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摘要   【摘要】环球网校:2016年职称英语考试即将开始报名,目前备考2016年职称英语考试的考生也在循序渐进的复习中。对此,环球小编整理了《2016年职称英语考试《综合类》补全短文专项小测汇总》,希望备考2016年




  "Happy Birthday to You"

  The main problem in discussing American popular culture is also one of its main characteristics: it won't stay American. No matter what it is, whether it is films, food and fashion, music, casual sports or slang, it's soon at home elsewhere in the world. There are several theories why American popular culture has had this appeal.

  One theory is that it has been "advertised" and marketed through American films, popular music, and more recently, television. (46) They are, after all, in competition with those produced by other countries.

  Another theory, probably a more common one, is that Americhn popular culture is internationally associated with something called "the spirit of America. " (47)

  The final theory is less complex: American popular culture is popular because a lot of people in the world like it.

  Regardless of why it spread, American popular culture is usually quite rapidly adopted and then adapted in many .other countries. (48) "Happy Birthday to You," for instance, is such an everyday song that its source, its American copyright, so to speak, is not remembered. Black leather jackets worn by many heroes in American movies could be found, a generation later, on all those young men who wanted to make this manly-look their own.

  Two areas where this continuing process is most clearly seen are clothing and music. Some people can still remember a time when T-shirts, jogging clothes, tennis shoes, denim jackets,and blue jeans were not common daily wear everywhere. Only twenty years ago, it was possible to spot an American in Paris by his or her clothes. No longer so: those bring colors, checkered jackets and trousers, hats and socks which were once made fun of in cartoons are back again in Paris as the latest fashion.(49)

  The situation with American popular music is more complex because in the beginning,when it was still clearly American, it was often strongly resisted. Jazz was once thought to be a great danger to youth and their morals, and was actually outlawed in several countries. Today,while stills blowing its rather American roots, it has become so well established. Rock "n" roll and its variations, country & westem music, all have more or less similar histories. They were first resisted, often in America as well, as being "low-class," and then as "a danger to our nation's youth. " (50) And then the music became accepted and was extended and developed, and exported back to the U. S.

  A.As a result, its American origins and roots are often quickly forgotten.

  B.But this theory fails to explain why American films, music, and television programs are so popular in themselves.

  C.American in origin, informal clothing has become the world's first truly universal style.

  D.The BBC, for example, banned rock and roll until 1962.

  E.American food has become popular around the world too.

  F.This spirit is variously described as being young and free, optimistic and confident,informal and disrespectful.

  46-50 BFACD









  From early times man has used garlic (大蒜). The Bible speaks of it. The Israelites (古以色列人) were once far from home. They cried out to Moses, their leader, for the foods they loved: leeks (韭菜), onions, and garlic. The Romans, like the Israelites, loved to eat garlic. And they hung bags of garlic around their necks. _____(46) They also thought it would keep them from getting sick.

  A similar idea is still held. Many people take garlic thinking it will prevent or cure disease. Most doctors say it does no such thing. _____(47) Its smell may force people to stay far apart. At least then they can't pass germs on to each other. _____(48) What if you're in a play, for instance? Actors have been known to forget their lines because they couldn't stand the garlic smell on a fellow actor's breath. Some have even made up new lines and actions that kept them far away from the one who had eaten garlic.

  Through the years man has tried to cope with the smell of garlic. _____(49) We now know why. It's been found that the oils of the garlic do not stick to the teeth, Garlic tongue, or gums (齿龈). They go into the lungs instead. From there they are breathed out. They pass out through the skin too.

  Strange as it seems, food may have a great deal of garlic in it without smelling or tasting strong. It all depends on how it is cooked. French cooks make a good soup with whole cloves (瓣) of garlic. They use more than thirty cloves in one bowl of soup. But they take care not to crush them. And they cook them whole. _____(50) And as the cloves cook they change in some strange way. The soup turns out to be delicious. It's not strong at all.

  A But no medicine, mouthwash, chewing gum, or toothpaste seems to help much

  B As a result, the strong oils stay in the cloves.

  C They say it may help in one way, though.

  D Many people eat garlic.

  E But keeping your distance can be hard at times.

  F They hoped it would keep away the evil eye.

  46. F  47. C  48. E  49. A  50. B







  Taking a Nap During the Day

  Medical experts say most Americans do not get 1 sleep.They say more Americans need to rest for a short period in the middle of the day.They are advising people to sleep lightly before 2 with other activities.

  One study earlier this year found that persons who sleep for a few minutes during the day were less 3 to die of disease.The study followed more than 2,300 Greek adults 4 about six years.Adult who rested for half an hour 5 three times a week had a 37 percent lower risk of dying from heart disease than those who did not nap.

  Study organizers said the strongest evidence was in working men.They said naps might improve 6 by mitigating tension caused by work.

