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摘要 2024年6月全国大学英语六级真题及参考答案(一、二、三套全)完整版,考生可点击本文查看详情内容,建议考生收藏。






Fans have long been beloved by the Chinese pepple,but now they are appreciated not just as tools for cooling off, but more so as artistic objects for admiration. Many fans feature exquisite designs, fine craftsmanship, and beautiful depictions of landscapes, flowers, birds, figures, and more, possessing high artistic value. Numerous renowned Chinese painters and calligraphers have favored fans as canvases to showcase their poetic and painting talents, exhibiting their refined artistic tastes. Fans are commonly given as gifts to express well wishes and sincere sentiments. Nowadays, diminished, as cultural symbols and art forms, they continue to play a significant role in traditional Chinese culture.

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China is a major producer of bamboo and was one of the earlist nations to develop and utilize bamboo resources. Bamboo is widely distributed across China, with an abundance of varieties. Highly versatile, bamboo has been used extensively in production and daily life, such as in making chopsticks, furniture, bridges, and housing structures. The Chinese people have long admired bamboo, and countless literati throughout history have been inspired to create splendid literary and artistic works with bamboo as the central theme. The straight, upright stem of bamboo symbolizes an upright moral character. Bamboo possesses remarkable vitality and adaptability, able to tenaciously unyielding spiritual fortitude. For thousands of years, national character.


中国的传统婚礼习俗历史悠久,从周朝开始就逐渐形成了一套完整的婚礼仪式,有些一直沿用至今。如今的中式婚礼习俗已有很大变化,但婚礼庆典仍然十分隆重。婚礼场地经过精心装饰,以象征喜庆(jubjlance)的红色为主色调,摆放着许多祝愿新人幸福的物件。在婚礼上,新人要拜天地(bowto Heaven and Earth)、拜父母和相互对拜,然后设宴招待宾客,并向宾客敬酒致谢。今天,许多年轻人依然钟情于传统的中式婚礼,体验独特而美好的屋火中国式浪漫。

Traditional Chinese wedding customs have a long-standing history, evolving into a complete set of ceremonial rites since the Zhou Dynasty, some of which are still practiced today. While modern Chinese wedding customs have undergone significant changes, wedding celebrations remain highly ceremonious occasions. Wedding venues are meticulously decorated, featuring the jubilant red color as the primary tone, adorned with auspicious objects symbolizing well-wishes for the newlyweds' marital bliss. During the ceremony, the couple bows to Heaven and Earth, their parents, and to each other, followed by a wedding banquet to honor the guests, and offering toasts of gratitude. Today, many young people are still enamored with traditional Chinese weddings, embracing the unique and delightful experience of Chinese-style romance.



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay that begins with the sentence “Nowadays more and more college students have come to realize social practice and academic learning are equally important." You can make comments, cite examples or use your personal experiences to develop your essay. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words (You should copy the sentence given in quotes at the beginning of your essay.)


Nowadays more and more college students have come to realize social practice and academic learning are equally important. Academic learning provides the framework and understanding of knowledge,while social practice is the essential pathway for applying these theories in real-life scenarios. Both aspects are essential for well-rounded personal development of college students.

As we all know, academic learning equips individuals with theoretical knowledge and a deep understanding of scientific principles, historical backgrounds, and complex concepts. This foundational education is indispensable for innovation and progress in various disciplines. However, academic learning, without social practice, often remains abstract and maystruggle to address real-world issues effectively. Social practice can bridge this gap by allowing us to apply what we have learned in academic settings to real-life situations. For instance, after studying medical theories for several years, medical students are typically required to undertake clinical internships because only real medical practice can help them know how to handle specific patient conditions in real situations.

In conclusion, academic learning and social practice are both necessary for personal growth. As college students, we should take academic learning seriously and actively seek opportunities to engage in social practice.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay that begins with the sentence “There is a growing awareness of the importance of digital literacy and skills in today's world.” You can make comments, cite examples or use your personal experiences to develop your essay. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words (You should copy the sentence given in quotes at the beginning of your essay.)


