短信预约 大学英语四六级考试动态提醒 立即预约





环球网校·2024-05-23 11:20:12浏览16 收藏8
摘要 2024年上半年全国大学英语四、六级考试笔试及口试将分别于6月15日举行。


1.It is important/essential/ crucial/ significant for someone to do



It is vital for human beings to take immediate action to protect wild animals.


担心考生错过2024年上半年大学英语四六级考试的重要时间节点,推荐大家使用 免费预约短信提醒服务,届时我们会将2024年上半年大学英语四六级考试的重要时间节点信息发送到您的手机上,帮助您及时获知时间节点。不要忘记预约哦。

2. There is little doubt that.毫无疑问……


There is little doubt that more and more people

are moving from rural areas to large cities


3. be put under threat of遭受某物的威胁……


Citizens are put under threat of getting infected with the virus.


4. Those who..那些……的人


Those who eat fast food very often tend to gain much more weight.

5. The reason why... is that... 原因是……


The reason why fast food dominates our dining table is that governments fail to protect a nation s traditional food industry.


6. We must keep in mind that... 我们必须牢记……


We must keep in mind that we are not children any more, and we should be independent.


7. enable someone to do使某人能够做某事


The new test should enable doctors to detect the disease early.

8.It is no exaggerations to say that... 毫不夸张的……


It is no exaggerations to say that university study totally changed my life.


9. Believe it or not无论信不信


Believe it or not, many fresh graduates of today can hardly to adapt to this competitive society.


10. adjust oneself to调整自己以便适应


We need to adjust oneself to the competitive job market


11.It concerns many parents that... 某事引发了很多父母的担忧

例句:It concerns many parents that some children may be exposed to school bullying.一些孩子暴露在校园暴力之下,这引发了很多父母的担忧。

12. be put under pressure to do..... 迫于压力做某事

例句:We need to admit that many of us were put under pressure to learn.我们要承认,很多人迫于压力去学习。

13:play a key part in.在某物中起着关键作用

例句:CPU plays a key part in many electrical things such as PC, smart phones and tablets.中央处理器在许多电子产品中起着关键的作用,例如:个人电脑,智能手机,平板电脑。

14. lay the groundwork for... 为……打下基础

例句:Theoretical knowledge we got from schools lays the groundwork for our university study.

15. have no choice but to do别无选择,只能做某事

例句:We actually have no choice but to work hard to earn a living.


16. ...is just a desirable idea rather than an achievable reality.


例句:Gender equality is just a desirable idea rather than an achievable reality.性别平等只是一个美好的愿景,而并非一个可以实现的目标。

17. has have considerable influence on对某物有这巨大的影响

例句:Parents have considerable influence on the behavioral development of children.父母对孩子的行为发展有这巨大的影响。

18. ...is a subject close to one s heart是某人关心的话题

例句:Teen's puppy love is a subject close to many parents heart.


19. arouse one' s desire to do...引发某入做某事的欲望

例句:TV advertising can arouse our desire to buy something that looks fashionable.

20. spare no effort to do... 不遗余力的做某事

例句:As President of United States, I m going to spare no effort to respond to this crisis.

21. take stringent measures to do... 采取严格措施做某事

例句:Governments should take stringent measures to curb environmental degradation.政府应该采取严格的措施来抑制环境恶化。

22. Proper measures must be taken to... 我们必须采取适当的措施去做某事

例句:Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists.我们必须采取适当的措施来限制外国游客的数量。

23. devote too much energy and time to...为某人和某物投入太多的精力和时间

例句:People of today devote too much energy and time to work.


24. pay a heavy price for... 为……付出沉重的代价

例句:Human beings have paid a heavy price for the ignorance of ecological protection.人们已经为忽略生态环境保护而付出了沉重的代价。

25. make extraordinary progress in... 在某方面取得了巨大的进步

例句:Human beings have made extraordinary progress in knowledge and technology over the recent decades.人类近些年来在知识和科技领域取得了巨大的进步。

26. translate. into action将某事物付诸于行动

例句:The conference aimed to translate the principles of the International Charter of Physical Education and Sport into action.本次会议旨在将国家体育运功宪章付诸于行动。

