2021年BEC商务英语共有两次考试, 免费预约短信提醒服务可以帮助各位考生更及时更准确的掌握2021年11月BEC商务英语考试报名、考试时间等信息,以防您错过!
LISTENING 40 minutes(including 10 minutes' transfer time)
In this part of the test,you are given a discussion topic.
53、In this part of the test you are given a discussion topic.You have 30 minutes to look at the prompt card,an example of which is below,and then about 3 minutes to discuss the topic with your partner.After that the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic.
For two candidates
Orientation for New Staff
Your company is planning a formal orientation program for new staff.
You have been asked to make recommendations about the orientation program.
Discuss the situation together and decide:
·whether it’S necessary to organize a formal orientation
·what should be covered in the orientation program.
For three candidates
Orientation for New Staff
Your company is planning a formal orientation program for new staff.
You have been asked to make recommendations about the orientation program.
Discuss the situmion together and decide:
·whether it’S necessary to organize a formal orientmion
·what should be covered in the orientation program
·what is good time for the orientation program.
Follow-on questions
·What training would you hope to have in the future?(Why?)
·Is it better to attend a full.time or a part—time training course?(Why?)
·Do you think companies should provide training for all their staff?(Why?/Why not?)
·Do you think more companies will use external agencies to run their staff training program in the future?(Why/Why not?)
·Are there any disadvantages of turning to an external agency to run staff training program?(:Why?/Why not?)