There is a growing awareness of the importance of digital literacy and skills in today's world. As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, the ability to effectively utilize digital tools has become essential for both personal and professional development.

In the workplace, digital skills are increasingly seen as critical abilities. Many employers now prioritize candidates who are proficient in using digital tools and can adapt to new technologies. Some jobs, like marketing, often require employees to analyze data and use specialized software via digital means. On a personal level, digital literacy empowers individuals to manage their personal and academic lives more efficiently. From online shopping to acquiring educational resources, digital tools play an important role in our lives. Furthermore, being digitally literate helps individuals discern credible information from misinformation, which is crucial in an era where fake news is prevalent.

In conclusion, the importance of digital literacy and skills cannot be overstated. As college students, we should recognize the importance of digital literacy and skilIs and strive to develop them. By doing so, we can better prepare ourselves for the challenges and opportunities of the modern digital landscape.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay that begins with the sentence" Nowadays, cultivating independent learning ability is becoming increasingly crucial for personal development.” You can make comments, cite examples or use your personal experiences to develop your essay. (You should copy the sentence given in quotes at the beginning of your essay.)


Nowadays, cultivating independent learning ability is becoming increasingly crucial for personal development. In today's rapidly changing world, where knowledge becomes outdated quickly, independent learning ability is a vital skill that supports continuous personal and professional growth.

Firstly, independent learning fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills. When students take charge of their own education, they will actively pose questions, analyze problems,and seek answers on their own. This process not only enhances their knowledge but also builds confidence in their ability to tackle complex issues. Secondly, independent learning enhances self-discipline and time management abilities. For instance, independent learners can set study goals, and make study plans and schedules without others' supervision. Moreover, independent learning fosters lifelong learning. Self-directed learners do not see learning as a phase that is limited to their time in formal education, but as a continuous process that spans thewhole of their lives.

In conclusion, cultivating the ability to learn independently is essential to our success in modern society. Only with independent learning ability can we better achieve our personal goals and foster self-growth. As college students, we should recognize the importance of this ability and actively develop it.



1. D) Read numerous comments users put online.

2.A) Buying a blender herself.

3. A) Making his own fresh fruit juice regularly.

4.C) One-tenth of it is sugar.

5. D) How the residents will turn Berkton into a tourist attraction.

6. B) It was relatively unknown to the outside.

7.C) All the houses in Berkton looked aesthetically similar.

8. D) They have helped boost the local economy.


9. D) They have created the smallest remote-controlled walking robot in the world.

10. A) It is powered by the elastic property of its body.

11. C) Perform tasks in tightly confined spaces.

12. D) She slept during the entire ride.

13. B) They are genetically determined to need less sleep.

14.A) Whether one can train themselves to sleep less.

15. B) Being forced to rise early differs from being an early bird.


16. A) We are likely to underestimate how much we can be swayed by a convincing article.

17.D)Their belief about physical punishment changed.

18. B) They may not apply to changes to extreme or

19. A) American motherhood has actually been on the decline.

20.C)More new mothers are economically able to raise children.

21. B) More mothers have adult children celebrating the holiday.

22. C) Absorb poisonous chemicals.

23. C) It was based on experiments under conditions unlike those in most homes or offices.

24.D) Natural ventilation proves much more efficient for cleaning the air than house plants.

25. A)The necessity of continually reexamining and challenging findings.


1. B) Sign the agreement if one small change is made to it.

2.A) They are becoming impatient.

3. C)To avoid any conflict of interest.

4. C) It is a negligible market for his company.

5.A) They are thrilled by a rare astronomic phenomenon.

6.B) It will come closest to Earth in more than one hundred years.

7.A) A blur.

8. D) Make use of phone apps.


9. A) Whether consumers should be warned against ultra-processed foods.

10. B) By the degree of industrial processing.

11. B) Greater risk of chronic diseases.

12. D) They begin to see the world in a different way.

13. C) It is a creative person's response to limitation.

14.C) People have no incentive to use available resources in new ways.

15. D) It thrives best when constrained.


16. A) Because they are learned.

17. C) The importance of one's goals and of the relationship.

18.B)The owl.

