短信预约 大学英语四六级考试动态提醒 立即预约





环球网校·2024-05-08 10:32:32浏览20 收藏2
摘要 2024年6月15日英语四六级写作急救150词,考生可点击本文查看详情内容,建议考生收藏备用。


1.There is no doubt that... - 毫无疑问...

2.It is widely believed that... - 广泛认为...

3.It can be argued that... - 可以认为...

4.One could argue that... - 有人可能认为...

5.It stands to reason that... - 理所当然...

担心考生错过2024年上半年大学英语四六级考试的重要时间节点,推荐大家使用 免费预约短信提醒服务,届时我们会将2024年上半年大学英语四六级考试的重要时间节点信息发送到您的手机上,帮助您及时获知时间节点。不要忘记预约哦。

6.This leads us to believe that... - 这使我们相信...

7.It is now widely recognized that... - 现在广泛认为...

8.We can see that... - 我们可以看到...

9.It is generally accepted that... - 通常认为...

10.There is a growing consensus that... - 越来越多的人一致认为...

11.Contrary to popular belief, ... - 与普遍观点相反,...

12.As is often the case,... - 常常如此,...

13.The evidence suggests that... - 证据表明...

14.An advantage of... is that... - ...的优点是...

15.The main disadvantage is that... - 主要缺点是...

16.Compared to... - 与...相比

17.Unlike... - 与...不同

18.Similar to... - 与...相似

19.Such as... - 例如...

20.This is due to... - 这是因为...

21.Owing to... - 由于...

22.Consequently,... - 因此,...

23.Therefore,... - 所以,...

24.Thus,... - 因此,...

25.Given that... - 考虑到...

26.Considering... - 考虑到...

27.Since... - 由于...

28.As a result of... - 由于...

29.In response to... - 作为对...的回应

30.One implication of... is... - ...的一个含义是...

31.It is crucial that... - 至关重要的是...

32.It is necessary that... - 必需的是...

33.There is a need to... - 有必要...

34.It is important to note that... - 需要注意的是...

35.This illustrates that... - 这说明...

36.This highlights that... - 这突出显示...

37.It is evident that... - 显然...

38.It should be noted that... - 应当指出...

39.Interestingly,... - 有趣的是,...

40.Surprisingly,... - 令人惊讶的是,...

41.Importantly,... - 重要的是,...

42.Undoubtedly,... - 无疑,...

43.Unfortunately,... - 不幸地,...

44.Admittedly,... - 诚然,.

45.Ideally,... - 理想地,...

46.Ironically,... - 讽刺地,...

47.Clearly,... - 明显地,...

48.Obviously,... - 明显地,...

49.In conclusion,... - 总之,...

50.To summarize,... - 总结...

51.To illustrate,... - 为了说明...

52.To clarify,... - 为了澄清...

53.To emphasize,... - 强调...

54.To highlight,... - 突出...

55.To outline,... - 概述...

56.To demonstrate,... - 示范...

57.To denote,... - 表示...

58.To depict,... - 描述...

59.To infer,... - 推断...

60.To reflect,... - 反映...

61.By contrast,... - 相比之下,...

62.In contrast,... - 相对地,...

63.On the contrary,... - 相反地...

64.Alternatively,... - 或者...

65.Simultaneously,... - 同时...

66.Subsequently,... - 随后...

67.Previously,... - 以前...

68.Ultimately,... - 最终...

69.Initially,... - 最初...

70.Gradually,... - 逐渐...

71.Formerly,... - 从前...

72.Eventually,... - 最终...

73.In the meantime,... - 与此同时...

74.Meanwhile,... - 同时...

75.Thereafter,... - 之后...

76.Hence,... - 因此...

77.Furthermore,... - 此外...

78.Moreover,... - 而且...

79.Additionally,... - 另外...

80.Apart from this,... - 除此之外...

81.In addition to... - 除...之外

82.Conversely,... - 相反地...

83.On the whole,... - 总的来说...

84.For instance,... - 例如...

85.For example,... - 举例来说...

86.Particularly,... - 特别是...

87.Specifically,... - 具体来说...

88.Namely,... - 即...

89.In particular,... - 特别是...

90.Such as... - 像是...

91.In essence,... - 本质上...

92.In general,... - 一般来说...

93.In detail,... - 详细地...

94.To put it another way,... - 换句话说...

95.To put it simply,... - 简单地说...

96.In other words,... - 换言之...

97.That is to say,... - 也就是说...

98.To sum up,... - 总结起来...

99.In summary,... - 总结...

100.In brief,... - 简言之...

101.It cannot be ignored that... - 不能忽视的是...

102.What stands out most is... - 最引人注目的是...

103.It is worth considering that... - 值得考虑的是...

104.There is ample evidence to suggest that... - 有充足的证据表明...

105.An equally significant aspect of... - 同样重要的方面是...

106.The key issue here is... - 这里的关键问题是...

107.It is a common belief that... - 人们普遍认为...

108.From this perspective... - 从这个角度来看...

109.It is imperative that... - 势在必行的是...

110.It is tempting to believe that... - 人们很容易相信...

111.The prevailing wisdom is that... - 主流的观点是...

112.There is a tendency to... - 有一种倾向...

113.It is conceivable that... - 可以想象...

114.This raises the issue of... - 这引发了...的问题

115.The impact of... cannot be underestimated. - ...的影响不容小觑。

116.Given these points, I believe... - 鉴于这些点,我相信...

117.It is of great importance to... - 对...来说非常重要

118.To put it bluntly,... - 坦率地说...

119.The essence of... is... - ...的本质是...

120.To delve into the issue further,... - 更深入地探讨这个问题...

121.It goes without mentioning that... - 不用说...

122.In light of these facts,... - 鉴于这些事实...

123.It is universally acclaimed that... - 普遍认为...

124.One must acknowledge that... - 必须承认...

125.It bears mentioning that... - 值得一提的是...

126.This exemplifies that... - 这证明了...

127.It is often overlooked that... - 人们常忽视...

128.To encapsulate,... - 概括地说...

129.Drawing upon... - 根据...

130.When it comes to... - 当提到...

131.This is symptomatic of... - 这是...的症状

132.The crux of the matter is... - 问题的症结在于...

133.This is corroborated by... - 这一点得到了...的证实

134.Taking everything into account... - 把一切都考虑进去...

135.This is not to say that... - 这并不是说...

136.For all that,... - 尽管如此...

137.It is paradoxical that... - 矛盾的是...

138.Before one can accept... - 在接受...之前

139.This is indicative of... - 这表明了...

140.It pays homage to... - 它向...致敬

141.It is not uncommon that... - ...并不罕见

142.A closer look at... reveals... - 仔细观察...显示...

143.It is pivotal to... - 对...至关重要

144.This points to the need for... - 这指向了...的需求

145.Substantial agreement exists that... - 存在相当大的一致认为...

146.In the final analysis... - 最后分析...

147.This serves as a testament to... - 这作为...的证明

148.All of this illustrates... - 所有这些都说明了...

149.Conventional wisdom holds that... - 传统观点认为...

150.To conclude, it’s clear that... - 总之,很明





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