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环球网校·2022-08-16 08:26:17浏览122 收藏48
摘要 2022年12月大学英语四级笔试考试预计12月10日将举行,为了更好地帮助大家备考大学英语四级考试,下面环球网校小编给大家带来2022年大学英语四级作文范文30篇:交通拥堵,希望对大家有所帮助。

【提示】2022年12月大学英语四六级笔试考试时间预计在:12月10日 免费预约短信提醒服务,获取考试时间提醒!


The number of private cars in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai is growing daily bringing with it noise, pollution and traffic jams. Is it necessary to reduce the number of cars in big cities? Suggest ONE way in which this could be done.


Increase Public Transportation

Beijing is faced with an uphill battle to improve deteriorating air quality and alleviate traffic jams caused by the surge in car use. What is the best way to decrease the number of private automobiles on the road? In my opinion, developing sustainable public transportation strategies should be given top priority.

Firstly, a well-managed and punctual public transportation system makes commuting and travelling easier and more convenient. One big headache for private car drivers is the annoying traffic jams. However, some forms of public transport, such as subway, magnetically levitated train4 and light rail transit can help commuters and travellers avoid traffic jams, greatly reducing their time wasted on the road. Furthermore, by taking public transport, people will no longer be bothered by looking everywhere for a parking place. Therefore, a service-oriented and user-focused public transportation system will definitely attract more private car owners, making it possible for the car owners to keep their cars in the garage and choose public transport. Secondly, public transport serves as an economic alternative to cars. The Chinese government will provide a total of l.3 billion yuan to help Beijing's bus companies reduce fares to only l yuan per ride. The high oil price and auto maintenance cost deter car owners from driving their cars. Since public transport is so cheap, there should be no economic reason to drive a car in the city.

In conclusion, public transportation should be given a strategic position in the city's sustainable development planning so as to reduce private car use and ultimately relieve the city's traffic jams. (260 words)


1.With public transportation people would be better able to go to and from their places of work.


2.With buses, trains and trolleys on the streets of our cities, we could begin to save money by having less accidents because less cars automatically translates into less accidents.


3.People would be able to keep their appointments without the problem of fighting the traffic and parking and all the trouble that goes with driving your own car.


4.Now, there are too many accidents because of the heavy traffic. To reduce the casualties of those accidents, we need to develop well-managed public transportation.





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