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摘要 2023年12月大学英语六级参考答案来啦,本篇是关于六级考试阅读部分第一套题的参考答案,考生可点击本文查看详情。





文章开头:Our brains respond to language...

【答案速查】:26-30 EDBMG 31-35 OCLAF

26. E) differentiate27. D) deliberate28. B) aggravated29. M) speculative30. G) evokes31. O) uncertainty32. C) ascertain33. F) discourse34. A) activated35. L) scenarios


文章标题:African countries must get smarter with their agriculture

【答案速查】:36-40 EHBGC 41-45 FIADJ

题干、答案和定位处↓36. It is said that agricultural productivity in many African countries has remained low for a century.E 【定位】 “Farm productivity hasn't improved in many parts of Africa for 100 years.”

37. Building connections between farms and major purchasers of their produce can promote African farmers' use of advanced farming techniques.H 【定位】One way of spreading knowledge is to link farms to big buyers of their harvests. When Diageo, a British drinks giant, built a brewery in western Kenya, it wanted to use local crops to make a beer cheap enough to compete with illicit home brew.

38. Parts of Africa are getting warmer much faster than the average, with southern Africa witnessing roughly twice the global warming rate over the last half century.B 【定位】Parts of the continent are already warming much more quickly than the average: temperatures in southern Africa have increased by about twice the global rate over the past 50 years.

39. Improved farming practices have enabled Kenyan farmers to increase farm produce remarkably.G【定位】Better techniques help, too. Small coffee farmers in Kenya are able to increase their incomes by 40% by following a few simple guidelines on caring for their bushes, such as trimming all but three of their stems.

40. Africa is especially susceptible to the effects of global warming partly because it has difficulty feeding its increasing population even without climate change.C 【定位】Africa is particularly vulnerable, in part because it is already struggling to feed itself and it will have to vastly increase yields and productivity if it is to put food on the plates of a fast-growing population, even without climate change.

41. The use of fertiliser and improved seeds can help Africa's small farmers impressively increase crop yields.F 【定位】Much of the focus has been on getting small farmers to use fertiliser and, more important, better seeds. The results can be impressive.

42. It has proved even more important to shift from traditional farming to setting up businesses that can bring technology and investment to small farmers in Africa.I 【定位】An even more important change is the move from traditional farming to building businesses that can profitably bring technology and investment to small farms.

43. Everyone in the world will have to bear the consequences of climate change, especially Africans.A 【定位】Climate change is an issue that will affect everyone on the planet. For Africans its consequences will be particularly bitter.

44. Improvement in farm output per worker in Africa falls far short of that in Asia.D 【定位】And although output per worker has improved by more than half over the past 30 years in Africa, that is still far behind the 2.5 times improvement in Asia.

45. In the long term, the potential for small farms in Africa to increase productivity is quite limited, especially owing to the warming climate and a growing population.J 【定位】Illuminum's success shows how technology can help even small farms become more productive…But over the longer run small-scale farming can go only so far, especially in the face of climate change and population pressure.


Passage One

文章开头:One of the great successes of the Republican Party in recent decades is the relentless propagation of a simple formula for economic growth: tax cuts.

【答案速查】:46-50 BCABA

46. Why does the formula of tax cuts remain popular though ineffective?B) There seem to be no other options available to replace it.

47. What does the author think is a more effective measure for driving economic growth in the U.S.?C) Increasing the compensation for labor.

48. What is the logic underlying the author's viewpoint?A) The growth of workers’ paychecks ultimately boosts the nation’s economy.

49. What is the basis for higher wages according to the conventional wisdom?B) Increase in productivity.

50. What do we learn about things in the real world in America for the past 50 years or so?A) People have failed to see a corresponding increase in wages and in productivity.

Passage Two

文章开头:Journal editors decide what gets published and what doesn't, affecting the careers of other academics and influencing the direction that a field takes.

【答案速查】:51-55 DCBAD

51. What would we expect an editorial board of an academic journal to exhibit in view of its important responsibilities?D) Diversity.

52. What do we learn from the findings of a new study in Nature Neuroscience?C) The editorial boards of the most important journals in psychology and neuroscience are male-dominated.

53. What fact does the author highlight concerning the gender differences in editors of psychology journals?B) The number of female editors was simply disproportionate to that of women engaged in psychology research.

54. What can we infer from the conclusion drawn by the team of the new study on the basis of their findings?A) Women’s views are underrepresented in the editorial boards of top psychology and neuroscience journals.

55. What does the author suggest we do instead of simply blaming the inequality of editorial boards on tradition?D) Implement overall structural reforms.

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