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环球网校·2015-07-24 11:26:24浏览1572 收藏628
摘要   全国英语等级考试  第二级  PUBLIC ENGLISH TEST SYSTEM (PETS)  LEVEL2  2014年9月笔试真卷  笔试部分答题时间:120分钟  第一部分 听 力(略)  第二部分 英语知识运用  第一节 单项






  第一部分 听 力(略)

  第二部分 英语知识运用

  第一节 单项填空


  21. --I wonder if I might have a quick look at your newspaper?


  [A] Look ahead [B]Here you are[C] Watch out [D]There you go

  22. It didn't come as a big surprise_____the flight was going to be delayed.

  [A] what [B]which [C] how [D] that

  23. We asked Philip to come with us_____he knows the road.

  [A] except for [B] so that [C] as [D]when

  24.I looked down at the floor and saw a piece of paper. Someone_____a note under the


  [A] had pushed [B]is pushing[C] has been pushing [D]pushed

  25. They only met twice_____ the whole time they were neighbors.

  [ A ] around [ B ] during [ C ] in [ D ] by

  26. Alan felt totally lost on the beach_____with hundreds of holidaymakers.

  [ A ] crowded [ B ] crowding [ C ] to crowd [ D ] crowd

  27. Eric has been fortunate to find a job he loves and,______he gets well paid for it.

  [ A ] more or less [ B ] what' s more

  [ C ] as a result [D ] in any case

  28. --Do you know where David is? I couldn't find him anywhere.

  --Well, he______ have gone far--his coat' s still here.

  [ A ] won' t [ B ] mustn' t [ C ] needn' t [ D ] couldn' t

  29. --I wonder why Tom was promoted to general manager instead of Ann.

  -- _______ . I' m surprised that Ann didn' t get the job.

  [ A] So do I [ B ] Neither do I [ C] I am too [ D ] Me neither

  30. I ____ chess quite well, but I haven't had time to play it since this spring.

  [ A ] play [ B ] had played[ C ] have played [ D ] am playing

  31. We were able to buy ____furniture from _____friend at cost price.

  [A] /; the [B] the; / [C] the; a [D] a; the

  32. Canada is a nice country and you' ll find it easy to_____ the life there within a couple of months.

  [ A] fit in with [ B ] put up with

  [ C ] get along with [ D ] end up with

  33. Peggy thinks that most of the other girls in school are ____ more popular than her.

  [ A ] only [ B ] almost [ C ] just [ D ] far

  34. It has been raining for two weeks, completely ____ our holiday.

  [ A ] having ruined [ B ] to ruin

  [ C ] ruining [ D ] ruined

  35. The Greeks spend more money on food than_____nation in Europe.

  [ A ] the other [ B ] other [ C ] another [ D ] any other

  第二节 完形填空


  The first time I left my mother, I was five years old. She told me I couldn' t go out to play 36 I picked up my toys. Who could put up with such 37 ? "I' m running away," I announced. "Oh, dear, I'll 38 you. But if you really want to 39 , I guess I shouldn' t stop you. " Mother got my red coat from the cupboard and 40 my white gloves in a pocket. She walked me to the 41, kissed me good-bye, and 42 the door behind me. Off I went. As I 43 the house next door, my footsteps 44. It struck me for the first time that I had no 45 where I was headed, and after a moment, I turned around. 46 0n our front steps, I began to consider my immediate 47 . But as the afternoon wore on, I didn't 48 from my place.

  Mrs. Ford, our neighbor, took out her rubbish and called, "Hi, honey! How are you doing?""I'm 49 ," I said, and my lips started to tremble(颤抖).

  "You are? Well, I won't 50 you then," she said, and went back inside.

  As darkness fell, I decided to be 51 . I knocked on the door, and when Mother open edit, I walked past her. "I' m giving you another 52," I said, as she enveloped me in a warm hug(拥抱).I 53 ran away again.

  But I 54, and that' s different. When I left for college, Mother waved until my train pulled out of sight. When I got to the college, I found a 55 she had hidden among my sweaters that read, "We' re so proud of you !"

