2021年BEC商务英语上半年中级考试时间为5月29日,也就是本周六,考生们都准备的怎么样了?虽然考试已经到了最后的冲刺阶段,环球网校小编还是提醒各位考生不要紧张,轻松应考,并建议考生 免费预约短信提醒服务,我们会在2021年商务英语考试时间、成绩查询、证书领取节点前短信提醒您,以防您错过!
Developer /dɪˈvel.ə.pər/ noun
developer (PRODUCTS) | someone whose job is to create new products, especially computer products such as software
1、We mostly use developers based in India.
developer (LAND) | someone who buys land or buildings to improve them and sell them for more money
1、All the land was bought up by developers.
technician /tekˈnɪʃ.ən/ noun
technician | someone whose job involves practical work with scientific or electrical equipment
1. It could be the fault of the sound technician, although I believe that for the next Activity day we [should] be provided with better equipment and loudspeakers.
2. a lab technician
Analyst /ˈæn.ə.lɪst/ noun
analyst | someone whose job is to study or examine something in detail
1. a financial/political/systems analyst
2. As you know I got promotion as a project analyst recently.
Executive /ɪgˈzek.jə.tɪv/ adjective&noun
executive (adjective) | relating to making decisions and managing businesses
1、So I am now an executive director, I have a job and I know very important people in the Romanian Government.
executive (noun) | someone who has an important job in a business
1、The main reason why I attended this conference was to learn how international companies select their employees and how I could improve my qualifications as a finance executive.
Boss /bɒs/ noun
boss | someone who is responsible for employees and tells them what to do
1、I'll ask my boss if I can leave work early tomorrow.