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环球网校·2020-07-16 16:17:33浏览25 收藏12
摘要 2020年全国英语等级考试正在备考中,环球网校小编给大家整理了2020年公共英语一级模拟试题:阅读理解(5),希望对大家有所帮助。加入环球网校有专业的老师为您解答问题,还可以和考友一起交流!


Mary and Peter were having a picnic near a river when Mary noticed something flying overhead.“ 1 ,” she shouted to her friends. “ That’s a spaceship up there and it’s going to 2 here.”

Frightened(吓唬) by the strange silver colored spaceship, 3 of the young people got in their 4 and drove away quickly. Peter __5_ Mary and always close to her. They, more 6 than frightened, watched the spaceship land, saw a door open. When nobody 7 , they went to the spaceship and looked into。In the center of the floor 8__ was a pile of food. Peter followed Mary into the spaceship and didn’t __9_ the door close behind him. The temperature fell quickly and the __10 young people lost consciousness(知觉).

When they woke up, they were 11 to see that they were back by the river 12 . The spaceship had gone. Their car was nearby.

“What 13 ?” said Mary.

“Don’t ask me; perhaps we had a 14 .” Peter said slowly. “Did you … did you see a spaceship?”

“Yes,” said Mary. “Oh, Peter, we 15 have seen a UFO coming from another world.”

1. A. Look B. Come C. Stop D. Stand

2. A. arrive B. come C. land D. leave

3. A. none B. some C. many D. most

4. A. cars B. rooms C. houses D. buses

5. A. knew B. liked C. saw D. met

6. A. afraid B. worried C. careful D. curious (好奇)

7. A. come along B. came over

C. came out

D. came round

8. A. it B. there C. that D. this

9. A. know B. think C. hear D. hope

10. A. two B. three C. four D. five

11. A. happy B. surprised C. interested D. ready

12. A. again B. too C. later D. finally

13. A. started B. stopped C. happened D. landed

14. A. rest B. dream C. drink D. walk

15. A. could B. would C. should D. must

It was about two in the morning when I returned home. I tried to __1_ up my wife by 2 the doorbell, but she was fast 3 , so I got a ladder and put it 4 the wall and began 5 towards the bedroom window,. I was almost there when a man’s 6 below said, “I don’t think the windows need cleaning at this 7 of the night.” I looked down and 8 fell off the ladder when I saw a policeman. I at once 9 answering in the way I 10 , but is said. “I enjoy 11__ windows at night.” “ 12 do I,” answered the policeman in the same tone. “Excuse my interrupting you, but would you mind 13 with me to the station?” “Sorry,” I said. “You see, I’ve 14 my  key.” “Your __15 ?” called. “My key!” I shouted. Luckily my wife got up and opened the window just as the policeman started to climb towards me.

1.A. wake B. get C. ask D. hitting

2. A. knocking B. pushing C. ringing D. hitting

3. A. out B. asleep C. answering D. away

4. A. to B. in C. by D. against

5. A. jumping B. climbing C. walking D. running

6. A. voice B. speech C. sound D. noise

7. A. day B. o’clock C. time D. place

8. A. already B. just C. quickly D. nearly

9. A. regretted B. couldn’t help

C. finished D. gave up

10. A. climbed B. did C. went D. returned

11. A. sweeping B. cleaning C. breaking D. looking up

12. A. Like B. As C. Too D. So

13. A. coming B. come C. to come D. came

14. A. missed B. brought C. forgotten D. found

15. A. Whose B. Which C. Why D. What






1. A。提示某人看,故用look。

2. C。从上文的描述中可以推断: 宇宙飞船将要着陆。

3. D。上文说:突如其来的飞船使大家非常害怕,理所当然,人人都要逃离。

4. A。从drove away中可以得到提示。

5. B。下文说:彼得 always close to her。这说明:彼得喜欢玛丽。

6. D。他们两人也害怕,但好奇心更为强烈,故选D。

7. C。上文说:他们看见宇宙飞船的门开了。推断下文:但里面没有人出来。

8. B。这里是个 there be句型。

9. C。彼得跟随玛丽进了宇宙飞船,但是他们没有听见关门的声音。

10. A。Peter+ Mary=two young people。

11. B。进了宇宙飞船,怎么现在又回到了原处,这使他们二人感到惊讶。

12. A。原来在河边,现在又回到了河边。

13. C。玛丽问:怎么回事?

14. B。彼得也闹不清是怎么回事,于是他说:我们也许是做了个梦。

15. D。肯定判断用must,否定判断用can’t。





1. A。“叫醒某人”应表达为wake up sb. or wake sb. up。

2. C。ring the bell(按门铃)是常用短语。

3. B。fast asleep表示“睡得很熟”。

4. D。against the wall表示“靠墙”。

5. B。梯子放好了就往上爬。

6. A。作者爬窗户时,听到下面有个男人的说话声。

7. C。at this time 表示 “此刻”。

8. D。作者回头看见警察时,差一点儿摔下梯子。

9. B。couldn’t help doing something表示“禁不住做什么”。

10. B。did = answered。

11. B。作者说:我喜欢夜里擦窗户。

12. D。警察说:So do I =我也喜欢夜里擦窗户。

13. A。mind + doing something 是常用搭配。

14. C。 从作者的上述表现来看,他的确把钥匙给忘了。

15. D。下文说:我的钥匙!推断上文:你的什么?




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