  36. [ A ] until [ B ] though [ C ] when [ D ] if

  37. [ A ] an experiment [ B ] instruction [ C ] treatment [ D ] a standard

  38. [ A ] envy [ B ] beg [ C ] keep [ D ] miss

  39. [ A ] sleep [ B ] change [ C ] study [ D ] go

  40. [ A ] removed [ B ] put [ C ] wore [ D ] reached

  41. [ A ] highway [ B ] station [ C ] door [ D ] bedroom

  42. [ A ] answered [ B ] closed [ C ] blocked [ D ] fixed

  43. [ A ] passed [ B ] entered [ C ] visited [ D ] noticed

  44. [ A ] followed [ B ] sounded [ C ] slowed down [ D ] went on

  45. [ A ] feeling [ B ] doubt [ C ] idea [ D ] hope

  46. [ A ] Reading [ B ] Sitting [ C ] Smiling [ D ] Playing

  47. [ A ] safety [ B ] neighbour [ C ] future [ D ] reply

  48. [ A ] show [ B ] move [ C ] hear [ D ] start

  49. [ A] running away [ B ] going home [ C ] growing up [ D ] giving up

  50. [ A ] comfort [ B ] believe [ C ] trust [ D ] disturb

  51. [A] happy [B] honest [C] watchful [D] generous

  52. [ A] lesson [ B ] surprise [ C ] chance [ D ] excuse

  53. [ A ] seldom [ B ] never [ C ] almost [ D ] just

  54. [ A ] tried [ B ] learned [ C ] stayed [ D ] left

  55. [ A ] book [ B ] note [ C ] diary [ D ] check

  第二节 阅读理解


  Text 1

  The first time I heard the actual London Bridge was in Lake Havasu City, Arizona, I thought it was a joke. A stupid joke at that. I mean, what sort of moron would take a perfectly good, perfectly famous bridge and move it halfway around the world to some no-name town in northwest Arizona? Back in 1962 when all this started, Lake Havasu City was nothing. A couple of shops, a couple of homes, and no tourism at all.

  It turns out Robert McCulloch is the moron in question, and he wasn't quite the moron I thought he was. His 2.45 million dollar investment(投资) in the 130-year-old bridge--which the British government was selling because it was about to fall into the Thames(泰晤士河)--ended up being the investment of a lifetime. You see McCulloch was a real businessman, among other things, and his money paid off big. He turned Lake Havasu into one of the most visited tourist at-tractions in Arizona.

  It took nine long years to take down the bridge, ship it brick by brick to the middle of no-where, and build it up again. When it finally did open up in 1971, it was a huge deal covered by the international press.

  The bridge is now a popular tourist attraction, and there' s even a mini "English Village" at the foot of the bridge with souvenirs (纪念品 ) and real British food so you can have a good old time.

  Nowadays Lake Havasu is a busy town with a population of about 56,000 citizens and another2.5 million visitors each year. Most of that is during spring break when the town overflows with energetic boys and girls. Even MTV and the Girls Gone Wild people get in on the action. All thanks to that little bridge.

  I don' t know about you, but I' m saving my pennies. When the French get sick of that Eiffel Tower, I' 11 be the first to put money on it. It' 11 look great in my backyard.

  56. The underlined word "moron" in the first paragraph means

  [A] a brave person [B ] a foolish person[ C ] a famous person [D] a strange person

  57. Why did the British government put the London Bridge up for sale?

  [ A ] It polluted the Thames.[ B ] It was no longer popular.

  [ C ] It was going to fall down.

  [ D ] It could bring them the needed money.

  58. What was Lake Havasu City like before 1962?

  [ A ] It was a good place for investment.[ B ] It was known for its English Village.

  [ C ] It was a small town with no tourism.[ D] It had a population of 56,000 citizens.

  59. In the last paragraph, the author tries to be

  [ A] polite [ B] friendly [ C] practical [ D] humorous

  Text 2

  Studies over the past decade at the University of Utah show that hands-free cellphones are just as harmful to drivers as hand-held ones because it is the conversation, not the phone, that is distracting(分散) their attention. "Even though your eyes are looking right at something, when you are on the cellphone, you are not as likely to see it," says Professor David Strayer. "Ninety-nine percent of the time, it's not that critical(危急的), but that l% could be the time a child runs into the street," he adds.

