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摘要 2024年6月全国大学英语四级考试真题及参考答案,考生可点击本文查看详情内容,建议考生收藏。






A team of researchers led by Priyanka...

答案速查:26-35 OBCAD MNIFE

26. O) ultimate

27. B) attaining

28. C) conclusion

29. A) approximately

30. D) difficult

31. M) significantly

32. N) source

33. I) manipulated

34. F) fixed

35. E) emerges

担心考生错过2024年上半年大学英语四六级考试的重要时间节点,推荐大家使用 免费预约短信提醒服务,届时我们会将2024年上半年大学英语四六级考试的重要时间节点信息发送到您的手机上,帮助您及时获知时间节点。不要忘记预约哦>>一键免费查询报考资格



How to better work towards long-term goals

答案速查:36-40 ICMFA 41-45 KELBG


Passage 1


People often wonder why some entrepreneurs...

答案速查:46-50 BADCB

Passage 2


Today, most scientific research is funded by government…

答案速查:51-55 DBACC



A team of researchers led by Priyanka Joshi examined the degree to...

答案速查:26-35 DMLFG IOBEJ

26. D) detailed

27. M) required

28. L) partly

29. F) dipping

30. G) distinction

31. I) involves

32. O) vigorous

33. B) contradictory

34. E) difference

35. J) moderate



Why Do Americans Work So Much?

答案速查:36-40 EHBFD 41-45 AICJG


Passage 1


Lao Zi once said..

答案速查:46-50 CBDAD

Passage 2


Some people have said aging is more a slide into forgetfulness…

答案速查:51-55 BCDAC



Over the coming decades, millions of jobs will be threatened by robotics and artificial intelligence.

答案速查:26-30: DMGNO 31-35: AKILE

26.D) debate


28.G) favorably

29.N) reverses

30.O) seemingly

31.A) compare

32.K) poses

33.I) introduction

34.L) psychological

35.E) disruptions



No escape as “snow day”becomes“e-learning”

答案速查:36-40 GCIAE 41-45 BJFDH


Passage 1


It may sound surprising, but you don't have to be interested in fashion...

答案速查:46-50 CADBD

Passage 2


The art of persuasion means convincing others to agree with your point of view or to follow your course of action.

答案速查:51-55 ACADB




农历(the lunar calendar)起源于数千年前的中国,根据太阳和月亮的运行规律制定。长期以来农历在农业生产和人们日常生活中发挥着重要作用。古人依据农历记录日期,安排农活,以便最有效地利用自然资源和气候条件,提者农作物的产量和质量。中国的春节、中秋节等传统节日的日期都基于农历。农历是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,当今依然广为使用。


The lunar calendar, which originated from China thousandsof years ago, was set by the moving law of the sun and themoon. For a long period of time, such a calenda has played a very important role in agricultural production and people'sd aily life. Ancient Chinese arranged their farm work by thedate of the lunar calendar to make the best use of natural re-sources and climate and improve the quality and yield ofcrops. Traditional Chinese festivals such as the Spring Festi-val and the Mid-autumn Festival are based on the lunar cal-endar. It is a significant part of traditional Chinese culturewhich is still widely used today.





The courtyard is a traditional Chinese residential building, with a character of being built around a yard. It is warm in winter and cool in summer,and offers a comfortable environment, which make the courtyard a very suitable place for large families to live in. There are various courtyards around China, but the typical one is the Beijing courtyard. Nowadays, with the development of modern society, the number of courtyards is decreasing. However, the courtyard is still of great significance in passing down Chinese culture and studyingChinese architecture.




The Chinese character fu, one of the most commonly used auspicious symbols in traditional Chinese culture, signifies happiness and good luck. People often write a large fu on red paper, hoping for family prosperity, social stability, and national prosperity. Pasting fu during the Spring Festival is a long-established custom. To celebrate the Chinese NewYear,every household paste fu on their doors or walls to ex-press their expectations for a happy life. People sometimes paste it upside down, indicating that happiness has arrived.






In the modern era, there is a heated debate regarding whether the university's library should be open to the public. Some believe that it will do us more good than harm, while others argue that it will pose a threat to the order and operation of the university. In my view, the university authorities should be cautious about offering the outsiders an access to such an important venue.

Above all, the library, serving as a critical academic facility as well as an indispensable research site for both students and teachers, is supposed to keep those limited valuable resources to its authorized users. If the university chooses to open the library to the public, it is highly possible that a mass of people will rush into this place, leaving many college students and teachers unable to complete their aca-demic work. Furthermore, when too many citizens crowd into the library, there will be unnecessary talking,laughing, quarreling or even chasing, incurring disorder of one kind or another.

In conclusion, the merits of such a practice outweigh the demerits. Therefore, opening the university's library to the public must never be put on the university's agenda.





In the modern era, there is a heated debate regarding whether the university’s canteens should be open to the public. Some believe that it will do us more good than harm, while others argue that it will pose a threat to the order and operation of the university. In my view, the university should recognize that this has both pro s and cons.

Let's start with the advantages. First, it allows the public to enjoy the diverse and delicious food offered by university canteens. This can enhance the reputation of the university and foster a stronger rela-tionship between the university and the local community.Second, it can also generate additional revenue for the university,which can be used to improve the facilities and services provided to students. However, there are also potential drawbacks to consider.For in-stance, the increased number of people using the canteen may lead to overcrowding and longer waiting times for students during peak hours. Additionally, the public may have different preferences and dietary requirements compared to students, which could affect the menu options available and potentially increase costs.

In conclusion, the university should weigh the merits and demerits so that it can provide the best possible experience for both students and members of the public.





After the epidemic, there is a heated debate regarding whether university sports facilities should be open to the public. Some believe that it will bring the society much benefits, while others ar gue that it will pose a threat to the security of college students. In my view,we need to recognize that opening sports facilities to the public has more pro s than cons.

First, it has dramatically improved the health level of the whole soci-ety. People can exercise on the playground to invigorate health ef-fectively, reduce the risk of heart disease, and lower the odds of obesity, which not only prolong people's life but also curtail the whole expenditure of healthcare. Second, making university sports facilities available to the public contributes to the cost-cutting of the government. If the campus sports facilities are not open to the public, government will also build them elsewhere, which is bound to increase its budget pressure. In the mean time, the utilization of sports facilities in schools will also be reduced if the public cannot access to them, resulting wasting of resources.

In conclusion, although too many “non-students” might cause se-curity problem toward the university, this can be overcome by strict-er regulation, while allowing people to use sports facilities in the campus will undoubtedly bring a great deal of benefits to the whole society.





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