2021年BEC商务英语共有两次考试, 免费预约短信提醒服务可以帮助各位考生更及时更准确的掌握2021年11月BEC商务英语考试报名、考试时间等信息,以防您错过!
Read the text below about how consumers decide what to buy.(34-45)
look at you as if you were crazy.We don’t think about a telephone or a
70、television or a car as if being strange things.These things have become
71、such an integral part of life that they are no longer noticed,therefore,let
72、alone are remarked upon.In the same way,within a decade no one will
73、notice the web.It will just be there,with an integral part of life.It will be
74、a reflex to turn to the web for shopping,education,entertainment and
75、communication,just as it is natural today to pick up the telephone call to
76、talk to someone.There is incredible huge interest in the web.Yet it is
77、still infancy.The technology and the speed of response are about to leap up
78、forward.This will move much more and more people to the web as
79、part of their every day lives.Eventually;everyone’S business card will certain
80、have an electronic mail address.The web will be SO as much a way of life as the car by 2008.Probably before.