2021年BEC商务英语共有两次考试, 免费预约短信提醒服务可以帮助各位考生更及时更准确的掌握2021年11月BEC商务英语考试报名、考试时间等信息,以防您错过!编辑推荐:2021年下半年BEC商务英语报名时间预测。
The Career Forum
If you work in the city centre then a visit to the CareerForum, is the
city's most successful recruitment exhibition, will giveyou the information
you need to determine whether you are making up themost of yourself.
Currently, there are advertising many new vacancies on the job market.
With good skills and a healthy work record in greater demand than ever, it is
the ideal time to ensure that your career is being on the right track. The Career
Forum has been responsible for helping many thousands of the people
improve their job potential, and it can do something the same for you.
Some of the best jobs in town never reach out the advertising pages, so
to be considered for one of these top jobs as they become available,
you will need to make closely contact with the employers' agents. The Career
Forum is making the perfect opportunity. It is set in an informal atmosphere
and there is no pressure put; you can choose which agents you talk to.
So if you are looking for a new job, come and join us at the Career Forum.
以上内容是“BEC商务英语阅读试题:The Career Forum”的相关内容,考生需要BEC商务英语备考资料,精华试题,可点击“免费下载”按钮进行下载,更多BEC商务英语备考资料持续更新中。