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环球网校·2023-12-19 09:43:22浏览1578 收藏157
摘要 2023年12月大学英语六级参考答案来啦,本篇是关于六级考试阅读部分第二套题的参考答案,考生可点击本文查看详情。




文章开头:The desert is deceiving. At first glance it is…..【答案速查】:26-30 D A F C B 31-35 N L H M O

26. D flat27. A apt28. F overflowing29. C extremes30. B burning31. N synonymous32. L stimulate33. H probably34. M sturdy35. O unique


文章标题:Treasure Fever【答案速查】:36-40 FBIDG 41-45 LCJEK题干、答案和定位处↓36. 【F】 Exploration of shipwrecks on the sea floor is crucial in updating our understanding of humanity’s past.

37. 【B】 Quite a number of majestic ships sailing from Europe to America were wrecked off the Florida coast over the centuries.

38. 【I】 Pritchett suffered a heavy loss when a US district court ruled against him.

39. 【D】 Recently, people who found treasures in shipwrecks have been sued over their rights to own them.

40. 【G】 Pritchett claims he got support of millions of dollars from investors for his shipwreck exploration.

41. 【L】 One pioneer marine scientist thinks archaeologists should make greater efforts to publish their findings.

42. 【C】 With technological advancement in recent years, salvors now can detect the invaluable man-made objects lying buried under the sea.

43. 【J】 According to a lawyer, many treasure hunters are susceptible to loss because they are unaware they face a financially stronger opponent in court.

44. 【E】 Salvors of treasures in sunken ships and marine archaeologists are now hostile to each other.

45. 【K】 Archaeologists want to see artifacts help humans understand their past instead of being sold to private collectors at an outrageous price.

仔细阅读Passage One文章开头:Could you get by without using the internet for four and a half year?【答案速查】:CCDBA

46. What do we learn about singer and actress Selena Gomez in the past four and a half years?C) She has refrained from using social media.

47. Why does actively opting out of using the internet become a matter of privilege?C) Most people can hardly get by without the internet due to growing digitization.

48. Why does the author say “witnessing companies…feels particularly irritating”(Lines 3-5, Para. 6)?D) Most families in the UK do not have stable broadband connections.

49. What is worth bearing in mind concerning social media platforms?B) They help many people feel connected with others.

50. What does the author think is really important for those living in digital exclusion?A) Having access to the internet.

Passage Two文章开头:Psychologists have long been in disagreement as to whether competition is a learned or a genetic component of human behavior.【答案速查】:51-55 DDCBD

51. D) The impact of competition.52. D) Satisfy their own desires while observing social conventions.53. C) It is free from the rational intervention of humans.54. B) Struggles for survival do not exclude mutual support.55. D) People’s attitude towards competition is actually culture-bound.

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