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  《营养学(上》《营养学(下)》《考试大纲和辅导练习》《Public Health Nutrition》



  1. An Overview of Public Health Nutrition

  1.1 Introduction

  1.2 Organization of the book

  1.3 Definitions used in public health

  1.4 What are the key public health problems?

  1.5 Food and nutrition policy

  1.6 The public health nutrition cycle

  1.7 Step 1: Identify key nutrition-related problem

  1.8 Step 2: Set goals and broad aims

  1.9 Step 3: Define objectives

  1.10 Step 4: Create quantitative targets(环球网校提供注册国际营养师问答)

  1.11 Step 5: Develop program

  1.12 Step 6: Implementation

  1.13 Step 7: Evaluation

  Further reading

  2. Nutritional Epidemiology

  2.1 Introduction

  2.2 Types of study

  2.3 Study design: sampling, study size and power

  2.4 Measuring exposure

  2.5 Measuring outcomes

  2.6 Measuring diet–disease (exposure–outcome) associations

  2.7 Interpretation of associations

  2.8 Expressing results from nutritional epidemiological studies

  2.9 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  3. Assessment of Nutritional Status in Individuals and Populations

  3.1 Introduction

  3.2 Dietary assessment

  3.3 Biomarkers as measures for the assessment of nutritional status

  3.4 Anthropometric and other clinical measures

  3.5 Error in methods of assessment of nutritional status

  3.6 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  4. Assessment of Physical Activity

  4.1 Introduction

  4.2 Definition of commonly used terms

  4.3 Dimensions of physical activity

  4.4 Reliability and validity of physical activity assessment instruments

  4.5 Physical activity assessment methods

  4.6 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  5. Public Health Nutrition Strategies for Intervention at the Ecological Level

  5.1 Introduction

  5.2 Definition of the ecological approach

  5.3 Individual versus ecological approaches

  5.4 Key principles in the ecological approach

  5.5 Intervention

  5.6 Advantages and disadvantages of this approach

  5.7 Guidelines for using the ecological approach to design nutrition interventions

  5.8 Ethical issues to consider

  5.9 Ecological interventions to change eating habits

  5.10 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  6. Public Health Nutrition Strategies for Intervention at the Individual Level

  6.1 Introduction

  6.2 Interventions of supplementary feeding, foods or nutrients

  6.3 Changing behavior without giving foods

  6.4 Evaluation of programs and interventions

  6.5 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  7. Dietary Guidelines

  7.1 Introduction

  7.2 Overview of dietary recommendations

  7.3 Quantitative dietary guidelines

  7.4 Qualitative dietary guidelines

  7.5 Steps involved in devising food-based dietary guidelines

  7.6 Visual presentations of food guides related to dietary guidelines

  7.7 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  8. Food Choice

  8.1 Introduction

  8.2 The study of food choice

  8.3 Population issues affecting food choice

  8.4 Individual issues affecting food choice

  8.5 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  9. Public Health Aspects of Overnutrition

  9.1 Introduction

  9.2 Macronutrients, excess energy intake and overweight

  9.3 Obesity as a determinant of mortality and morbidity

  9.4 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  10. Public Health Aspects of Undernutrition

  10.1 Introduction

  10.2 Definitions of undernutrition

  10.3 Clinical syndromes of undernutrition

  10.4 Micronutrient deficiency: “hidden hunger”

  10.5 Time trends and contemporary prevalences

  10.6 Etiology: determinants and conditioning factors for undernutrition

  10.7 Public health consequences of undernutrition

  10.8 Policy and programmatic issues in preventing undernutrition

  10.9 Policy and programmatic issues in reversing undernutrition

  10.10 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  11. Vitamin A Deficiency

  11.1 Introduction

  11.2 Consequences of vitamin A deficiency

  11.3 Epidemiology

  11.4 Prevention and control

  11.5 Assessment of vitamin A status

  11.6 Monitoring and evaluation

  11.7 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  12. Iodine and Iodine-deficiency Disorders

