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摘要 2023年12月16日大学英语四级参考答案来啦,本篇是关于四级考试阅读部分第二套题的参考答案,考生可点击本文查看详情。




文章开头:A number of studies have looked...

【答案速查】:26-30:ONIBC; 31-35: DFHAL

26. O)surprisingly

27. N)shaped

28. I)normal

29. B)case

30. C)casually

31. D)efficiency

32. F)exhausted

33. H)interfere

34. A)boost

35. L)removed


文章标题:More fathers are taking paternity leave, but mothers are still doing all the work

【答案速查】:36-40 DJOBF 41-45 ICLEH


36. In the absence of Federal legislation, some states in the US have passed laws concerning paid family leave.

【答案】 D【定位】The US is one of only three countries in the world not to offer statutory (法定的) paid leave, but increasingly states and companies are starting to take up the issue. So far, eight states and the District of Columbia have their own paid family leave laws.

37. Most fathers admitted that even during their paternity leave they actually did much less childcare than the mother.

【答案】J【定位】 While about 75% of employees said both genders should give the same amount of care, the majority of men and nearly half of women admitted that in reality the female actually did most of it. A tiny fraction, 2%, of men said they did more of the childcare.

38. According to one father, equal parental leave is indispensable to achieving gender equality in the workplace.

【答案】O【定位】The father of two from Columbus, Ohio, who still works at the company as an associate and investigator, said he has witnessed a “domino effect (多米诺效应)”across companies since the settlement, but that there is still substantial progress to be made towards changing attitudes towards paternity leave.

39.One survey indicated there is now less objection to paternity leave.

【答案】B【定位】Research by the Boston College Center for Work & Family, which surveyed new parents at four large US companies who were qualified for taking at least six weeks paid parental leave, found that 81% of the 1,240 employees surveyed said the notion of fathers taking leave has become more acceptable.

40.Compared to five years ago, according to one researcher, many more people said their organisation gave the same support to men and women taking parental leave.

【答案】F【定位】 “We did a study on paternity leave five years ago. Compared with those findings, these numbers were shocking to me. I did not expect 80% of people to say the organisation finds dads taking this leave acceptable and three-quarters to say it's equally supportive of women and men taking leave," Harrington said.

41.One study finds that even workers who claim to desire gender equality stick to traditional gender roles both at work and at home.

【答案】I【定位】However, the study also shows how traditional gender roles endure both at work, where more women than men reported changes in their perceived career potential, and at home - even among workers who claim to have a strong desire for equality.

42.The majority of workers surveyed said parental leave policies had improved workplace culture.

【答案】C【定位】Of those surveyed, 62% of fathers took the maximum amount of time off compared to 93% of mothers, and around three-quarters of workers said their employer was equally supportive of mothers and fathers taking parental leave and over half said leave policies had made workplace culture better.

43. In spite of progress, the number of women in top positions of big companies remains extremely small.

【答案】L【定位】Despite progress, the struggle for women to reach the highest positions of power is demonstrated in this year's Fortune 500 list, which featured a record 33 female CEOs, but this still represents a tiny fraction of the total.

44. According to one estimate, less than one third of companies in the US provide paid parental leave.

【答案】E【定位】第一句:Brad Harrington,executive director of the center and lead author of the study, estimates only 20% to 30% of companies in the US offer paid parental leave.

45. A number of lawsuits have pressured companies to formulate gender neutral policies on parental leave.

【答案】H【定位】Since then, there have been a number of legal cases against companies involving paternity leave - including cases against JPMorgan Chase and Estée Lauder - which have helped put pressure on companies to make their parental leave policies gender neutral.

Passage One

文章开头:Having a rival can keep you committed to achieving your goals and …

【答案速查】:46-50 DBAAD

46. How can competitive rivalry benefit entrepreneurs according to the passage?

D) By helping them to stay goal-oriented.

47. What is one of the traps entrepreneurs may often fall into when competing with rivals?

B) They may resort to unethical means to outperform their rivals.

48. What are entrepreneurs advised to do to avoid traps that often accompany rivalry?

A) Deliberate on what really matters.

49. How can entrepreneurs avoid making impulsive and insensible decisions?

A) By engaging themselves in critical reasoning.

50. How can entrepreneurs overcome the risk-inducing effects of rivalry?

D) By keeping their emotions in check to avoid making poor decisions.

Passage Two

文章开头:A multitasker is one who can perform two or more tasks effectively at the same time, ...... .

【答案速查】:51-55 ACBDC

51. A) An operating system capable of doing several tasks at once.

52.C) Their brains do not allow them to multitask.

53.B) People’s performance benefits from the perception of what they are doing as multitasking.

54.D) It is a desirable ability that can be developed.

55.C) Avoid multitasking

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