  Dr. Strayer' s studies have also found that talking on a cellphone is far more distracting than talking with a passenger. Listening to the radio, to music or to a book on tape also isn' t as distracting, because it doesn' t require the same level of interaction as a conversation. But even drivers may miss some details of a book on tape if their attention is focused on driving tasks. Some people can train themselves to pay extra attention to things that are important--like police officers learn to search faces in crowds.

  And the Utah researchers have found a rare group of "super-taskers"--about 2.5% of the population--who seem able to attend to more than one thing with ease.

  Many more people think they can effectively do several things at the same time, but they are really turning their attention rapidly between two things and not getting the full effect of either. Clearly, it is easier to put some tasks together than others. "Not all distractions are the same," says Dr. Strayer. Things like cleaning and working out can be done automatically(自动地) while the mind is focused elsewhere. But doing homework and texting at the same time isn' t possible. Even talking and watching TV is difficult. "Just try talking with your wife while watching football. It' s impossible," jokes Dr. Strayer.

  60. What is the first paragraph mainly about?

  [ A] The harm in using phones while driving.[ B ] The advantages of hand-held phones.

  [ C ] The danger of running in the street.

  [ D ] The causes of road accidents.

  61. What does the example of police officers in Paragraph 2 show?

  [ A] Searching for faces require more attention than driving.

  [ B ] Talking to a crowd calls for a high level of attention.

  [ C ] One' s attention can be easily distracted in crowds.

  [ D ] The ability to attend to two tasks can be trained.

  62. "Super-taskers" can be best described as people who can

  [ A ] do several things effectively at the same time[ B ] turn their attention rapidly to two things

  [ C ] handle all difficult tasks with ease[ D ] pay full attention to one task

  63. Which of the following can you do while talking on the phone?

  [ A ] Doing homework. [ B ] Writing a letter.[ C ] Working out. [ D ] Watching TV.

  Text 3

  Young women who take part in beauty contests (比赛) are helping to keep alive an outdated opinion of women: that a woman' s most important value is how she looks.

  Women have been working very hard through the years to change their image (形象). They have been trying to prove that the value of a woman does not lie only in her beauty. The world is just beginning to recognize that women are as smart, wise and strong in personality as men are, and that there are qualities more important than looks when judging people. When women take part in beauty contests for top prizes, they encourage people to value them for their beauty alone. It is unfair to say that beauty alone determines one' s worth.

  Beauty contests not only encourage spectators (观众) to judge women by their appearance, but they encourage this idea in the contestants as well. These young women spend months losing weight to be the "right" size and learning how to dress, wear makeup, and walk just right so that some judges will consider them beautiful. I think it' s great for a woman to feel good about her appearance, but looks shouldn' t be sought after in an extreme or unreasonable way. There are too many other, more important, things in a young woman' s life: learning, developing friendships and preparing for their future work and perhaps a family.

  As long as there are beauty contests, women won' t be fully recognized as well-rounded human beings.

  64. According to the text, women have tried to change their image by

  [ A ] proving they are as good as men[ B ] paying attention to their clothes

  [C]winning more beauty contests

  [D] encouraging people to value their beauty

  65. What do women usually do in preparation for beauty contests?

  [A] Learn about their personality. [B] Do everything for their bodies.

  [C] Choose the right size dresses. [D] Develop friendship with spectators.

  66. What can we infer from the text?

  [A] Looks determine everything.[ B ] Wisdom carries much weight.

  [C] Spectators should have their voices heard.

  [D] Qualities other than looks are more important.

  67. According to the author, beauty contests are

  [A] disrespectful to women [B] unpleasant to contestants

  [C]necessary for modem society [ D ] helpful in improving women' s image

  Text 4

  It is late at night and you are still awake. Should you take a sleeping pill(药片) ? People who take medicine often come to depend on it. So you lie awake knowing that the new work day will soon arrive. If this happens to you for at least one month, you may have insomnia, or sleeping problems, at an early stage. There are millions of you...us...around the world.

