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摘要 环球网校小编给大家带来2020公共英语一级语法试题训练(5),希望对大家有所帮助。加入环球网校有专业的老师为您解答问题,还可以和考友一起交流!


1 We bought Granny a present, ___ she didn't like it.

A. but B. and

C. or D. so

[答案] A.

[析] 由于句意的原因,应选择转折连词。

2 Run quickly, ___ we'll miss the early train.

A. and B. but

C. so D. or

[答案] D.

[析] or这里应译为:否则。

3 I'll give the book to him ___ he comes back.

A. since B. as soon as

C. before D. until

[答案] B.

[析] as soon as 引出的时间状语从句应用一般现在时表示将来要发生的动作。

4 Don't cross the road ___ the light turns green.

A. when B. while

C. until D. as

[答案] C.

[析] until应译为"直到……才",因为前面的祈使句为否定句。又如:She did not go to bed until her mother came back. 应译为"直到她妈妈回来她才睡觉"。

5 Miss Gao has been a teacher ___ 1990.

A. before B. after

C. since D. in

[答案] C.

[析] 因为主句为完成时,所以应用 since表示该动作的启始点。

6 - Which would you like better, tea ___ milk

- Tea, please.

A. but B. and

C. or D. with

[答案] C.

[析] 在疑问句与否定句中应用or来表示一种选择。

7 We love spring ___ there's beautiful flowers every where.

A. though B. but

C. or D. because

[答案] D.

[析] 因为这里表示的是因果关系。

8 Please leave ___ 7∶00, then you'll be able to get ___ there earlier.

A. till, in B. from, /

C. before, / D. behind, to

[答案] C.

[析] before为在7∶00之前离开。

9 The teacher didn't begin the lesson ___ all the students stopped talking.

A. until B. after

C. if D. because

[答案] A.

[析] 这句应译为"直到所有的学生都停止讲话老师才开始上课"。因begin为瞬间动词,所以应用否定句。

10 Betty didn't go to see the film yesterday ___ she was ill.

A. but B. until

C. if D. because

[答案] D.

[析] 这里是表示因果关系,所以应用because。因为她病了所以未去看电影。

11 You must start right now, ___ you'll miss the train.

A. for B. and

C. so D. or

[答案] D.

[析] or译为"否则"。本句句意为:你必须马上走了,否则要赶不上火车了。

环球网校小编提醒:考生如果怕自己错过考试报名时间和考试时间的话,可以 免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。

12 ___ he is a child of six, he can read and write.

A. Whose B. If

C. Though D. Because

[答案] C.

[析] 这种状语从句在英语中称为让步状语从句,应译为:虽然他才是个6岁的孩子,他却可以读书和写字。

13 I like fish, ___ chicken, ___ eggs.

A. and, and B. and, with

C. /, and D. and, /

[答案] C.

[析] 在有若干个名词或动词出现时,每一个词之间只用逗号连接,只在最后两个词之间加and。如:The old man passed the street, went into a shop and bought some food。

14 Take this dictionary with you ___ you may use it in class.

A. when B. in order to

C. but D. so that

[答案] D.

[析] so that应译为"为的是"。本句句义为:带上字典,为的是在上课时可能有用。而in order to 其后应接动词不定式,如:Take this dictionary with you in order to use it in class。

15 I hope ___ will be fine tomorrow.

A. it B. what

C. whether D. when

[答案] A.

[析] hope后接的是宾语从句,而且宾语从句中少主语,应用it来代替天气。

16 ___ she was not well, I decided to go without her.

A. Though B. As

C. When D. Because of

[答案] B.

[析] as这里应译为"由于"。全句意为:由于她不舒服,我决定不带她去了。而because of 其后不能接从句只能接宾语。如: Because of the heavy rain, we decided not to go。

17 My aunt bought me ___ many story books that I spent a lot of time them.

A. such…on B. such…in

C. too…in D so…on

[答案] D.

[析] 因many前只能用so来修饰,所以只能选择D选项。而spend…on something 为在某事上花费时间或钱。如:She spent a lot of money on her clothes。

18 Mother was cooking ___ she ___ a knock at the door.

A. when, listen to B. while, listened to

C. while, heard D. when, heard

[答案] D.

[析] when在这里应译为:就在那时,那一刻,那一瞬间。

19 Speak slowly, ___ we can understand you.

A. and B. or

C. if D. because

[答案] A.

[析] and这里是并列连词,应译为:请讲慢些这样我们就会明白你的意思。

20 You'll learn English well ___ you put your heart into it.

A. if B. so

C. until D. or

[答案] A.

[析] 本句译为:如果你将心放在学习上,你就会将英语学好。这里的语法现象是从句中用一般现在时表示将来。

21 I won't let you in ___ you show me your pass.

A. until B. for

C. since D. because

[答案] A.

22 She didn't go to school ___ she was ill.

A. why B. because

C. where D. but

[答案] B.




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