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第二十五课   游览与日程安排


⑴ 关于不列颠哥伦比亚省

不列颠哥伦比亚省(British Colombia)也简称为B。C。省,位于加拿大的西南部,南边与美国相邻,西边紧挨太平洋,沿海地带气候温和,天然资源的开发是该省的主要经济形式。省府是维多利亚市,这是个受英国影响最深的城市。而最为知名的是加拿大第三大城市温哥华,是加拿大西部的工业贸易中心,华人社区在这里发挥着重要的作用。

⑵ 关于卢沟桥



⑴ rough  a. 粗糙的;粗略的,大致的
考点:be rough on sb. 对某人粗鲁,欺侮
      rough and ready 将就的;粗糙但尚能用的
例句:The ship traveled up and down in the rough sea.

⑵ recover  v.重新获得。恢复
考点:recover one’s legs (跌倒后又)站起来
recover the damages 恢复名誉
recover one’s reputation  得到赔偿
例句:She recovered consciousness soon after the accident.

⑶ wander  v. 漫步,漫游;徘徊
考点:wander about/over the world 漫游世界
wander through the woods 徘徊于林中
wander from the subject/point 离题
例句:He was wandering about in the forest.

⑷ browse  v. 游览
考点:browse through the newspaper 浏览一下报纸
例句:I spent hours browsing in the bookshop.

⑸ miserable  a. 悲惨的;糟糕的
考点:a miserable performance 糟糕的演出
      a miserable failure 可悲的失败
例句:The child’s cold, hungry, and tired, so of course he’s feeling miserable.

⑹ elegant  a.雅致的,优雅的
考点:an elegant woman 高雅的女人
elegant clothes  优雅的服装
例句:Flower arrangement is an elegant art.

⑺ designate  v. 指明;命名
考点:designate sb. as…  指定某人为。。。
例句:She has been designated to take over the position of party chairman.


⑴ draw up 草拟,停下,逼近
draw sth. up 通常是‘草拟文件、合同、计划’等,同义词组还有block in, sketch out 例如:
I have no time to draw this contract up.

⑵ get off 下来;出发;下班
该词组为多义词组, get off sth. 还有‘脱下;不再讨论’的意思。例如:
When do you get off work usually?

⑶ wander about 漫步,徘徊
同义词组还有ramble about, ramble over 后面接地点。例如:
Why does that little girl wander about there?

⑷ in the meantime  同时,在。。。期间
这是一个习惯用语,同义词组还有at the same time ,at one time.例如:
Let’s have a break, in the meantime , who likes to tell a story?

⑸ first off 首先,起先
通常用在口语中,同义词组还有above all, first of all 位置常放在句子开头。例如:
First off, you should have a good rest.


⑴ As a traveler on a tight budget, I was pleased to discover Vietnam, especially its central and southern part, meccas for cash-strapped tourists.
讲解:as 为介词‘当作,作为’cash-strapped 指‘缺钱花的,节省花钱的’,strapped这里为形容词,常用在口语中,词组为strapped for sth. 指‘某物短缺’。例如:
Is he strapped for cash now?

⑵ From there I headed to Dalat, a small town in the central highlands set in a park-like environment with French-style villas, lakes, waterfalls and a cool, mountain-air climate.
讲解:a small town…进一步描述,说明达拉特的状况。Set in …短语用的是被动语态,指‘处于。。。状态’,head 这里指‘朝。。。方向进行’,其常用词组为head for …指‘去某地’。如:
She heads for her home in a hurry.

⑶ After a day and two nights there. I arrived at Nha Trang, a seaside resort in south-central Vietnam where it was warm and sunny.
讲解:after 短语做时间状语,where 引导的是定语从句,修饰seaside resort, resort 这里指‘度假胜地’,其另外常用的词组还有resort to, 意思为‘求助于。诉诸于。。。’。例如:
If you want to solve this problem, you have to resort to the law.


it 做形式主语的用法

当动词不定式、动名词短语或从句在句中做主语,并且用词较多时,可用it 做形式主语。其具体用法如下:

⑴ it 做形式主语,动词不定式做真正的主语。例如:
It is impossible to finish the task before 4:00 p.m. tomorrow.
It’s a bad habit to get up late every morning.

⑵ it 做形式主语,动名词做真正的主语。例如:
It is dangerous playing with fire.
It is useless arguing with that stupid guy.

⑶ it做形式主语,that引导的名词性从句做真正的主语。例如:
It is certain that Mary will be here on time.
It is interesting that nobody knows who he is.






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