  A new study led by Eric Nofzinger and Daniel Buysse of the University of Pittsburgh Medical School has found that you might fall asleep quicker and stay asleep longer if you try "cerebral hypothermia", which just means cooling down your brain. They examined twelve people who had insomnia and twelve others who had no sleep problems. Each of them wore a soft plastic cap on their heads at bed time.

  The caps had tubes(软管) inside filled with water. The researchers moved the water through the tubes and then changed the temperature of the water. As other studies showed that people who had trouble sleeping often had more chemical reactions (反应) in the front of their brains, there searchers thought lowering the temperature of the brain might help.

  For the first two nights of testing, the patients wore no water caps. During the next two nights, the caps were worn, but the water was not cooled. Then the researchers cooled the water a little for two nights. On the final two nights of the study, the temperature of the water was made much cooler.

  The researchers found that the water caps did not help the insomnia patients until the temperature was about 14℃. Most of the patients fell asleep faster and slept better when the coolest water was moving around their heads.

  68. People might suffer from an early stage of insomnia if they

  [ A ] become dependent on drugs

  [ B ] need to take medicine before sleep

  [ C ] stay up late worrying about their jobs

  [ D ] have difficulty falling asleep over a month

  69. How can people' s sleeping be improved according to the study?

  [ A ] Control the brain temperature.

  [ B ] Put plastic caps on at the fight time.

  [ C ] Wear caps made of proper materials.

  [ D ] Limit the cups of water taken in each day.

  70. How many days did the researchers test insomnia patients?

  [ A ] Two days. [ B ] Four days. [ C ] Six days. [ D ] Eight days.

  71. What might be the best title for the text?

  [ A ] How Researchers Discovered a New Use of Water[ B ] How Cooling the Brain May Help People Sleep

  [ C ] What People Need for a Good Night' s Sleep[ D ] What Happens in the Human Brain at Night

  Text 5

  Eating Etiquette

  What should you do or not do when you are eating in Britain?

  The British generally pay a lot of attention to good table manners (举止). Even young children are expected to eat properly with knives and forks.

  We eat most of our food with cutlery. The foods we don' t eat with a knife, fork or spoon include sandwiches and fruit.

  Things you should do:

  If you cannot eat a certain type of food or have some special needs, tell your host several days before the dinner party.

  If you are a guest, it is polite to wait until your host starts eating or invites you to do so. It shows consideration.

  Always chew(咀嚼) and swallow (吞咽) all the food in your mouth before taking more or taking a drink.

  Always say thank you when served something. It shows your gratefulness.

  You may eat things like chicken with your fingers if you are having a picnic with friends or in very informal settings. Otherwise always use a knife and fork.

  When eating bread rolls, break off a piece before buttering. Eating it whole shows poor taste. On formal dining occasions (场合) it is good manners to take some butter from the butter dish with your bread knife and put it on your side plate. Then butter pieces of the roll using this butter. This prevents the butter in the dish getting full of small pieces of bread as it is passed around.

  In a restaurant, it is normal to pay for your food by putting your money on the plate the bill comes on.

  72. Who will find the text most helpful?

  [A] Host families. [B]British travelers.

  [C] Newcomers in Britain. [D]Waiters in a restaurant.

  73. Which of the following can be considered proper table manners in Britain?

  [ A] Cutting butter into small pieces.

  [B] Eating fruits with a knife and fork.

  [C] waiting for the hosts to start first.[D] Taking a drink while having food.

  74. When eating bread rolls in formal settings, you are advised to eat them

  [A] with butter [B]piece by piece

  [C] with your fingers [D]on your side plate

  75. The underlined word "cutlery" in the text refers to——.

  [A] salt [B]knife, fork or spoon

  [C] drinks [D]butter, cheese or cream

  第四部分 写 作

  第一节 短文改错(76—85略)

  第二节 书面表达















  21.【B】 【精析】句意:——我是否可以快速地浏览一下你的报纸?——当然可以,看吧。本题考查的是情景对话中同意对方请求的表达方式。A选项意为“朝前看,展望未来”,可以用来鼓励,激励对方;B选项意为“给你,拿去吧;这就是你要的东西”,表示要把某物递给某人;C选项意为“当心,保持警觉”,可以用来提醒对方注意;D选项意为“就这样了”,可以表示结束对话、再见的意思,故B正确。

  【知识拓展】例:We must learn the lessons and look ahead,not backwards.我们必须汲取教训,向前看,而不是向后看。

  --Can I look at your watch?我能看一看你的手表吗?

