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摘要 2021年6月全国大学英语四级考试已经结束了,为了方便大家考后及时估分对答案,考后小编整理了2021年6月大学英语四级真题试卷卷二(网友版),请相关考生及时关注,仅供参考!


【提示】2021年上半年大学英语四六级考试成绩查询时间:8月底 免费预约短信提醒服务,获取成绩查询时间提醒!



Part Ⅰ Writing (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part you are allowed 30minuites to write an essay on whether technology will make people lay You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.



Conversation 2

W: I'm thinking of buying a car. I wouldn't need to use it every day, but I think it would be very convenient to have one for the weekends. (12)

M: That's exciting. Would this be your first car?

W: No, I actually owned a car for a little while when I lived in Miami. You see, in America, many cities don't have good public transport, so most people need their own car to get around.

M: I see. So have you got your mind set on a specific model?

W: No, not really. I've heard that German cars are very reliable.(13) But I haven't decided on a specific model yet. I'd also like it to be small, so that it's easy to drive in the city.

M: I have a friend who sells second hand cars. In fact, I think his family owns the business. He's a really nice guy, and he knows a lot about cars. I could give you his phone number if you want. And you could call him and ask him questions. (14)

W: Hmm, that's nice of you, but I don't want to feel obliged to buy one of his cars.

M: Oh, no, he's not like that. He's a good friend of mine, and he would never try to pressure you or cheat you. (15)

W:Well, if you trust him, then I guess it should be OK? To be honest, I could use some help in deciding what type of vehicle would best suit my needs. Speaking to an expert would be a good idea.

M: Exactly, you have nothing to worry about. He's a lovely guy, and he'll be happy to help. (15)

Question 12: Why does the woman want to have a car? (出现在对话开头)

Question 13: What does the woman say about German cars?.

Question 14: What does the man recommend the woman do?

Question 15: What do we learn about the man's friend from the conversation?

Social isolation poses more health risks than obesity...


26.1) implication

27.B) appointmentsI

28.D) debating

29.0) touches

30.C) consequences

31.L) sparked

32.F) friendly

33.J) pushing

34.N) survey

35.K) severely

Science of setbacks:How failure can improve career prospects

36.[G] One straightforward reason close losers might outper-form narrow winners is that the two groups have comparableability.

37.[D] Others in the US have found similar effects with NationalInstitutes of Health early - career fellowships launching narrowwinners far ahead of close losers.

38.[K] In sports and many areas of life ,we think of failures asevidence of something we could have done better.

39.[B] One way social scientists have probed the effects ofcareer setbacks is to look at scientists of very similar qualifica -tions.

40.[I] He said the people who should be paying regard to theWang paper are the funding agents who distribute governmentgrant money.

41.[F] In a study published in Nature Communications ,North-western University sociologist Dash un Wang tracked morethan 1, 100 scientists who were on the border between gettinga grant and missing out between 1990and2005.

42.[J] For his part ,Wang said that in his own experience , losingdid Light a motivating fire.

43.[C] A 2018 study published in the Proceedings of the Nation -al Academy of Sciences ,forexample, followed researchers inthe Netherlands.

44.[I] He said the people who should be paying regard to theWang paper are the funding agents who distribute governmentgrant money. Al pass

45.[E] This is bad news for the losers.


Sugar shocked. That describes the reaction of many Americans this week following revalationsthat,

46.B) They turned public attention away from the health risks of sugar to fat.

47.D) Nearly all of them serve the purpose of the funders.

48.A) Exercise is more important to good health than diet.

49.C)It rarely results in objective findings.

50.D) Think twice about new nutrition research findings.

51.C)How people viewed success in his father 's time.

52.B)It was away to advance in their career


54.C) What kind of people can contribute more to them.

55.D)It will bring about radical economic and social changes.


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