  12.1 Introduction

  12.2 Definition of iodine deficiency

  12.3 Clinical features

  12.4 Iodine metabolism

  12.5 Reference intakes for iodine

  12.6 Public health aspects to iodine deficiency

  12.7 Management of iodine deficiency

  12.8 Assessment and elimination of iodine deficiency disorders

  12.9 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  13. Iron-deficiency Anemias

  13.1 Introduction

  13.2 Definition and clinical features of iron-deficiency anemia

  13.3 Iron metabolism

  13.4 Reference intakes for iron

  13.5 Public health implications of iron-deficiency anemia

  13.6 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  14. Fear of Fatness and Fad Slimming Diets

  14.1 Introduction

  14.2 Epidemiology

  14.3 Life-cycle fatness trends

  14.4 Definitions and descriptions

  14.5 Etiology

  14.6 Consequences for public health

  14.7 Prevention strategies

  14.8 Assessing body image

  14.9 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  15. Nutrition and Child Development

  15.1 Introduction

  15.2 Child development and the role of the environment

  15.3 Possible mechanisms linking undernutrition to poor development

  15.4 Prevalence of nutritional deficiencies

  15.5 Intrauterine growth retardation

  15.6 Breast-feeding and its influence on child development

  15.7 Wasting, stunting and severe clinical malnutrition

  15.8 Iron-deficiency anemia

  15.9 Iodine deficiency

  15.10 Zinc deficiency

  15.11 Vitamin A deficiency

  15.12 Studies on the effects of short-term hunger and school feeding

  15.13 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  16. Infant Feeding

  16.1 Introduction

  16.2 Role and importance of breast-feeding

  16.3 Barriers to successful breast-feeding

  16.4 Breast-feeding challenges

  16.5 Potential feeding difficulties

  16.6 Breast-feeding and human immunodeficiency virus transmission

  16.7 Infant feeding after 6 months

  16.8 Monitoring the child’s growth: the road-to-health chart

  16.9 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  17. Adverse Outcomes in Pregnancy: The Role of Folate and Related B-Vitamins

  17.1 Introduction

  17.2 Biochemical basis for the role of folate in adverse outcomes of pregnancy

  17.3 Evidence that folate and other related vitamins play a protective role against adverse outcomes of pregnancy

  17.4 Prevention of folate-responsive adverse outcomes of pregnancy

  17.5 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  18. Maternal Nutrition, Fetal Programming and Adult Chronic Disease

  18.1 Introduction

  18.2 Observations establishing the link between size at birth and later cardiovascular disease

  18.3 Potential confounding influences

  18.4 Findings for particular cardiovascular and metabolic disorders

  18.5 Determinants of fetal growth and programming: the importance of fetal nutrition

  18.6 Maternal influences on fetal nutrition

  18.7 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  19. Cardiovascular Disease

  19.1 Introduction

  19.2 Epidemiology

  19.3 Correlations between coronary heart disease rates and food intake

  19.4 Prospective observation of subjects for whom diet histories are available

  19.5 Cardiovascular risk factors and their nutritional determinants

  19.6 Clinical trials of cardiovascular risk reduction by dietary modification

  19.7 Nutritional strategies for high-risk populations

  19.8 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  20. Diabetes Mellitus

  20.1 Introduction

  20.2 Classification of diabetes

  20.3 Diagnosis of diabetes

  20.4 Risk factors for the development of diabetes

  20.5 Diabetes as a public health issue

  20.6 Prevention and management of diabetes

  20.7 Scope for primary prevention of diabetes

  20.8 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  21. Cancer and Diet

  21.1 Introduction

  21.2 Mechanisms of effect of diet

  21.3 Carcinogenesis: initiation, promotion and progression to metastases

  21.4 Gene–nutrient interactions in carcinogenesis

  21.5 Epidemiological studies of diet and cancer

  21.6 Dietary constituents of interest

  21.7 Prevention: preventive potential

  21.8 Prevention guidelines for individuals and populations

  21.9 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  22. Disease Prevention: Osteoporosis and Hip Fracture

