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摘要   【摘要】环球网校:2016年职称英语考试即将开始报名,目前备考2016年职称英语考试的考生也在循序渐进的复习中。对此,环球小编整理了《2016年职称英语考试《综合类》补全短文专项小测汇总》,希望备考2016年



  Avalanche and Its Safety

  An avalanche is a sudden and rapid flow of snow,often mixed with air and water,down a mountainside.Avalanches are 1 the biggest dangers in the mountains for both life and property.

  All avalanches are caused by an over=burden of material,typically snowpack,that is too massive and unstable for the slope 2 supports it.Determining the critical load,the amount of over-burden which is 3 to cause an avalanche,4 a complex task involving the evaluation of a number of factors.

  Terrain slopes flatter than 25 degrees or steeper than 60 degrees typically have a low5 of avalanche.Snow does not6 significantly on steep slopes;also,snow does not7 easily on fiat slopes.Human-triggered avalanches have the greatest incidence when the snow's angle of rest 1is 8 35 and 45 degrees;the critical angle,the angle at which the human incidence of avalanches is greatest,is 38 degrees.The rule of thumb2 is:A slope that is 9 enough to hold snow but steep enough to ski has the potential to generate an avalanche,regardless of the angle.Additionally3,avalanche risk increases with 10 ;that is,the more a slope is disturbed by skiers,the more likely it is that an avalanche will occur.

  Due to the complexity of the subject,winter travelling in the backcountry4 is never 100% safe.Good avalanche safety is a continuous 11 ,including route selection and examination to the snowpack,weather 12 ,and human factors.Several well-known good habits can also 13 the risk.If local authorities issue avalanche risk reports,they should be considered and all warnings should be paid 14 to.Never follow in the tracks of others without your own evaluations;snow conditions are almost certain to have changed since they were made.Observe the terrain and note obvious avalanche paths where plants are 15 or damaged.Avoid traveling below others who might trigger an avalanche.


  avalanche n.雪崩 trigger v.引起,激发(环球网校2016年职称英语考试《综合类》补全短文专项小测第五套)

  snowpack n.积雪场 incidence n.发生(率)

  terrain n.地形,地势 ski v.滑雪

  steep adj.险峻的,陡峭的 complexity n.复杂性


  1.angle of rest:这里指积雪保持静止的角度。

  2.rule of.thumb:指“a broadly accurate principle,based on experience or practice rather that theory”,即“通用法则,经验法则”。




  1.A among B of C to D in

  2.A when B that C who D whose

  3.A mostly B likely C clearly D surely

  4.A are B will be C is D was

  5.A weight B form C risk D work

  6.A fall B flow C roll D gather

  7.A fall B flow C roll D gather

  8.A among B between C with D for

  9.A thick B thin C flat D rocky

  10.A use B time C snow D rain

  11.A journey B trip C fact D process

  12.A conditions B reports C forecast D event

  13.A increase B reduce C improve D remove

  14.A price B effort C attention D money

  15.A missing B grown C big D fresh











  4.C该句的主语是Determining the critical load,从上下文来看应该使用一般现在时,所以C是正确答案。

  5.C要确定本题答案的一个有效的方法是排除法。a.10w weight/form work of avalanche都不合逻辑,只有a low risk of avalanche符合上下文的意思。下面的句子解释了low risk of avalanche的道理,更证实了选risk是正确的。





  9.C这个句子说明的是什么样的山坡最易发生雪崩,即,A slope that is flat enough to hold snow but steep enough to ski.flat在此做“平坦”解,与后面的steep形成反义。

  10.A句中的that is表明,后半部分是对前半部分的进一步说明。所以,这里的选择要根据下文的意思判断。use是最佳选择,整个句子的意思是:山坡被滑雪者使用的越多,雪崩就越可能发生。 、




  14.C该句主句使用的是被动语态,第二个动词是pay attention t0的被动形式。l选项A、B、D均不符合句子的意思。








  1 A few countries are using powerful electromagnets to develop high-speed trains,called maglev trains. Maglev is short for magnetic levitation 1 ,which means that these trains float over a guide way using the basic principles of magnets to replace the old steel wheel and track trains.

