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l 新员工培训有没有必要
l 新员工培训应涉及哪些内容
A:You see, our company are currently discussing about a formal orientation program for new staff. People’s opinions are various. Some are enthusiastically for it, others are violently against it, and still others stand between them. What’s your opinion?
B: In my opinion, to get new employees off to a good start, providing them formal orientation is necessary and important. Since formal orientation will get them familiar with the organization, their work units and their jobs.
A: I cannot agree more. The more time and efforts we spent in helping new employees, the more likely they are to identify with our company and become valuable members of it.
B: Precisely. Besides, a well-planned orientation program is effective in helping to retain and motivate employees.
A: In addition to motivation, there are still many other benefits, like increasing productivity, reducing the new employees’ anxiety, improving employee morale etc.
B: So it’s really worthy to put effort and time on the planning of the orientation.
A: Of course. Firstly, it is essential to consider topics to be covered while planning.
B: Yes. We should introduce our company’s history, company’s purpose and strategic goals, a framework of job-related tasks, specific job goals and descriptions, appraisal criteria…
A: And job duties and responsibilities. Discussing responsibility can give the new comers a clear idea of their future job and obligations, and can help them on the right track in no time.
B: Yes. Besides topics, what do you think of methods of organizing and presenting them?
A: They cannot be ignore either. Effective methods ensure effective orientation. For instance, it would be a good idea for the supervisors or other managerial personnel to arrange co-workers to welcome the newcomers and show them around the premises.
B: Good idea! Showing the new hires around the premises will give them a concrete map of the whole company, and get them familiar with the layout of the organization. Familiarity with the premises undoubtedly contributes to the efficiency of their future job.
A: Furthermore, showing the new hires around the premises will give the new staff a sense of being valued , which will result in retention.
A: 你知道,我们公司最近讨论关于正式的新员工培训计划。人们观点各不相同。有的人对此持乐观态度,有的人强烈反对,也有些持中立观点。你是怎么看的?
(1) What training would you hope to have in the future?(Why?)
The training of foreign languages, such as English. The globalization of economy and the wide-spread international cooperation all need the bridge of a common language. And English is one of the most widely-used languages.
(2) Is it better to attend a full-time or a part-time training course?(Why?)
A part-time training is preferable. Since I can not only improve my skills and knowledge, but also take care of my job and my family at the same time.
(3) Do you think companies should provide training for all their staff? (Why?/ Why not?)
Yes. Colleagues should be treated equal. Their knowledge and skills need to be improved.
(4) Do you think companies will use external agencies to run their staff training program more in the future?(Why?/Why not?)
It’s difficult to predict. It depends on the development and reputation of the external agency, on people’s attitudes toward training agency, on the finance of the companies, ect.
(5) Are there any disadvantages of turning to an external agency to run staff training program?(Why?/ Why not?)
Yes. Using external agency to train staff involves a great deal of investigation and can be risky. And inexperienced external agency will not only cost time but also waste money.