  22.1 Introduction

  22.2 Definition

  22.3 Epidemiology: the scale of the problem

  22.4 The biology of bone health

  22.5 Perspectives on the future


  Further reading








  《营养学(上》《营养学(下)》《考试大纲和辅导练习》《Public Health Nutrition》



  1. An Overview of Public Health Nutrition

  1.1 Introduction

  1.2 Organization of the book

  1.3 Definitions used in public health

  1.4 What are the key public health problems?

  1.5 Food and nutrition policy

  1.6 The public health nutrition cycle

  1.7 Step 1: Identify key nutrition-related problem

  1.8 Step 2: Set goals and broad aims

  1.9 Step 3: Define objectives

  1.10 Step 4: Create quantitative targets(环球网校提供注册国际营养师问答)

  1.11 Step 5: Develop program

  1.12 Step 6: Implementation

  1.13 Step 7: Evaluation

  Further reading

  2. Nutritional Epidemiology

  2.1 Introduction

  2.2 Types of study

  2.3 Study design: sampling, study size and power

  2.4 Measuring exposure

  2.5 Measuring outcomes

  2.6 Measuring diet–disease (exposure–outcome) associations

  2.7 Interpretation of associations

  2.8 Expressing results from nutritional epidemiological studies

  2.9 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  3. Assessment of Nutritional Status in Individuals and Populations

  3.1 Introduction

  3.2 Dietary assessment

  3.3 Biomarkers as measures for the assessment of nutritional status

  3.4 Anthropometric and other clinical measures

  3.5 Error in methods of assessment of nutritional status

  3.6 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  4. Assessment of Physical Activity

  4.1 Introduction

  4.2 Definition of commonly used terms

  4.3 Dimensions of physical activity

  4.4 Reliability and validity of physical activity assessment instruments

  4.5 Physical activity assessment methods

  4.6 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  5. Public Health Nutrition Strategies for Intervention at the Ecological Level

  5.1 Introduction

  5.2 Definition of the ecological approach

  5.3 Individual versus ecological approaches

  5.4 Key principles in the ecological approach

  5.5 Intervention

  5.6 Advantages and disadvantages of this approach

  5.7 Guidelines for using the ecological approach to design nutrition interventions

  5.8 Ethical issues to consider

  5.9 Ecological interventions to change eating habits

  5.10 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  6. Public Health Nutrition Strategies for Intervention at the Individual Level

  6.1 Introduction

  6.2 Interventions of supplementary feeding, foods or nutrients

  6.3 Changing behavior without giving foods

  6.4 Evaluation of programs and interventions

  6.5 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  7. Dietary Guidelines

  7.1 Introduction

  7.2 Overview of dietary recommendations

  7.3 Quantitative dietary guidelines

  7.4 Qualitative dietary guidelines

  7.5 Steps involved in devising food-based dietary guidelines

  7.6 Visual presentations of food guides related to dietary guidelines

  7.7 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  8. Food Choice

  8.1 Introduction

  8.2 The study of food choice

  8.3 Population issues affecting food choice

  8.4 Individual issues affecting food choice

  8.5 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  9. Public Health Aspects of Overnutrition

  9.1 Introduction

  9.2 Macronutrients, excess energy intake and overweight

  9.3 Obesity as a determinant of mortality and morbidity

  9.4 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  10. Public Health Aspects of Undernutrition

  10.1 Introduction

  10.2 Definitions of undernutrition

  10.3 Clinical syndromes of undernutrition

  10.4 Micronutrient deficiency: “hidden hunger”

  10.5 Time trends and contemporary prevalences

  10.6 Etiology: determinants and conditioning factors for undernutrition

  10.7 Public health consequences of undernutrition

  10.8 Policy and programmatic issues in preventing undernutrition

  10.9 Policy and programmatic issues in reversing undernutrition

  10.10 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  11. Vitamin A Deficiency

  11.1 Introduction

  11.2 Consequences of vitamin A deficiency

  11.3 Epidemiology

  11.4 Prevention and control

  11.5 Assessment of vitamin A status

  11.6 Monitoring and evaluation

  11.7 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  12. Iodine and Iodine-deficiency Disorders