  2 If you've ever played with magnets,you know that opposite poles attract and like poles repel each other2. This is the basic principle behind electromagnetic propulsion. Electromagnets are similar to other magnets in that they attract metal objects,but the magnetic pull is temporary. You can easily create a small electromagnet yourself by connecting the ends of a copper wire to the positive and negative ends of an AA-cell battery3. This creates a small magnetic field. If you disconnect either end of the wire from the battery,the magnetic field is taken away.(环球网校2016年职称英语考试《综合类》补全短文专项小测第五套)

  3 The magnetic field created in this wire-and-battery experiment is the simple idea behind a maglev train rail system. There are three components to this system: A large electrical power source,metal coils lining a guide way or track,and large guidance magnets attached to the underside of the train.

  4 The big difference between a maglev train and a conventional train is that maglev trains do not have an engine —— at least not the kind of engine used to pull typical train cars along steel tracks4. The engine for maglev trains is rather innoticeable. Instead of using fossil fuels,the magnetic field created by the electrified coils in the guideway walls and the track combines to propel the trains5.

  5 The magnetized coil running along the track,called a guideway,repels the large magnets on the train's undercarriage,allowing the train to levitate between 1 to 10 cm above the guideway. Once the train is levitated,power is supplied to the coils within the guideway walls to create a unique system of magnetic fields that pull and push~ th train along the guideway. The electric current supplied to the coils in the guideway walls is constantly alternating to change the polarity of the magnetized coils. This change in polarity causes the magnetic field in front of the train to pull the vehicle forward,while the magnetic field behind the train adds more forward thrust.

  6 Maglev trains float on a cushion of air',eliminating friction. This lack of friction allows these trains to reach unprecedented ground transportation speeds of more than 500 kph,or twice as fast as the fastest conventional train. At 500 kph,you could travel from Paris to Rome in just over two hours.


  Levitate v. 悬浮 electrified v. 使带电

  Levitation n. 悬浮 magnetize v. 使带磁

  guideway n. 导向槽 line v.排列成行

  propelb vt. 推进 underside n.下侧,下面

  propulsion n. 推进 undercarriage n. 车盘


  1. Maglev is short for magnetic levitation :maglev 是 magnetic levitation 的缩略词。

  2. opposite poles attract and like poles repel each other: 异极相吸,同极相斥

  3. AA-cell battery:5号电池

  4. at least not the kind of engine used to pull typical train cars along steel tracks: 至少不是沿着轨道拉动典型的火车车厢的那种发动机。

  5. the magnetic field created by the electrified coils in the guideway walls and the track combine to propel the train: 由嵌入导向壁内的电磁线圈产生的磁场加上轨道,一起推动火车前进。The magnetic field 和 the track 是句子主语,created by the electrified coils in the guideway walls 是过去分词短语,用作定语,修饰the magnetic field.


  1. Paragraph 3

  2. Paragraph 4

  3. Paragraph 5

  A The Main Components of the Maglev Train System

  B High-speed Maglev due to Zero Friction

  C The Working Principle of the Maglev Train

  D Differences between Polarity and Magnetic Field

  E Comparison of Maglev Trains with Traditional Ones

  F Maglev with a Powerful Motor

  4. Paragraph 6

  5. Several countries in the world are using strong electromagnets

  6. You can connect a wire to the positive and negative ends of a battery .

  7. A unique system of magnetic fields is created by the coils

  8. The frictionless maglev train enables you

  A to develop a maglev train rail system

  B To explain why maglev trains are faster

  C to pull and push the train forward

  D to create a magnetic field

  E to experiment with the maglev train

  F to travel from Paris to Rome in about two hours








  1. 第三段了举了磁浮列车的三个组成部分,动力源、金属线圈和此贴。选项A 概括了第三段列的内容。

  2. E 第四段就磁浮列车和传统火车进行了比较:磁浮列车没有发动机而传统火车有发动机。选项C用comparsion 来概括是准确的。

  3. C 第五段比较详细的介绍了为什么磁浮列车会向前运动,也就揭示了磁浮列车的工作原理。

  4. B 在第五段解释了磁浮列车浮起和向前运动的原理之后,作者在第六段中进行了磁浮列车速度奇快的原因:去除了传统火车的车轮于铁轨的摩擦。

  5. A 选A 的依据是本文第一段第一句:A few countries using powerful electromagnets to develop high-speed trains,called maglev trains.


  7. C第五段的第二句,即“0nce the train is levitated,power is supplied to the coils within the guideway walls to create a unique system of magnetic fields that pull and push the train along the guideway”,是选择c的依据。







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