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摘要 2023年12月16日大学英语四级参考答案来啦,本篇是关于四级考试阅读部分的参考答案,考生可点击本文查看详情。



section A 选词填空

文章开头:Exercising for just 10 minutes a week is linked to a longer life...

【答案速查】:26-30 F D H I O 31-35 M L J A G

26. F impact

27. D controversial

28. H moderate

29. I participated

30. O upper

31. M seemingly

32. L risk

33. J patterns

34. A adjust

35. G limitations


文章标题:How Climate Change Will Affect What You Eat

【答案速查】:36-40 DIBGA 41-45 FLJHK


36. One consequence of climate change is that some people may not have adequate access to certain foods.

【D】定位:The disadvantage, obviously, is that local farmers will suffer under this situation. And some people may struggle to get the same access to certain foods.

37. People around the world are eating foods more similar than what they used to eat.

【I】定位:Jarvis and his colleagues also found that...the foods we eat globally today are 36% more similar than they were in 1961.

38.A recent news report talked about scientific efforts to help crops survive droughts through genetic engineering.

【B】定位:Last week, BBC Future explored one scientist’s efforts to help crops cope with the increased probability of droughts. By using the genes from resurrection plants...

39.It is predicted that climate change will affect the availability and price of qualify chocolate.

【G】定位:High quality chocolate will be less available in the future, and if you want it, you’ll have to pay a lot more for it,

40.People wonder if certain crops and foodstuffs could disappear like some animal species due to climate change.

【A】定位:Earlier this year, scientists warned that one in six animal species could go extinct due to climate change. Could the same thing happen to our crops and other foodstuffs too?

41. Although farms in the US can move a bit northward, crop yields may decrease.

【F】定位:But eventually, yields will likely suffer because the soil north of Iowa declines in quality - a legacy of glacial(冰川的)expansion. Other studies, including studies of wheat in India and corn in Africa, also found that there is a threshold above which yields sharply decline:crops can adapt and move, but only to a point.

42.One possible solution to the food security problem is diversification of diet.

【L】定位:Finally, diversifying our diet away from heat-sensitive wheat...could also help.

43. It remains unsettled whether the global food supply problem can be solved by creating heat-tolerant crops through genetic engineering.

【J】定位:There are ways we could soften the coming blow to the global food supply, however,...are aiming to create drought-and temperature-resistant crops through genetic engineering and conventional breeding.

44. Poor people may have to give up eating certain foods because of their high prices.

【H】定位:But for poorer people, those same price jumps will likely cause certain foods to go extinct from their diets.

45. A number of existing farming technologies could be used to reduce the negative effect of climate change on food production.

【K】定位:Until genetic engineering comes to fruition, other strategies might also help in some places, including applying more fertilizer, implementing better irrigation, using machinery that gets crops out of the field faster or installing storage facilities to delay spoilage.

Passage One

文章开头:One of my bad habits is saying “busy” when people ask me how I’m doing.

【答案速查】:46-50 ABDCB

46. What is a reason for the author to be in the habit of saying “busy” when asked how he is dong?

A) He just follows successful people's example.

47. Why do we tend to think that busy people are of high status?

B) We hold the belief that hard work leads to success.

48. What do we learn about the culture of busyness from a recent study?

D) It does much harm to many busy employees' well-being.

49. What do such utterances as “I have limited access to email” sound like according to the author?

C) One is forced by circumstances to stop working.

50. Why did the author and his colleagues launch the Out of Office Email Generator?

B) To ensure employees as well as employers truly have time off.

Section C 第二篇

开头:Female employees consistently pay lower airfares than men do for the same flights because...they tend to book earlier!

【答案速查】:51-55 ADCCA

51. What did the author's team conclude about the gender difference in airfares from their further investigation?

A) It is largely attributed to women booking earlier than men.

52. What did the researchers want to determine by testing a variety of possible explanations?

D) What accounted for the gender gap in airfares.

53. What happened when the negative reciprocity variable was taken into account?

C) The gender difference in airfare expenses no longer existed.

54.What did prior research on negative reciprocity among workers find?

C)It proves to be counterproductive in a number of ways.

55.What does the author emphasize about their analysis in the last paragraph?

A)It can help companies increase their savings significantly.

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