  12.1 Introduction

  12.2 Definition of iodine deficiency

  12.3 Clinical features

  12.4 Iodine metabolism

  12.5 Reference intakes for iodine

  12.6 Public health aspects to iodine deficiency

  12.7 Management of iodine deficiency

  12.8 Assessment and elimination of iodine deficiency disorders

  12.9 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  13. Iron-deficiency Anemias

  13.1 Introduction

  13.2 Definition and clinical features of iron-deficiency anemia

  13.3 Iron metabolism

  13.4 Reference intakes for iron

  13.5 Public health implications of iron-deficiency anemia

  13.6 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  14. Fear of Fatness and Fad Slimming Diets

  14.1 Introduction

  14.2 Epidemiology

  14.3 Life-cycle fatness trends

  14.4 Definitions and descriptions

  14.5 Etiology

  14.6 Consequences for public health

  14.7 Prevention strategies

  14.8 Assessing body image

  14.9 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  15. Nutrition and Child Development

  15.1 Introduction

  15.2 Child development and the role of the environment

  15.3 Possible mechanisms linking undernutrition to poor development

  15.4 Prevalence of nutritional deficiencies

  15.5 Intrauterine growth retardation

  15.6 Breast-feeding and its influence on child development

  15.7 Wasting, stunting and severe clinical malnutrition

  15.8 Iron-deficiency anemia

  15.9 Iodine deficiency

  15.10 Zinc deficiency

  15.11 Vitamin A deficiency

  15.12 Studies on the effects of short-term hunger and school feeding

  15.13 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  16. Infant Feeding

  16.1 Introduction

  16.2 Role and importance of breast-feeding

  16.3 Barriers to successful breast-feeding

  16.4 Breast-feeding challenges

  16.5 Potential feeding difficulties

  16.6 Breast-feeding and human immunodeficiency virus transmission

  16.7 Infant feeding after 6 months

  16.8 Monitoring the child’s growth: the road-to-health chart

  16.9 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  17. Adverse Outcomes in Pregnancy: The Role of Folate and Related B-Vitamins

  17.1 Introduction

  17.2 Biochemical basis for the role of folate in adverse outcomes of pregnancy

  17.3 Evidence that folate and other related vitamins play a protective role against adverse outcomes of pregnancy

  17.4 Prevention of folate-responsive adverse outcomes of pregnancy

  17.5 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  18. Maternal Nutrition, Fetal Programming and Adult Chronic Disease

  18.1 Introduction

  18.2 Observations establishing the link between size at birth and later cardiovascular disease

  18.3 Potential confounding influences

  18.4 Findings for particular cardiovascular and metabolic disorders

  18.5 Determinants of fetal growth and programming: the importance of fetal nutrition

  18.6 Maternal influences on fetal nutrition

  18.7 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  19. Cardiovascular Disease

  19.1 Introduction

  19.2 Epidemiology

  19.3 Correlations between coronary heart disease rates and food intake

  19.4 Prospective observation of subjects for whom diet histories are available

  19.5 Cardiovascular risk factors and their nutritional determinants

  19.6 Clinical trials of cardiovascular risk reduction by dietary modification

  19.7 Nutritional strategies for high-risk populations

  19.8 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  20. Diabetes Mellitus

  20.1 Introduction

  20.2 Classification of diabetes

  20.3 Diagnosis of diabetes

  20.4 Risk factors for the development of diabetes

  20.5 Diabetes as a public health issue

  20.6 Prevention and management of diabetes

  20.7 Scope for primary prevention of diabetes

  20.8 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  21. Cancer and Diet

  21.1 Introduction

  21.2 Mechanisms of effect of diet

  21.3 Carcinogenesis: initiation, promotion and progression to metastases

  21.4 Gene–nutrient interactions in carcinogenesis

  21.5 Epidemiological studies of diet and cancer

  21.6 Dietary constituents of interest

  21.7 Prevention: preventive potential

  21.8 Prevention guidelines for individuals and populations

  21.9 Perspectives on the future

  Further reading

  22. Disease Prevention: Osteoporosis and Hip Fracture

  22.1 Introduction

  22.2 Definition

  22.3 Epidemiology: the scale of the problem

  22.4 The biology of bone health

  22.5 Perspectives on the future


  Further reading







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