  --Here you are.给你,拿去看吧。

  Watch out. There is a car coming.小心,有车来了。

  Please take care of your baby. There you go.请照顾好你的孩子。就这样吧。(再见)

  22.【D】 【精析】句意:航班即将晚点,这并不让人感到惊讶。本题考查的是主语从句的连词的用法。本句是一个由it作形式主语的主语从句,真正的主语是横线后面的句子。句子不缺任何成份,所以应用that引导,that可以省略,故D正确。


  e.g.:(1)What she did is not yet know.她做了什么(我们)还不知道。(主语从句)

  (2)1 wonder what she's writing to me about.我想知道她给我的信中写什么了。(宾语从句)

  (3) That was what she did this morning.这就是她今天早上所做的。(表语从句)


  e.g.: (1) This is the book, which is written by Lu Xun.这就是鲁迅写的那本书。

  (2) Tom didn't pass the physics exam, which made his parents very angry.汤姆物理考试不及格,这使得他父母很生气。


  e.g.:(1)I don't know how he finished his work.我不知道他是如何完成他的工作的。

  (2) They want to know how to do it to help us.他们想知道怎么做才能帮到我们。


  e.g.:(1)It was yesterday that he met Li Ping.他是昨天遇到李平的。

  (2) It was not until his wife came back that he went to bed.直到他妻子回家他才上床睡觉。

  23.【C】 【精析】句意:我们要求菲利普和我们一起走,因为他认识路。本题考查连词辨析。A选项意为“除了”,表示不同种类中的除此之外;B选项引导目的状语从句时,表示“以便;为了”;C选项意为“因为”,可以用来引导原因状语从句;D选项意为“当…时”,引导时间状语从句。故C正确。

  【知识拓展】1.except for“除了…”,后面加名词或名词性短语。

  e.g.:Your composition is good except for the handwriting.除字迹外,你的作文很不错。

  2.so that引导目的状语从句。

  e.g.:The little boy saved every coin so mat he could buy mother a present on Mother's Day.小男孩节省每一个硬币了能在母亲节给妈妈买一份礼物。


  e.g.:1 went to bed early,as I was exhausted.我睡得早,因为我筋疲力尽了。


  e.g.: When he had finished his homework, he took a short”当他完成作业后,他休息了一会儿。

  24.【A】 【精析】句意:我低头看见地板上有一张纸,是有人之前塞牢下面的一张便条。本题考查的是时态。push这个动作发型过去的过去。符合过去完成时的语法特征,故A正确。


  e.g.: When l went home yesterday evening, my parents slept.当我昨晚回家的时候,我的父母已经睡觉了。

  2.B选项现在进行时,结构:be+v.-ing,表示动作正在发生e.g.:My mother is cooking in the kitchen.我的妈妈正在煮饭。

  3.C选项现在完成进行时,结构:have/has been+v.-ing,:动作发生在过去,其动作一直延续到现在。

  e.g.:1)I have been working for 12 hours.我已经工作12小时了。

  2)I have been reading the book.我一直在读这本书。

  25.【B】 【精析】句意:在做邻居期间,他们只遇过两次。本题考查的介词的用法。during意思是“在…期间”,强调在期间内,故B正确。

  【知识拓展】A选项around表示“围绕,在附近”,例:You can see the post office around that comer.绕过那个弯,你可以看到邮局。C选项in“在…之后”,多用于一般将来时,例:I'11 comeback in two days.我将于两天后回来。D选项by“不迟于,在…之前”,例:We had to get there by evening.我们必须在天黑前抵达那里。



  e.g.:(1)Having done his homework, he played basketball.做完作业,他开始打篮球。

  (2) Praised by the neighbors' he become the pride of his parents.受到邻居们的表扬,他成为父母的骄傲。

  27.【B】 【精析】句意:艾瑞克幸运地找到一份他喜欢的工作,而且薪水很高。本题考查的是固定搭配用法。what's more表示句子之间是递进关系,根据题意,故B正确。