  Some European and Latin American businesses have supported the 7 of napping for many years.They urge people to 8 work,go home and have a nap before returning.In the United States,some companies let workers rest briefly in their offices.They believe this reduces in their offices.They believe this reduces 9 and accidents,and 10increases the amount of work a person can do.

  Sleep experts say it is likely that people make more mistakes at work than at other times1.They say people should not carry out important duties when they feel 11 .And they say the best thing to do is to take a nap.About twenty minutes of rest is 12 you need.Experts say this provides extra energy and can increase your effectiveness 13 the end of the day.But experts warn that a nap 14 last no more than twenty to thirty minutes.A longer nap will put the body into deep sleep2 and waking up3 will be 15


  Nap n.打盹 mitigate v.减价

  urge v.催促,劝告


  1.people make more mistakes at work than at other times:人们在工作(时间)中出错的概率比其它的时间要多。本句中的at work可以理解为during their work time.

  2.put…into deep sleep:使……进人深睡状态

  3.waking up:从上下文判断,waking up是“自己醒过来”的意思,不是“唤醒”。


  1.A sweet B sound C bad D enough

  2.A checking B sharing C continuing D meeting

  3.A lovely B likely C fondly D finely

  4.A for B at C in D with

  5.A at least B at most C at last D at first

  6.A ability B health C thinking D life

  7.A experiment B reform C idea D way

  8.A repeat B improve C change D leave

  9.A work B mistakes C energy D time

  10.A never B seldom C too D also

  11.A ready B good C sleepy D awake

  12.A all B few C any D nothing

  13.A unless B while C until D during

  14.A would B may C might D should

  15.A helpful B difficult C easy D happy








  1.D本段第二句说“more Americans need to rest for a short period in the middle of the day”。引导我们选择(not)enough.因为睡眠不够,才要中午“打个盹”。选项A:文不对题。选项B:bad(sleep)与上下文不符,因为通篇文章没有提到过,中午打盹的原因是晚上没有睡好。选项C:明显不合乎逻辑。“由于没有睡不好(即:晚上睡好了),白天还要补睡一会儿”,于理说不通。所以,惟一合理的选择是enough.‘


  3.B空格3所在的句子说的是“心脏病致死”的问题,lovely,fondly和finely分别表达“可爱”、“喜欢”和“美好”的意思,明显不对。less likely是“可能性较低一些”的意思,选择likely符合上下文的意思。本段最后一句说,成年人白天打盹半小时,一周三次,其心脏病致死的概率比不打盹的人要低37%.这更证实了选likely是正确的。

  4.A本句的意思是,调查进行了六年。about six years之前要用表达一段时间的介词for.介词at和with明显与about six years不搭配,而选项in(about six years)表达的是未来的时间,如:He will come to Beijing in one day or tw0.(他一、两天之内会到北京。)

  5.A at first和at last明显与本句的意思不符。若选at most(最多),本句的意思成了“成年人白天打盹半小时,一周不得超过三次,其心脏病致死的概率比不打盹的人要低37%”,意思有点令人费解。改说成,“一周至少三次”才说得通。所以at least是答案。


  7.C空格7所在的句子的意思是:多年来,欧洲和拉丁美洲的一些公司支持白天打盹的 ? (空格中填哪一个词?)。很明显,空格中填入experiment(试验)或reform(改革)则离题太远,而way(方式)肯定没有idea(想法)好。C是答案。

  8.D从上下文判断,空格8的词应该与“中止(work)”有关。四个选项中,只有leave合乎这一条件。而其它三个选项repeat(重复)、improve(改进)和change(改变)与后半句的go home and have a nap搭不上。

  9.B前面一句说,美国有些公司让职员在办公室打个盹,这样可以减少些事故等。填人空格9的词应该与accidents(事故)一样,是一个负面意思的词。mistakes(选项B)符合这个条件,是答案。reduce work/energy time都不合理。

  10.D 打个盹有两个好处:1)可以减少错误和事故;2)可以增加工作效率。从上下文判断,选als0最合适。t00从词义上说也可以,但用法上有问题,因为 “…this…too increases the amount…”把t00置于动词increases之前很少见。never和seldom的意思与上下文不匹配。

  11.C前半句说,“people should not carry out important dudes…”,后半句自然会想到“when they feel sleepy”。而when they feel ready good happy都说不通。

  12.A本句的意思是:大约20分钟的打盹是你所需要的。所以,About twenty minutes of rest is few/any/nothing you need与上述意思不符,只有About twenty minutes of rest is all you need才说得通。

  13.C前半句说,“this(指打肫)provides extra energy and Can increase your effectiveness”后面接while unless during the end of the day不搭配,只有until(the end of the day)才是答案。


  15.B本句表达的意思应该是上一句“A longer nap will put the body into deep sleep”引出的结果。打盹时间长了,就会进入深睡状态,很难醒过来。选difficult是合适的






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