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环球网校·2021-10-26 14:00:22浏览7 收藏2
摘要 BEC商务英语考试正在备考中,环球网校小编为大家整理了“2021年商务英语考试高级阅读材料三”,希望可以帮助到大家。更多有关BEC商务英语的考试资料,尽在环球网校!

为让大家在安心备考的同时也能准确获知考试时间相关信息,环球网校提供 免费预约短信提醒服务,以短信的方式提前告知各位考生2021年11月BEC商务英语考试准考证打印时间、考试时间等信息,以防您错过!编辑推荐:2021年商务英语考试高级阅读材料(十篇)

Uber and Lyft Are Actually Making Traffic Worse in Some Cities

Lydia Dishman

It was a big promise to build an entire business on. But for the last handful of years, both Uber and Lyft have capitalized on the notion that by providing rides to people on demand via an app, traffic and pollution would be mitigated – especially in major urban centers. New research from both the ride-hailing juggernauts now suggests that’s not the case.

A joint analysis led by transportation consultancy Fehr & Peers examined Uber’s and Lyft’s combined mileage in September 2018 in the metro areas of Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, D.C. New York City wasn’t studied because of its vast public transportation system.

The results (which include city centers and their surrounding suburbs) reveal that, overall, Uber and Lyft make up just 1% to 3% of vehicle miles overall in the six metro areas. However, in places like San Francisco county, Uber and Lyft account for as much as 13.4% of all vehicle miles. It’s 8% in Boston, and 7.2% in Washington, D.C.. On average, between the six cities, as much as 62% of miles driven had a passenger. The rest were drivers on their way to pick up someone or just driving around between getting booked for a ride.

However, both Uber and Lyft are justifiably pointing their fingers toward the biggest cause of traffic and emissions: privately owned and commercial vehicles. Those account for 87% to 99% of total miles in the six areas studied.

Lyft’s chief policy officer, Anthony Foxx (a former U.S. secretary of transportation), says this is a good time to consider congestion pricing to ease traffic, as is being implemented in Manhattan. Foxx is pushing for a democratic approach to this. “The most effective congestion pricing model is one that applies to all vehicles on the road, including private automobiles, ridesharing, and commercial vehicles such as trucks, limousines, coach buses and taxis,” he writes. In other words, everyone needs to share the responsibility.




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