考生可预约环球网校的提供“ 免费预约短信提醒”服务,届时会及时通知您2021年下半年BEC商务英语考试报名时间,考试时间等信息,以防您错过!
Read the instructions for each part carefully. This may save time as they can give information about the overall context for the text.
Make sure you understand precisely how to record your answers and that you complete the answer sheet correctly.
Read through the whole of the texts for Parts 1–3 before attempting the questions. If you start answering questions too hastily by selecting the first options that look possible superficially, you may later discover that you were wrong and waste time doing the questions all over again.
Make sure that the answers for Part 1 are justified in terms of genuine paraphrases in the texts or extracts, equivalent to the statements, and are not based on a purely superficial resemblance, such as simple 'word spotting'.
Make sure in Part 2 that each sentence chosen to fit into each gap fits both grammatically and in terms of the meaning of the text, before and after the gap.
Be aware that you may have to change other answers you have given if you realise you have chosen an incorrect option for one of the gaps in Part 2.
Read the whole of each sentence in Part 6 before deciding whether a line is correct or identifying an error in it; this is likely to involve reading the next line or previous lines.
Don't select an answer for Part 1 simply because the same word or words are in one part of the text and in the questions. This kind of 'word spotting' is very unlikely to lead to the correct answer.
Don't choose an option for Part 3 which, although true, does not actually answer the question that has been set.
Don't forget that questions in Part 3 follow the order of the text and that time can be wasted by looking all over the text for the answer to a particular question (unless the question is a 'global' one, in which case it will be the final question).
Don't answer questions in Parts 4 and 5 without reading the text around the gaps to establish the context.
Don't leave blanks for correct lines in Part 6 or identify as errors words which are unnecessary but not incorrect.