19. A) Help save species from extinction and boost human health.

20. B) It has entered the sixth mass extinction.

21. D) It is the most exciting, most relevant, most timely and most internationally inspirational.

22.D) Human individuality.

23. A) It is a delusion to be disposed of.

24. D) He contends most of our body cells can only live a few days or weeks.

25. C) By becoming aware that we are part of a bigger world.



文章开头A rainbow is a multi-colored.

答案速查:26-30 CHMFN 31-35 OEAGB

26.C) dispersion 27.H) perceive 28.M)relation

30.N)spectrum 31.O)stands 31.O)stands

33.A)bounces 34.G)originates 35.B)completely


文章标题:Blame your worthless workdays on meeting recovery syndrome

答案速查:36-40 DHNFB 41-45 KEICL


36. Although employees are said to be fatigued by meetings, the condition not been considered worthy of further research until recently.

36.D【定位】Meeting recovery syndrome is a concept that should be familiar to almost anyone who has held a formal job. It isn't ground-breaking to say workers feel fatigued after a meeting,but only in recent decades have scientists deemed the condition worthy of further investigation.

37.Mroz and his team compiled a list of what to do and what not to do to remedy the problem of MRS.

37.H【定位】In an effort to combat the side effects of MRS, Allen,along with researcher Joseph Mroz and colleagues at the University of Nebraska-Omaha, published a study detailing the best ways to avoid common traps, including a concise checklist of do's and don'ts applicable to any workplace.

38.Companies can get rid of the root cause of MRS if they give priority to workers'time.

38.N【定位】Most imortant, however, is for organizations to awaken to the concept of meetings being flexible, says Allen, By reshaping the way they prioritize employees'time, companies can eliminate the very sources of MRS in their tracks.

39. If workers are exhausted to a dangerous degree,it is extremely hard for them to transition to the next task.

39.F【定位】If we are already drained to dangerous levels,then making the mental switch to the next thing is extra tough.

40. Employees in America spend a lot of time attending meetings while the number of hours managers meet is several times more.

40.B【定位】Every week,employees spend about meets for a staggering 23 hours.

41. Phyllis Hartman has learned by herself many of the ways Mroz suggested in his study and made remarkable success in freeing herself from unnecessary meetings.

41.K【定位】Despite the relative scarcity of research behind the subject, Hartman has taught herself many of the same tricks suggested in Mroz's study, and has come a long way since he days of being stuck with unnecessary meetings.

42. When meetings continue too long or don't engage employees, they deplete vitality

42.E【定位】Meetings drain vitality if they last too long, fail to engage employees or turn into one-sided lectures.

43. When the time of meetings is reduced employees will be more engaged in the meetings, they do participate in.

43.1【定位】Less time in meetings would ultimately lead to more employee engagement in the meetings they do attend, which experts agree is a proven remedy for MRS.

44.Some employees consider meetings one of the most dispensable parts of the workday.

44.C【定位】And though experts agree that traditional meetings are essential for making certaindecisions and developing stratege, some employees view them as one of the most unnecessary parts of the workday.

45. According to Mroz, if all his suggestions were applied, a very obvious change would be a steep decrease in the number of meetings scheduled.

45.L【定位】 If an organization were to apply all 22 suggestions from Mroz and Allen's findings, the most noticeable difference would be a stark decrease in the total number of meetings on the schedule, Mroz says.

Passage One

文章开头:Sarcasm and jazz have something surprisingly...

答案 46-50 ABBCD

46. Why does the author say sarcasm and jazz have something surprisingly in common?

A)Both are recognized when heard.

47.How do many people feel when they hear sarcastic comments?

B)They feel belittled and disrespected.

48. What happens when a personconsistently acts sarcastically?

B)They feel increasingly insecure and hostile.

49. What does the author say about people quitting sarcastic comments?

C) It benefits not only themselves but aIso those around them.

50. What is the chief difference between a speaker's wit and sarcasm?

D) Their intention.

Passage Two

文章开头:Variability is crucially important for learning new skills...

