populate 居住 deforest 采伐树林,清除树林

  recolonize 再度移民到 sift 详审 scarcity 缺乏,不足(环球网校2016年职称英语考试《综合类》补全短文专项小测第三套)



  2.for decades:有几十年。for后接复数的时间词是常用结构,如for days, for years等。本文第四段还会出现for years。

  3.That's the great thing about ants. great thing指前一句的ants are so common throughout the region.

  4.tree harvesting:伐木


  A This allowed scientists to gauge the pace and progress of the ecological recovery.

  B Yet in other businesses, such as farming and property development, ant surveys aren't used widely.

  C Employing those people are expensive.

  D They do this by sorting the ants, counting their numbers and comparing the results with those of earlier surveys.

  E The evolution of ant species may have a strong impact on our ecosystem.

  F Others will die out for lack of food.








  1.F “空1”前面的句子有certain species,后面的句子有still others,这一定是英语中的“some/ certain一others一still others”的固定结构。仅从这一点判断,F是答案。

  2.D 决定哪个句子填入“空2"的一个方法是排除法。选项A、B, C, F(F已选为“空1”的答案)的内容与“空2”前后的句子意思上都不连贯。选项E有些突如其来。只有选项D符合上下文的意思。this:指前面句子中的can determine how "stressed" the land is。

  3.A 选项A中的ecological recovery与前面一句中的recolonize相呼应,提示选项A的句子是前面句子的后续句。

  4.B 选项B中的关键词。ther businesses, farming, property提示,选项B的句子是前面句子的后续句,因为前面句子有mining ,tree harvesting,也是businesses。蚂蚁分析法已被mining和tree harvesting等行业广泛接受,但在farming和property行业中的应用还不普遍。

  5.C 本题的答案很自然会选C,因为scarcity,当然就贵了。此外,those指的是前一句的specialists,进一步证明选项C是正确的。


  外出野餐时,蚂蚁被当做是害虫:但是它们有自己的用途。在诸如釆矿业、农业和林业等行 业里,蚂蚁可以用来测量环境是否健康,它们会随环境的变化而四处爬动、坐立不安。

  几十年以来,蚂蚁一直被认为对生态变化极为敏感。几乎可以充当测量一个生态系统状态的 气压计。比如,在被砍光树的森林里,只有某些特定的物种可以继续存活,其他则会因为缺少食 物而死去,而另外的一些物种则会进入这块地方并在此繁衍生息。

  科学家可以通过观察哪些物种居住在没有树林的地方来确定该块土地受的“压力”有多重。 而这个观察又通过对蚂蚁的分类、数目的确定及与上次调查结果的对比分析来进行。科学家利用 蚂蚁就是因为它们随处可见并种类繁多。

  一些矿井地带在复原的过程中,有一些蚂蚁的物种会比其他物种更快地重新在植被被破坏了 的土地上安家,这样可以帮助科学家测定生态恢复的速度和进程。澳大利亚矿业公司卡普瑞考恩 煤矿管理集团几年来已经成功地运用蚂蚁观测的方法来确定土地恢复的速度。这块土地临近昆士 兰的德国小溪煤矿附近,现在正在重新种植植被。

  在非洲和巴西,炎热的天气促进蚂蚁繁殖的密度和种类。那里,蚂蚁也被用于一些矿点复原 的项目中,乔娜森?梅吉是一位环境生物学教授,他说:“我们发觉这个方法在这里非常适用。” 他又说:“然而这种调查的方法也非常适合亚洲地区的气候,因为在亚洲蚂蚁很普遍。这是蚂蚁的 可贵之处。”

  用蚂蚁来做调查已被誉为生态预言的指针,世界各地的政府都承认通过它们而得出的关于估 测采矿和伐林对环境带来的影响的结果。然而在另外一些行业中,比如农业和房地产开发业,用 蚂蚁调查的方法并没有被广泛地采用。 ,

  为什么不用呢?因为许多公司付不起此种方法的开支,以及要花在实验室用来详审调查结果 的时间。高额的费用还来自于研究蚂蚁的老师的稀少,花钱雇他们得出大价钱。







  Heat Is Killer

  Extremely hot weather is common in many parts of the world. Although hot weather just makes most people feel hot, it can cause serious medical problems — even death. Floods, storms, volcano eruptions and other natural disasters kill thousands of people every year. (l) .Experts say heat may be nature's deadliest killer. Recently, extreme heat was blamed for killing more than one hundred people in India. It is reported that the total heat of a hot day or several days can affect health. ( 2) .Experts say heat waves often become dangerous when the nighttime temperature does not drop much from the highest daytime temperature. This causes great stress on the human body.