  【知识拓展】A选项more or less表示数量或程度上:或多或少。例:There are fifty people,more or less.大约有五十人。相当于“or so”。B选项what's more而且,相当于“moreover”。例:Mary is very beautiful and, what's more, she is Very clever.玛丽很漂亮,而且很聪明。c选项as a result作为最终结果的意思。例:He defeated all competitors and won the scho1arship as a result.他击败了所有的竞争者,最终赢得了奖学金。D选项in any case在任何情况下,无论如何。例:In any case you must arrive there on time.无论如何你必须按时到达那里。

  28.【D】 【精析】句意:——你知道大卫去哪儿了吗?我到处都找不他。——他一定没有走远,他的外套还在这儿。本题考查的对过去发生的事情的猜测。故D正确。

  【知识拓展】needn't have done本来不需要做某事却做了(过去的虚拟)

  must have done一定做过某事

  can/might/could/may have done 本可能做某事

  couldn’t have done只能表推测,相当于can't have done一为“过去不可能做了某事”。

  29.【A】【精析】句意:一一我想知道为什么是汤姆而不是安被提升为总经理。——我也是,我很惊讶安没有获得这份工作。本题考查的是so do I的用法。so do+人/物,主要用来说明前面目的情况也同样适用于后面的人或物,意为“…也一样”,它的否定结构为neither do+人/物,根据句意应该是肯定形式,故A正确。

  【知识拓展】注意区分so do I和so I do的区别。

  1.so do I的意思是“我也这么做了”。表示前面所说的情况同样适用于后面的人或物。助动词do也可以换成be动could, can, does, did等。结构:so+ v.+ I/she/he/we/they。前面所述情况为否定式,则用neither,nor。

  e.g.:He passed the exam,and so did I.他通过了考试也是。

  否定:He didn't pass the exam,neither did I.他没有通过考试,我也没有。

  2.so I do的意思是“的确是这样”,表示强调,加强语气,后者赞同前者的话或意见,只是进一步强调并重复前句所述的内容。前后句的主语指的是同一个人或物。助动词do可以换成be动词,could,can,does,did等。结构:so+ I/she/he/we/+v.。

  e.g.:--He has done a good job.他干得不错。--So he has.他的确干得不错。

  30.【A】 【精析】句意:我棋下得很好,但是自从今年春天以来我就没有时间下棋了。本题考查的是时态的用法。根据题意,棋下得好是一个常态行为,应该用一般现在时,故A正确。

  【知识拓展】A选项是一般现在时,表示经常性、习惯性动作。例:Lily always gets up at seven o'clock.莉莉总是七点钟起床。B选项是过去完成时,表示动作发生在过去的过去。例:when I arrived at home yesterday evening, my parents had slept.当我昨晚回家的时候,我的父母亲都已经睡觉了。c选项是现在完成时。第一种情况表示动作发生在过去,其动作所产生的结果对现在有影响。例:I have had breakfast.我已经吃过早餐。(意思是我现在不饿);第二种情况表示动作发生在过去,其动作一直延续到现在乃至于将来。例:John has already lived in China for ten years.约翰已经在中国住了十年(有可能还会继续住下去)。D选项是现在进行时,表示动作在现在这个时刻正在发生。例:My mother is cooking in the kitchen.妈妈正在厨房做饭。

  31.【c】 【精析】句意:我们能够用成本价从一个朋友处买到这个家具。本题考查的是冠词的用法。furniture是不可数名词,不能用不定冠词;friend是可数名词,可以用不定冠词。根据题意,故C正确。



  例:(1)I have a dog and a cat.我有一只猫和一只狗。

  (2) He didn't pass the exam, but he didn't want to tell his parents about the information.他没有通过考试,但是他不想告诉他父母这个消息。

  32.【A】 【精析】句意:加拿大是一个美丽的国家,你会发现只要花几个月的时间就能很轻松地适应这个国家的生活。本题考查的是固定短语的用法。fit in with表示“适应,与…一致”,根据题意,故A正确。