27. fail to do... 未能做某事

例句:For every one hundred graduates of for-profit colleges, eighteen fail to repay their federal student loans.每一百个盈利性大学毕业生中,有十八个大学生未能偿还大学生联邦助学贷款。

28.fall victim to... 成为……的受害者

例句∶Yet in reality a tourist is far more likely to fall victim to health problems.然而实际上,游客非常有可能成为健康问题的受害者。

29. provide someone with给某人提供某物

例句:The project is designed to provide young people with employment opportunities.该计划旨在为年轻人提供就业机会。

30. profit from... 得益于……

例句:High school students may profit from volunteering in many respects.高中生在很多方面得益于志愿者活动。

31. There is a definite link between A and B A和B之间有着必然的联系

例句:There is a definite link between the imbalanced dietary habits and chronic diseases.不均衡的饮食习惯和慢性疾病之间有着必然的联系。

32. raise the public awareness of... 提高公众……的意识

例句:Local and federal authorities are also preparing a national campaign to raise public awareness of water consumption.当地和联邦政府也正在准备发起一场全国性的运动来提高公众对于水资源消耗的意识。

33. would rather do. ..than do... 宁愿做某事,而不是……

例句:Many teenagers would rather live alone than stay with parents.


34. put...on the top of one' s agenda把……作为某人的首要任务

例句:As seniors, they need to put college application on the top of their agenda.作为毕业班的学生,他们需要把申请大学作为自己的首要任务。

35. assume the responsibility for doing... 承担着做某事的责任

例句:Every citizen needs to assume the responsibility for protecting the ecological environment.每个公民都需要承担起保护生态环境的责任。

36. The root cause of. is that... 某事物的根源在于……

例句:The root cause of traffic congestion in big cities is that the road network is not well-designed.大城市堵车的根本原因在于路网规划是不合理的。

37. be vulnerable to... 易受到某事物的影响/攻击伤害等

例句:Their theories were badly thought out and very vulnerable to ridicule.他们的理论不够缜密,非常容易遭人取笑。

38. get a clear perspective of... 对某事物有了更清晰的认识

例句:Travelling to remote natural areas enables us to get a clear perspective of this planet.去遥远的自然地区旅行能够使我们对这个星球有更加清晰的认识。

39. markedly increase/cut down the government expenditure


例句:Higher unemployment rate will markedly increase the government expenditure in training people who do not have skills required by new jobs.失业率高将会明显增加政府的财政支出,这些支出用于培训那些缺乏新工作所需技能的人们。

40. at the expense of... 以牺牲……为代价

例句:Texas has invested heavily in wind power but not at the expense of oil production.德克萨斯州以及大力投资了风力发电,但并不会以牺牲石油生产为代价。

41. make someone more tolerant and open-minded


例句:Traveling can discover new ways of thinking and different lifestyles, which makes people more tolerant and open-minded.旅行可以让人发现不同的思维和生活方式,从而使人对不同的事物更加包容。

42. be tempted into doing被引诱去做某事

例句:People who live at the bottom of society are more likely to be tempted into committing crimes as a way to earn a living.生活在社会底层的人们更可能被引诱去犯罪,作为一种谋生的途径。

43. Gone are the days when... ……的日子一去不复返了

例句:Gone are the days when people did the same job for a lifelong time.人们从一而终只做一份工作的日子一去不复返了。

44. impose a burden on... 给某人增加了负担

例句:Rising housing prices will impose an addition burden on young people.房价的持续上升会给年轻人增加额外的负担。

45.allocate money to sth. 拔款给……

例句:Governments need to allocate more money to the development of basic education.政府应该给基础教育的建设划拨更多的资金。

46. It is about time... 早就应该……

例句:It is about time governments allocated more money to basic education.政府早就应该给基础教育划拨更多资金。

47. result in...导致……

例句:The dissatisfied of the workmen resulted in a strike.


48. arouse one' s desire to do... 激起某人做某事的冲动

例句:Commercials can arouse our desire to buy new products.商业广告会激发我们购买新产品的冲动。

49. There is no substitute for... 某物是无法被取代

例句:There is no substitute for the role of teachers play in the education of children.在儿童的教育过程中,老师所扮演的角色是无法被取代的。

50. facilitate the development of... 促进某物的发展

例句:The new airport will facilitate the development of tourism.新机场将促进旅游业的发展。





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