答案 51-55ADBDC

51.What does the passage say about infants learning the category “dog” if they are exposed to Chihuahuas only?

A) They will encounter some degree of difficulty.

52. What does Raviv say about the four different kinds of variability?

D) Which of them is most conducive to learning is yet to be identified.

53. How does one of the theories explain the importance of variability for learning newskills?

B)Learners receiving variable training are compelled to reorganize their memories.

54.What does the passage say about face recognition?

D) The size of the community people grows up in impacts their face recognition ability.

55.What does Raviv hope to do with their research work?

C) Arouse people's interest in variability and stimulate more research on the topic.


文章开头The Sun is also a star...

答案速查26-30 IOHEG 31-35 NAFJD

26.I)illegally 27.O)strives 28.H)dismisses

29.E)coincidence 30.G)deported 31.N)skeptical

32.A)adore 33.F)cracks 34.J) lost 35.D)chemistry


文章标题These are the habits to avoid if you want to make a behavior change

答案速查36-40 DIAKH 41-45 FJLGK


36. There is general consensus among experts that willpower alone cannot guarantee one'ssuccess in changing and maintaining a habit.

D【定位】第一句:...but experts do generally agree that you can' t change and sustain a habit if you rely on your willpower alone.

37.One need not abandon their goals completely just becase they missed their target temporarily,they can start anew.

1【定位】倒数后两句:The perfectionist in you might be screaming to abandon your goals altogether, but try to see it in the bigger picture. Just because you might have temporarily strayed off course doesn't mean you can' t start afresh the next day.

38. Research shows it is quite another challenge to maintain a behavioral change after you have initiated it.

A【定位】最后一句: Once we've successfully made that change, we then have to make other adjustments to our lives to ensure that we continue to maintain it, which is often a whole other challenge in itself.

39. It is wrong to assume the strategies we use to start a change of behavior will work equally well in helping maintaining it.

K【定位】第三句:One outreasons for this is because we mistakenly believe the strategies we used to initiate the change will be equally effective in helping us continue the change. But they don't.

40. Sometimes, it may not be successful to simply substitute one activity with another to effect a change of habit; you may need extra reinforcement.

H【定位】倒数后两句:But if you want to stop,go for a run might not be as effective.You might need to introduce another reinforcement, such as meeting a friend and booking an exercise class together.

41.One should introduce something new to replace an old habit instead of simply kicking it.

F【定位】倒数第三句:That's why rather than giving up something, think about introducing something in its place.

42. Perfectionists focus too much on their big target and neglect celebrating the small gains they make in the process.

J【定位】第三句:They focus too much on the big goal and don't takes the time to celebrate the small progress they make in the process.

43. It is of great benefit to us in the long term to conquer the inertia that stops us from making behavioral changes.

L【定位】第一句:Remember,overcoming the behavioral inertia that prevents us from implementing new changes, like eating a healthy diet or exercising, can benefit us in the long run and can improve our physical and mental health.

44. The strategy that successfully changed one of your behaviors may not work for someother behavior of yours.

G【定位】第二至第四句:Because we are creatures of habit, it's natural to assume that when we domanage to adopt and sustain a desirable behavior, that same strategy will work when we want to make another behavior change. But that's not always the case. Sometimes,the system that got you to change one behavior might not work for another.

45. Without a happy mood, it seems that our wisdom to adopt a different behavior vanishes. K【定位】倒数第三句:If our mood is low, the wisdom to behave differently seems to disappear and we go back to eating more and exercisingless.

Passage One

文章开头:The“American Dream”promised that...

答案:46-50 BCAAD

46. What do we learn from the passage about young Americans of today?

B) They find it difficult to achieve upward mobility.

47. What does Kim's team find about reality TV shows in America?

C) They help strengthen people' s conviction in the American Dream.

48. What does the author say about news broadcasts in America?

A) They attract far fewer viewers than reality TV.

49. What can we infer from the passage about Republicans in general?

A) They believe strongly in the American dream.

50. What is stated about people who believe in upward mobility?

D)They are less likely to approve of policies to fight inequality.

