短信预约 BEC商务英语考试动态提醒 立即预约





环球网校·2021-05-26 13:25:23浏览11 收藏5
摘要 2021年BEC商务英语上半年初级和高级考试都已经结束,参加中级的考生还在努力备考,为了帮助考生更好的备考,环球网校小编整理了“2021年BEC商务英语中级重点单词练习二”文章,希望能给备考的考生带来帮助。


2021年BEC商务英语上半年中级考试时间为5月29日,也就是本周六,考生们都准备的怎么样了?虽然考试已经到了最后的冲刺阶段,环球网校小编还是提醒各位考生不要紧张,轻松应考,并建议考生 免费预约短信提醒服务,我们会在2021年商务英语考试时间、成绩查询、证书领取节点前短信提醒您,以防您错过!


Chief /tʃiːf/ adjective&noun


chief (MOST IMPORTANT) | most important or main

1.The chief problem we have in the area now is the spread of disease.

2.The weather was our chief reason for coming here.

chief (HIGHEST IN RANK) | highest in rank

1.He is the chief economic adviser to the government.

2.Bob Wilson, the chief accountant, had resigned.

chief noun | the person in charge of a group or organization

1.a police chief

2.A new chief of the security forces has just been appointed.

bid /bɪd/ noun&verb


bid (OFFER) | an offer to do something when you are competing with other people to do it

1.We put in a bid for the stadium contract.

2.London made a successful bid to host the Olympic Games.

bid (ATTEMPT) | an attempt to achieve something

1.a successful bid for re-election

2.The council has banned cars from the city centre in a bid to reduce pollution.

bid (BUY) | an offer to pay a particular amount of money for something

1.I made a bid of $150 for the painting.

bid verb | to offer to pay an amount of money for something

1.They bid $500 million for the company.

2.As a Tea Company chairman, he buys his tea in Calcutta or Colombo, and generally bids at the right price.

Labour /ˈleɪ.bər/ noun


labour (WORK) | work, especially the type of work that needs a lot of physical effort

1.The car parts themselves are not expensive, it's the labour that costs the money.

2.manual labour

labour (WORKERS) | workers, especially people who do practical work with their hands

1.skilled/unskilled labour

2.casual labour

the labour market | the number of people who are available and willing to work

1.More women have entered the labour market in recent years.

2.WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE best suits [the] situation of a young Pole entering the labour market.

a labour of love | an activity that is hard work but which you do because you enjoy it

1.He prefers to paint the house himself - it's a real labour of love.

2.[Being a] musician is a labour of love.

Division /dɪˈvɪʒ.ən/ noun


division (PART) | when something is separated into parts or groups, or the way that it is separated

1.the equal division of labour between workers

division (ORGANIZATION) | one of the groups in a business or organization

1.the sales division

2.Being a lucky guy, I had the chance to work at the Disneyland Hotel, which is a division of the famous Walt Disney Company.

division (SPORT) | one of the groups of football teams in a league

1.the Second Division

2.I've been playing football for an Italian second division team, by the way.




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