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摘要 2020年全国英语等级考试正在备考中,环球网校小编给大家整理了2020年公共英语一级模拟试题:阅读理解(7),希望对大家有所帮助。加入环球网校有专业的老师为您解答问题,还可以和考友一起交流!


Football is, I do think, the most favourite game in England: one has only to go to one of the important 1 to see this. Rich and poor, young and old, one can see them all there 2 for one side or the 3 .To a stranger(陌生人),one of the most surprising things about football in 4 is the great knowledge of the game which 5 the smallest boy seems to have. He can tell you the names of the 6 in most of the important teams, he has 7 of them and knows the results of large numbers of matches. He will tell you who he 8 will win such a match, and his ideas about 9 are usually as good as those of men three or four times his 10 .

1. A. cities B. matches C. teams D. places

2.A. waiting B. looking C. asking D. shouting

3.A. other B. same C. team D. players

4.A. China B. the USA C. England D. Canada

5.A. all B. hardly C. only D. even

6A. players B. cities C. countries D. matches

7.A. names B. pictures C. heard D. thought

8.A. says B. asks C. decides D. hopes

9.A. England B. players C. football D. men

10.A. ideas B. age C. stories D. education

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Paris has a beautiful name, the City of 1 . Do you know 2 it means? Many beautiful buildings are lighted at 3 .The streets are very 4 .When you 5 in Paris, you must not turn 6 your headlights (汽车前灯)even after dark. Paris is full of life all day and all night. But this is not the 7 reason(原因)for its beautiful name. For hundreds of years, Paris has been the centre of science and art. 8 scientists and artists have come to 9 here. For this reason also, people 10 it the City of Lights.

1. A. Flowers B. Cars C. Lights D. Rivers

2. A. what B. how C. where D. when

3. A. noon B. night C. day D. evening

4. A. black B. dark C. noisy D. bright

5. A. walk B. go C. drive D. live

6. A. off B. down C. out D. on

7. A. only B. other C. any D. another

8. A. No B. Few C. Many D.A few

9. A. study B. drive C. play D. have dinner

10. A. make B. call C. build D. find



这是一篇以情景推理的语境题目为主的完形填空,它谈到了英国人对足球的狂热程度,这方面背景知识的 了解会大大有助于该题的解答。全文内容紧密结合英美人生活实际,足球乃世界第一大球,在英国,人们日常生活的话题除了天气之外, 大概谈的最多的就是足球了,只要理解了这一点,结合上下文的语言环境,分析好句法关系,应该能够应付自如。


1. B。从to see this和常理可以判断出去看的是比赛,而非其他。

2. D。指球迷们激动的场面:大声叫喊。

3. A。看球的人为一方或另一方而呐喊助威, 这种球迷的狂热劲应有所闻,也不难理解。

4. C。短文讲的就是英国人对足球的狂热。

5. D。在这个长句中,主语one后带有一个"of"短语,而表语后带有"of短语+定语从句",文章首 句已点明本文谈的是英国,对一个陌生人来说,英国足球最让人拍案称奇的是,甚至小孩子也会对足球知之甚多。

6. A。指球队队员。

7. B。这是一个由三个分句连接的并列句,tell,has, knows的内容根据常识不难判断,这就是说这 些小孩子能告诉你大多数重要球队所有队员的名字,而且还有他们的照片,知道许多场比赛的结果。

8. D。他们希望哪个队会赢。

9. C。从上下文便知。

10. B。这是一个包含两个复杂分句的并列句, 中间由and连接,填空处8 he hopes系插入语,即He will tell you(he hopes) who will win...;后一分句是包含同级比较be as good as的句子。9空处指"评球 "才合适,全句意为:他会告诉你,他希望这场那场比赛中谁赢,而他关于足球的观点通常同成年人一样好, 那些成年人的年龄比他们大两、三倍。



这是一篇描述巴黎景观的短文,文章抓住了该城的一个特色——灯城来展开描述,虽只有两段文字,却包含了丰富的内涵 。


1. C。看文章的首句和尾句之后,此空便可迎刃而解。

2. A。"what...mean"这是习惯性搭配。

3. B。灯要在夜里开,evening虽为"晚上"之意,但不可与at搭配。

4. D。顺承上文华灯竞开,自然亮如白昼。

5. C。不看下一句,似乎4个选项均成立,但下文提到车灯,自然应选驾车。

6. D。由于街上十分明亮, 即使天黑了也不必开车灯。

7. A。文章最后又提出一个原因, 说明不是唯一的原因才对。

8. C。 从上文可知用many。

9. A。由于巴黎乃世界科学和艺术中心, 因此吸引了许多科学家和艺术家来此学习和研究。

10. B。习惯用法。注意最后的lights显然不是指具体的灯,而是指"显赫人物;名家;名流"。




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