短信预约 BEC商务英语考试动态提醒 立即预约





环球网校·2021-07-15 14:50:32浏览12 收藏2
摘要 各位准备参加2021年11月BEC商务英语考试的考生,请尽快抓紧时间进行备考。环球网校小编为了让您更好地备考2021年BEC商务英语考试,为您整理了“2021年中级商务英语模拟试题(3)”的内容,请您参考,希望能对您有所帮助。


2021年BEC商务英语共有两次考试, 免费预约短信提醒服务可以帮助各位考生更及时更准确的掌握2021年11月BEC商务英语考试报名、考试时间等信息,以防您错过!


Social English 1

1. Listening When you meet someone for the first time and start up a conversation, it is important to find points of common interest so that the conversation can run smoothly. Listen to the five dialogues on the tape.

Decide if you think they are successful or not in making initial contact.

Dialogue 1

Dialogue 2

Dialogue 3

Dialogue 4

Dialogue 5

Now listen again and note down the answers to these questions.

Dialogue 1: Has the visitor been to Japan before?

Dialogue 2: Which hotel is the visitor staying in?

Dialogue 3: What topic of common interest do they find?

Dialogue 4: What topic of common interest do they find?

Dialogue 5: What topic of common interest do they find?

Listening task

Dialogue 1

A: Is this your first trip to Japan?

B: Yes, it is.

A: Do you like it here?

B: yes, it seems interesting.

A: Would you like another drink?

B: Thank you.

Dialogue 2

A: How was your trip?

B: Fine, thanks.

A: How do you find Tokyo?

B: Very interesting.

A: Which hotel are you staying in?

B: The Sheraton.

Dialogue 3

A: Is this your first trip to Japan?

B: Yes, but hopefully not my last.

A: I‘m pleased to hear that. Have you found time to see much?

B: Well, I visited the gardens.

A: Oh, are you interested in gardens?

B: Actually, yes, it‘s my hobby.

A: Mine too

Dialogue 4

A: Are you staying long?

B: No, unfortunately only a couple of weeks.

A: Business or pleasure?

B: Business, I‘m afraid. My company is setting up an office here in Tokyo.

A: Really? Where is your company based?

B: In Detroit, sort of north mid-west of the States.

A: Yes, I know it. I visited it two years ago.

B: Ah, really?

Dialogue 5

A: I believe you‘re in fashion.

B: Yes that‘s right- on the design side.

A: That‘s a coincidence. My wife‘s a fashion designer.

B: Oh, I‘d like to meet her.

A: You must come round to dinner one evening.

B: That would be nice.

A: Good, I‘ll fix it up later this week.




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