短信预约 大学英语四六级考试动态提醒 立即预约





环球网校·2021-06-12 15:06:50浏览710 收藏284
摘要 2021年6月全国大学英语四级考试已经结束了,为了方便大家考后及时估分对答案,考后小编整理了2021年6月大学英语四级真题试卷卷三(网友版),请相关考生及时关注,仅供参考!


【提示】2021年上半年大学英语四六级考试成绩查询时间:8月底 免费预约短信提醒服务,获取成绩查询时间提醒!



Part Ⅰ Writing (30 minutes)

Studies have shown that playingviolent videogames can increaseaggressive thoughts ,behaviors,and feelings in both the short -term and long -term.[2] Violentvideogames can also desensitizepeople to seeing aggressivebehavior and decrease prosocialbehaviors such as helping anotherperson and feeling empathy ( theability to understand others ). Thelonger that individuals areexposed to violent videogames ,the more likely they are to haveaggressive behaviors ,thoughts,and feelings . These effects havebeen seen in studies in bothEastern and Western countries .Although males spend more timethan females playing violent videogames , violent videogameexposure can increase aggressivethoughts ,behaviors, and feelingsin both sexes.



Section A 词汇理解(完形填空)

Nowadays you can't buy any hing without then being asked to provide...

26.E) experience

27.B) commonplace

28.J) routinely

29.D) desperate

30.H) prompted

31.I) roughly

32.K) shining

33.0) wonder

34.C) confess

35.G) option

Section B信息匹配(长篇阅读)

The start of highschool doesn't have to be stressful

36.[E] In addition, studies find the first year of high school typically shows one of the greatest increases in depression of any year over the lifespan.

37.[G] In one recent study, we examined 360 adolescents' beliefs about the nature of“smartness”-that is, their fixed mindsets about intelligence.

38.[J] These findings lead to several possibilities that we are investigating further.

39.[C] In the new global economy, students who fail to finish the ninth grade with passing grades in college preparatory coursework are very unlikely to graduate on time and go onto get jobs.

40.[H] We also investigated the social side of the high school transition.

41.[E] In addition, studies find the first year of high school typically shows one of the greatest increases in depression of any year over the lifespan....

42.[D] The consequences of doing poorly in the ninth grade can impact more than students’ability to find a good job.

43.[A] This month, more than 4 million students across the nation will begin high school.

44.[I] Experiment results showed that students who were not taught that people can change showed poor stress respons-es.

45.[F] Given all that’s riding on having a successful ninthgrade experience, it pays to explore what can be done to meet the academic, social and emotional challenges of the transition to high school.

Section C 仔细阅读2篇(阅读理解)

Boredom has become trendy. Studies point to how boredom is good for creativity·

46.A)It facilitates innovative thinking.

47.A)A need to be left alone.

48.C)It may prevent people from developing a genuine sense of community.

49.B) Reflect on how they relate to others.

50.D) Devote themselves to a worthy cause.Can you remember what

you ate yesterday ? If asked, most people will be......

51.A) Calorie consumption had fallen drastically over the decades.

52.A)People's calorie intake was far from accurately reported.

53.B) They overlook the potential causes of obesity.

54.B) The potential causes of snacking.

55.B) Make sure people eatnon-fatteningfood.

Part Ⅳ Translation 翻译(汉译英)

普洱(Pu'er)茶深受中国人喜爱,最好的普洱茶产自云南的西双版纳(Xishuangbanna), 那里的气候和环境为普洱茶树的生长提供了最佳条件。普洱茶颜色较深,味道与其他的茶截然不同。普洱茶泡(brew) 的时间越长越有味道。许多爱喝的人尤其喜欢其独特的香味和口感。普洱茶含有多种有益健康的元素,常饮普洱茶有助于保护心脏和血管,还有减肥、消除疲劳和促进消化的功效。




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