  (3) . Stay out of the sun, if possible. Drink lots of cool water. Wear light colored clothing made of natural materials ; avoid wearing synthetic clothing. Make sure the clothing is loose,permitting freedom of movement1. And learn the danger signs of the medical problems, such as headache and vomiting, that are linked to heat. (4) . The pain is a warning that the body is becoming too hot. Doctors say those suffering headache or muscle pain should stop all activity and rest in a cool place and drink cool liquids. Do not return to physical activity3 for a few hours because more serious conditions could develop.

  Doctors say some peoples face an increased danger from heat stress. (5).

  Hot weather also increases dangers for people who must take medicine for high blood pressure4,poor blood flow,nervousness or depression.


  eruption .爆发,喷发 vomit 呕吐

  deadly 致命的 muscle肌肉 synthetic 合成的


  1.Make sure the clothing is loose, permitting freedom of movement.衣月艮——定要宽松,以便活 .动自如。make sure意为“确信,保证”,其后面从句的谓语要用一般现在时。一如:Make sure the door is locked before you leave0 permitting freedom of movement 是分词短语,用做目的状语。

  2.The pain is a warning that the body is becoming too hot.疼痛是一个警告,说明你的身体 过热。that the body is becoming too hot 是同位语从句,与 warning 同位,说明 warning 的 内容

  3.physical activity :体力活动

  4.Hot weather also increases dangers for people who must take medicine for high blood pressure ...: 炎热天气对于那些必须服药以控制血压的人,??…也增加了危险性。


  A Such persons have a weak or damaged heart, high blood pressure, or other problems of the blood system.

  B Several of these conditions are present at the same time.

  C Most people suffer only muscle pain as a result of heat stress.

  D Several hot days are considered a heat wave.

  E So does extreme heat.

  F Doctors say people can do many things to protect themselves from the dangers of extreme heat.








  1.E本文&标题是Heat Is Killer,通篇文章说的是heat的危害性及预防方法。“空1”前面的 句子是,"Floods,storms, volcano eruptions and other natural events kill thousands of people every year",“空 1”后面的句子是,“…heat may be nature's deadliest killer"。所以这里应将最致命的杀手E提出。

  2.D “空2”后面的句子说到heat waves,而选项D的句子中也出现heat wave,说明这两个句 子意思上有联系。“空2”的句子是对“heatwave”下定义,为下一句的展开作了铺垫。D是答案。

  3.F第一段末尾说,白天的热浪,如果到夜晚没有降温,会给身体带来巨大压力,这是很危险 的。第二段就列举了许多保护自己免受高温伤害的方法。“空3”的句子应该是位于段首的 概括句。选项F说人们有多种办法保护自己,完全符合要求,因此是答案。

  4.C紧跟“空4”后面句子中有特指的the pain,说明前文一定出现过pain这个词。选项C 的句子中有pain,且C的句子填入后,上下文意思连贯,所以是答案。

  5.A “空5”前面的句子意思为:某些人在热浪期间特别危险。读者或许会问,是哪些人呢? 选项A回答了这个问题,所以是答案。


  世界各地常常会出现高温天气。别以为高温仅仅让人们感觉炎热,实际上它还会引发疾 病——甚至死亡。每年数苄万人死于洪水、风暴、火山喷发和其他自然灾害。极热天气也是如此。 老师指出,高温可能是大自然最致命的杀手。近来,印度有一百多人死于高温天气。据报道,一 天或七天里遭受持续高温的袭击将影响健康。持续几天的高温被称为热浪。老师?K,白天的热浪, 如果到夜晚没有降温,:会给身体带来巨大压力,这是很危险的。

  医生说,人们有很多方法保护自己免受高温的侵害。如果可能的话,尽量避免阳光直射,多 喝凉水。要穿天然材料制作的浅色服装,不穿合成面料服装。衣服一定要宽松,以便活动自如。 了解高温引发疾病的危险信号,比如头疼、呕吐。大多数人遭受高温仅会感到肌肉疼痛。疼痛是 一个警告,说明你的身体过热。医生提出,一旦感觉头疼和肌肉疼痛就应该停止一切活动,在阴 凉地方休息,喝清凉饮料。几小时内都不要进行体力活动,否则还会导致更严重的状况。

  医生还指出,一些特殊群体在热浪期间特别危险。他们心脏衰弱、有高血压或其他心血管病。 炎热天气对于那些必须服药以控制血压、血流不畅、精神紧张、抑郁的人也是特别危险的。






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