Passage Two

文章开头:When someone asks us'what do you do?'

答案:51-55 CDBDA

51. C) It renders them puzzled about who they are.

52. D) It is more complicated than itappears.

53.B)They evolve with the passage of time.

54.D)Learn to manage uncertainty.

55.A) Alter our perceptions of ourselves.



文章开头:It's quite remarkable how different genres of music can spark unique feelings...

答案速查:26-30 AIBDC31-35 OMLEN

26.A)alleviate 27.I)loose 28.B)clarity

29.D)composers 30.C)cognitive 31.O)wards

32.M) significantly 33.L)recover 34.E)hurt



文章标题:The Curious Case of the Tree That Owns Itself

答案速查:36-40 CHBKI 41-45 DNJEO


36.Jackson was said to have transferred his ownership of the oak tree to itself in order to protect it from being destroyed.

C【定位】Towards this end, Jackson transferred by means of a deed ownership of the tree and a little land around it to the tree itself.

37.No proof has been found from an extensive search that Jackson had ever owned the landwhere the oak tree grew.

H【定位】Further,an extensive search of land ownership records in Athens does not seem to indicate Jackson ever owned the land the the tree sits on.

38.When it was raining heavily, Jackson often took shelter under a big tree that is said to own itself.

B【定位】Its luxuriant leaves and sturdy limbs had often protected him from the heavy rains, and out of its highest branches he had many a time gotten the eggs of the feathered singers.

39.There is no evidence that Jackson had made arrangements to pay property taxes for theland on which the oak tree sat.

K【定位】And whatever the case there,Jackson would have known property taxes needed to be paid on the deeded land for the tree to be truly secure in its future. Yet no account or record indicates any trust or the like was set up to facilitate this.

40. Professor Ward paid Jackson over one thousand dollars when purchasing a piece of land from him.

I【定位】In the transaction, Ward was required to pay Jackson a sum of $1,200 (about $31,000 today), either for the property itself or simply in compensation for improvements Jackson had made on thelot.

41. It is said the tree that owned itself fell in a heavy windstorm.

D【定位】Finally,on October 9,1942,the over 30 meter tall and 200-400 year old tree fell, rumor has it, as a result of a severe windstorm and/or via having previously died and its roots rotted.

42.The story of the oak tree is suspected to have been invented as a thought exercise.

N【定位】As to why the author would do this, it's speculated perhaps it was a 19th century version of a click-bait thought exercise on whether it would be legal for someone to deed such a non-conscious living thing to itself or not.

43. Jackson's little plantation was auctioned off to settle his debt in the mid-19th century.

J【定位】Ten years later, in 1844, Jackson seemed to have come into financial difficulties and had his little plantation seized by the Clarke County Sheriff's office and auctioned off to settle the mortgage.

44.An official ceremony was held to celebrate the transplanting of a small tree to where its ancestor had stood.

E【定位】A couple of months later, an official ceremony was held featuring none other than the Mayor of Athens,Robert L McWhorter, to commemorate the occasion.

45.The story of the Tee That Owns self appeared in the local paper several times, with slight alterations in wording.

O【定位】The next account was in 1906, again in the Athens Weekly Banner,again very clearly copying the original account, only slightly reworded, the 19th century equivalent of re-posts when the audience has forgotten about the original.

Passage One

文章开头:It is irrefutable that employees know the difference between right and wrong.

答案:46-50 BDADC

46. B)Unfavorable workplace culture.

47.D) The more people are around, the less chance someone will step forward to intervene.

48. A) No one will intervene when they see similar behaviors.

49. D) Fear of having to do more work.

50.C) Supervisors create a safety environment for timely intervention.

Passage Two

文章开头:The term “environmentalist” can mean different things. It used to refer to...

答案:51-55 DCBBA

51.D) Adherence to different interpretations of environmentalism.

52.C) Opting for nuclear energy when necessary.

53.B) It is contentious whether cities with large populations have renewable resources at their immediate disposal.

54. B) It represents a good example of a major industrialized country promoting green energy.

55.A) Its grid infrastructure's capacity has fallen behind its development of green energy.





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