  【知识拓展】A选项fit in with“适应,与…一致”,例:Since Australia is a multicultural and unique society, it is probably hard for Chinese students to fit in with it.由于澳大利亚是一个有着多元文化的独特社会,所以对中国学生来说或许很难适应。B选项put up with“忍受,容忍”,例:You will have to put up with Tom's mindedness.你必须得忍受汤姆心不在焉的作风。C选项get along with“进展,和…和睦相处”,例:He is just one of these people who has the ability to get along with anyone.他恰好是这种人,能够与任何人友好相处。D选项end up with“以…告终”,例:We will end up with some fruit.我们最后来吃点水果。

  33.【D】【精析】句意:佩吉认为学校里的其他女孩比她受欢迎得多。本题考查的是放在形容词比较级前的修饰词的用法。只有far才能放在形容词的比较级前,表示程度的加深。故D正确。【知识拓展】形容词、副词比较级的常用修饰词有:no,a little,

  a bit, much, even, still, a lot, a great deal, far, by far, rather, any等。


  (2)既可以修饰比较级又可以修饰原级的:a little;a bit;rather等。

  (3) even修饰形容词、副词的比较级,用来加强比较的语气和程度。

  e.g.:(1)The experiment was much easier than we had expected.这次试验比我们所期望的容易得多。

  (2) If you can jump any higher,1 will give you a prize.如果你能跳得更高些,我就奖励你。

  (3) The room is a bit larger than that one.这个房间比那个稍大一点。

  34.【C】 【精析】句意:下了两个礼拜的雨,结果我们的假期全泡汤了。本题考查的是现在分词的用法。句中是现在分词短语作结果状语,completely ruining our holiday是一个现在分词短语作结果状语,ruin的逻辑主语是前一句话。也就是说It has been raining for two weeks, completely ruining our holiday.=It has been raining for two weeks and it has completely ruined our holiday.故C正确。


  e.g.:(1)Their car was caught in a traffic jam, thus causing the delay.他们的车遇上交通阻塞,因而耽误了。

  (2) Her husband died ten years ago, leaving three children for her to look after.她丈夫十年前去世了,留下了三个需要她照顾的孩子。

  35.【D】 【精析】句意:希腊人比欧洲其他国家的人在食物上的花费都高。本题考查的是any other的用法。any other“其他任何一个”,后接单数名词。故B正确。

  【知识拓展】1.the other


  例:One flower is red,the other (one) is white.一朵花是红的,另一朵是白的。

  (2)指“除去前者后,剩余的全部”,后可加复数名词。the others特指一定范围内的其余的全部人或事物。

  例:I have three pencils. One is long, and the others are short.我有三支铅笔,一支是长的,另外(两个)是短的。


  例:You should learn to communicate with other people.你应该学会和其他人沟通。



  例:another car又一辆小轿车;another two cars再有两辆小轿车。

  (2) pron,泛指单数可数名词

  例:I gave him another.我又给了他一个。

  4.any other“其他任何一个”,后接单数名词。

  例:He is clever than any other student in his class.他比班级里其他任何一个学生都要聪明。









  36.A【精析】本题考查的是not.., until的固定搭配。根据上下文,此处表达的是直到玩具收拾好才能出去玩,故A正确。though“虽然”,引导让步状语从句;when“当…时”,引导时间状语从句;if“假如”,引导条件状语从句。




  40.B【精析】本题考查的是动词和介词搭配的用法。根据文意,妈妈把手套放进口袋里“put sth.in”,故B正确。remove“移开”;weal"“穿,戴”;reach“到达”。

  41.C【精析】本题考查的是固定搭配。walk sb.to the door是固定用法,意为“送某人到门口”,故C正确。highway“高速”;station“车站”;bedroom“卧室”。

  42.B 【精析】本题考查的是对上下文的理解。门是被妈妈关上的,故B正确。answer“回答”;block“堵上”;fix“安装”。


  44.C【精析】本题考查的是短语辨析以及对上下文的理解。根据文章意思,我的脚步慢了下来,所以应该是slow down,故C正确。follow“跟随”;sound“听起来”;go on“继续”。

  45.C【精析】本题考查的是名词辨析以及对上下文的理解。have no idea表示不知道,对于一个五岁孩子来说,此时应该是很茫然,故C正确。feeling“感情”;doubt“怀疑”;hope“希望”。



