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摘要 2023年12月16日大学英语四级参考答案来啦,本篇是关于四级考试阅读部分第三套题的参考答案,考生可点击本文查看详情。




文章开头:When people set out to improve their health, they usually...

【答案速查】:26-30 DFEKN 31-35 MHOLC

26. D) focus

27. F) overall

28. E) indicator

29. K) qualified

30. N) story

31. M) reflected

32. H) prior

33. O) strongly

34. L) recovery

35. C) especially


文章标题:Teenagers and social networking

【答案速查】:36-40 CLHAM 41-45 EIBJG


36. Research has found the use of digital technology benefits not only teenagers’ social lives but also their studies.

C 【定位】Indeed, social scientists who study young people have found that their digital use can be inventive and even beneficial. This is true not just in terms of their social lives, but their education too.

37. It is urgent that schools teach kids how to verify online information.

L【定位】And studies show that pupils don't fact-check information online - “smart searching is a skill schools need to teach urgently.

38. Students now write longer and more complex essays than their counterparts in previous decades while the error rates remain unchanged.

H【定位】But even as error rates stayed stable, student essays have blossomed in size and complexity.

39. Newspaper reports of teenagers give a false picture of their behaviour.

A 【定位】 Newspapers are constantly filled with frightening accounts of drug addiction and aggressive behaviour supposedly caused by violent videogames. But even when these accounts touch on real concerns, they do not really reflect the great mass of everyday teenage social behaviour:

40. Parents are advised to mind their own digital behaviour and set a good example for their kids.

M 【定位】Parents who stare non-stop at their phones and don't read books are likely to breed kids who will do the same. As ever, we ought to be careful about our own behaviour.

41. Contrary to parents’ belief, kids try hard to leave as few traces as possible on the web.

E 【定位】Parents are wrong to worry that kids don't care about privacy. In fact, they spend hours changing Facebook settings or using quick-delete sharing tools, such as Snapchat, to minimise their traces.

42. Students’ ability to learn formal writing is unlikely to be affected by texting.

I【定位】Clearly, teaching teens formal writing is still crucial, but texting probably isn’t destroying their ability to learn it.

43. Historically, new technologies have always caused great fears among parents.

B 【定位】New technologies always provoke generational panic, which usually has more to do with adult fears than with the live of teenagers.

44. The reading culture was seriously affected by cable television some four decades ago.

J 【定位】But even back then, a minority of people-perhaps 20% - were lifelong heavy readers, and it was cable TV, not the internet, that struck a blow at that culture in the 1980s.

45. Teachers say that kids’ writing is too casual, using language characteristic of text messages.

G 【定位】Certainly, teachers worry. They say that kids use overly casual language and text-speak in writing, and don't have as much patience for long reading and complex arguments.

Passage One

文章开头:In the history of horse racing, few horses have captured the affection of the British public like Red Rum.

【答案速查】:46-50 BADAD

46. B) He won enormous fame and love from British people.

47. A) It was simply a hindrance they had to get over to excel.

48. D) He took three Grand National wins in the 1970s.

49. A) He had already passed the peak of his racing life.

50. D) He remained famous and popular.

Passage Two

文章开头:People in business often make decisions based on their own personal feelings or instincts ...... .

【答案速查】:51~55 DBCCA

51. D) Rely on instincts in decision-making.

52.B) Systematic data and analysis.

53.C) Combine the two together.

54.C) Resort to our inner wisdom.

55.A) Applying instincts and data in conjunction.

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