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环球网校·2021-03-17 11:14:13浏览40 收藏8
摘要 2021年上半年公共英语考试即将开考,环球网校编辑为考生发布“2021年上半年公共英语三级阅读理解考前模拟题第四篇”的内容,考前大家不要放弃做题。2021年上半年公共英语三级阅读理解模拟题具体内容如下:



A sixth grader settles downs to tackle her homework on a weekday afternoon in 2004. She is sitting on the bus with her laptop; logging on to the Internet to take a math-skills test in the school home page and get her own personalized assignment. She downloads the software she’ll need, seeks help from an online school librarian and emails the finished work to her teacher. Mom and dad check in from their office computer, comparing her scores with the class and the state averages.

Homework in the future may not any less laborious, but it will certainly be more wired. And as more children gain access to computers and the Net—75%of teens and 47% of kids aged 2 to 12 are expected to be online by 2002—schools and technology companies are responding with unique assignment and high-tech homework help for parents and kids. On the menu: TAILOR-MADE ASSIGNMENTS. The most profound way homework will change is that instead of everybody heading home with the same lesson; each student will sit down to an individual assignment. The school server, or central computer, will maintain information on each student’s progress and dole out the appropriate work when the child checks the Web page.

Keeping in touch. For students like high school junior Samantha Symonds of Pottstown, pa, the simple ease of getting assignments on line and turning in via emails is reason enough to take homework digital. Samantha, a competitive fencer, travels far from her school for tournament and boots up to stay on top of her assignment. Logging on in hotel rooms and airports, she gets copies of course lectures and lab assignments, emails her teacher when she is stumped and even takes tests on line. “You can actually focus on what you need to know rather than tracking down someone to answer your questions,” Samantha says.

Unlimited research. Kids are rapidly becoming experts at searching websites and CD-RoMS for research projects and wowing teachers with what they find. The most profound way homework will change is that instead of everybody heading home with the same lesson; each student will sit down to an individual assignment.

Wiring the Have-Nots. As computers become the homework to tool of choice, educators worry about children who don’t have access to the technology. “The kids who don’t have computers at home will be at such a fundamental disadvantage. It will be as if they don’t have a pen or paper,” says Ellyot Solovay, a professor at he university of Michigan. He’s just finished a study in which internet TVs were placed in the homes of a class of Detroit public-school students, and found it not only benefited the kids but boosted parental involvement as well.

Yet wining kids over to become fans of homework may take more than high-tech help. Annette Bitter’s seventh–graders love doing research on the laptops they got through a Microsoft study. “But of course there are always excuses” says Bitter, who keeps hearing a modern tale of woe. “The computer ate my homework.”

1.How will assignments in 2004 be finished?

A. Students will go to school and finish the school work assigned by teachers.

B. Middle school teachers will require students to type our all their assignments.

C. Different assignments will be given to students according ti their own will.

D. Staying at home, students can get their assignments through the Internet and email to their teachers after finishing them.

2. According to the passage, laptop probably refers to ____.

A. a small-sized portable computer

B. a newly-invented TV set

C. a kind of calculator

D. an old-fashioned private computer

3.What does the author mean by saying “it (homework) will certainly be more wired”?

A. More wires will be needed to finish homework.

B. homework is going to be done by wiring the house.

C. Students are expected to finish school work through the Internet.

D. Teachers will inform students of homework by phoning.

4.What kind of assignment will teachers give to students in 2004 according to the passage?

A. Less laborious than today’s homework.

B.Assignment given according to students’ different conditions.

C. Easy to complete with the help of online information.

D. work that are most entertaining to the students.

5.It is implied in the passage that _____

A. information technology enables education to vary from person to person.

B. assignment in 2004 will be more entertaining and less paining

C. all students are going to be fans of homework in the future.

D. traditional education is doomed to disappear


1.D 考查对文章具体内容的的理解。通过对第一段具体事例的分析和总结,即可得出结论。

2.A 考查对不熟悉的词语的推断能力,通过上下文中的关键词可以推断该词的意思。比如:internet, home page, down load the soft ware, online, email.这些词都是和计算机密切相关的。

3.C 考查对不熟悉词语的推断能力。通过上下文可以得知,未来的作业需要通过网络完成。

4.B 考查对文章具体内容的理解。通过文章中出现的关键词TAILoR-MADE ASSIGMENTS 及其解释可以得知未来的作业是量身订做的。

5.A 考查逻辑推理能力和对文章具体内容的理解。未来的作业将仍然是Laborioou 所以不是所有的学生都是fans of homework,文章当中也没有提及传统教育的命运.

2021年上半年公共英语考试正在备考中,准考证打印正在进行,环球网校为考生提供 免费预约短信提醒功能,考生预约后会提醒您2021年公共英语考试时间!请及时预约。




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