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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 常见问题
1.What aspects of reading are tested in this paper?
You are tested on your ability to understand gist, detail and text structure and to identify main points and specific information. You are also tested on vocabulary, your understanding of discourse features and your ability to identify errors.
2.How many marks is the Reading paper worth?
The paper is worth 30 marks out of the whole Cambridge English: Business Higher exam, so scores are adjusted or weighted accordingly. The Reading paper is worth 25% of the total score.
3.How long should I spend on each part?
There is no time limit for each task; some tasks may take longer than others and you should be aware of how long you need for different tasks. However, it's worth remembering that some tasks have more items and are, therefore, worth more marks.
4.How do I answer the Reading paper?
In this paper, you put the answers on an answer sheet by filling in a box or by writing a one-word answer on your answer sheet in pencil.