  48.B 【精析】本题考查的是对上下文的理解。因为在思考未来,所以一个下午过去了,我都没有离开过我坐的地方,故B正确。show“展示”;move“移动”;hear“听见”;start“开始”。

  49.A【精析】本题考查的是短语辨析以及对上下文的理解。根据上下文意思,当时的情况就是running away离家出走,放A正确。going home“回家”;growing up“长大成人”;giving up“放弃”。

  50.D【精析】本题考查的是动词词义辨析。因为福德夫人倒完垃圾后就回家了,所以说没有过来打扰( disturb)我。谈不上安慰(com-fort),相信(believe),或信任(trust),故D正确。



  53.B 【精析】本题考查的是对上下文的理解。根据文章大意,我再也不会离家出走了,故B正确。





  Text l










  59.D 【精析】推理题。题干意为“最后一段作者试图表现得—__。。根据最后一段,我们可以看出作者非常幽默,法国人不可能对菲尔铁塔厌烦,还有个人也没有那么多钱去购买埃菲尔铁塔,这一切都是作者的想象和幽默。故D正确。


  Text 2







  61.D【精析】推理题。题干意为“第二段中警官的例子说明什么?”。从文章第二段最后一句话“Some people can train themselves to pay extra attention to things that are important--like police officers learn to search faces in crowds.”可以得知,这种能力是通过“train them-selves”获得的。故D正确。

  62.A【精析】推理题。题干意为“Super-taskers最适合被描述成能干什么的人?”。从文章内容来看,在第三段“seem able to attend to more than one thing with ease”,有能力轻松地把注意力放在几件事情上的人。故A正确。



  Text 3






  65.B【精析】细节题。题干意为“女性常常做什么来为选美比赛做准备?”。依据第三段第二句文章所陈述的“These young women spend months losing weight to be the' right' size and learning how to dress, wear makeup, and walk just right...”,故B正确。










  68.D【精析】细节题。题干意为“人们可能患上了早期失眠症,假如他们…”。从文章第一段倒数第二句话“If this happens to you for at least one month,you may have...”可以得知,有这种症状至少一个月。故D正确。

  69.A【精析】推理题。题干意为“根据这项研究,人们的睡眠如何得以改善?”。由文章所提到的cerebral hypothermia(头部低温疗法)这个实验推理得知。故A正确。




  Text 5就餐礼仪在英国就餐时什么该做什么不该做?英国人一般比较注重餐桌礼仪,甚至是小孩子也被要求正确使用刀叉。












  73.C【精析】细节题。题干意为“下面哪项被认为在英国是恰当的餐桌礼仪?”。由第四段中“If you are a guest,it is polite to wait until your host starts eating or invites you to do so.”可知,假如你去做客,让主人先吃或等主人邀请后再吃,这是礼貌。故C正确。

  74.B【精析】细节题。题干意为“在正式场合中吃面包卷,你被建议怎么吃才礼貌?”。从文章第八段第一句“When eating bread rolls,break off a piece before buttering.”可知,吃面包卷时,应该撕下一1片然后蘸黄油吃。故B正确。

  75.B【精析】语义题。题于意为“文中加下划线的单词cutlery指什么?”。从文章第二段“We eat most of our food with cutlery. The foods we don't eat with a knife, fork or spoon including sandwiches and fruit.”可知,前后两句是对比关系,所以得出结论cutlery是餐具的意思,故B正确。


  第一节短文改错76~ 85略



  Dear everyone,

  I am very glad to make a speech here! I'm the chairman of the Students Union. This time, I'd like to talk about English activities this week.

  In order to practice our oral English and know more about English culture, we make a week plan for all of us. On Tuesday, there is a lecture made by our English dean, Professor Lee. On Wednesday, there is a film named The Perfect Man, which is a comedy. On Friday, there is an oral English competition. I hope everybody can actively enter for the competition so that we can speak English more fluently.

  We know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous

  hard study, one day we can speak English very well.

  That's all. Thank you for your attention!




  oral English 英语口语

  practice 练习

  competition 比赛

  Rome was not built in a day. 伟业非一日之功。



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