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第二十八课  社会关系


⑴ 关于美国缅因州


⑵ 关于国外斗牛节



⑴ donate  v.   捐赠,赠予
考点:donate… to …  …捐赠…
例句:My grandmother donated a large sum of money to the village primary school.

⑵ address  v. 向。。。讲话,写信给。致(函等)
考点:address oneself to 对。。。说;着手,从事于
例句:The Education Secretary had to address a hostile crowd of teachers.

⑶ discard  v. 丢弃
考点:discard the dross and select the essential 去粗取精
例句:He discarded the old theory.

⑷ foresee  v. 预见,预知
考点:foresee  trouble  预见到有问题
      foresee  the rapid increase in …预知。。。激增
例句:We should have foreseen this trouble.

⑸ intend  v. 想要,打算
考点:be intended to (do)  意思是;是用来
be intended to be 规定为,确定为
It is intended that… 企图、意图是。。。
例句:He intends his son to manage the company.

⑹ accomplish v. 完成(任务)等
考点:accomplish a purpose  达到目的
例句:They accomplished a glorious task.

⑺ possess  v. 拥有,占有;支配
考点:be possessed of  拥有,占有
      be exclusively possessed by 在。。。把持下
possess oneself of  取得,获得,把。。。占为己有
possess  sb.  of  sth.  使某人拥有某物;使某人熟悉某事
例句:He possessed 5 acres of land.


⑴ raise  funds  募捐,募捐款项
   raise 的常用意思是‘举起,上升’,在这里是‘筹集’的意思,同义词组为 raise money.
例如: We are raising funds for this orphanage.
       They have to raise funds for their activity.

⑵ give the green light to  给。。。开绿灯
green light 本意为‘绿灯’,其比喻意思为‘放行,准许,批准’。例如:
Why does the government give the green light to this company?

⑶ the root cause  根本原因
root 的常用意思为‘根,根部’,这里是‘根源’的意思。词组 root up 指‘根除,肃清’。例如:The root cause of this accident is the driver’s overspeed.

⑷ rest on  依靠,依赖
词组形式为 rest on sb./sth. ,同义词组为 depend on sb./sth. 例如:
The poor boy’s hopes rests on his father who left family two years ago.

⑸ run for  竞选,当。。。候选人
后面接 sb./sth. , 其同义词组为 run in sth. 例如:
Do you want to run for this position?


⑴ These individual-run offices are also conveniently located in the neighborhoods rather than in downtown areas so ordinary citizens can legal help from them more easily.
讲解:individual-run 指‘个人开办的’, 中间要有连字符。be located in 指‘位于,坐落于’,rather than 指‘不要,不是,不愿’,选择的是前者。例如:
He is going to go abroad rather than his little brother.

⑵ Looking ahead at the next four years, without question unemployment and economy are my major concern and I will no doubt deal with these issues.
讲解:Looking… 短语是现在分词短语,主语是I, without question 指‘毫无疑问’,其同义词组还有 out of question ,past question。例如:
Without question she is an excellent teacher.

⑶ I intended to campaign hard and not rest on my laurels and I believe the voters are satisfied with what I have accomplished and will support me and re-elect me…

讲解:intend to do sth. 指‘打算/想要做某事’,what 引导的句子做 are satisfied with 的宾语。 Support 的常用词组为 support sb./ sth. (in sth.) 指‘支持/帮助某人(某事物)’。例如:
Most of his friends don’t support him in his resignation.


⑴ 分词做状语,可以表示时间、原因、理由、条件、让步、连续等,相当于一个状语从句。
例如:Not receiving any letter from him, I gave him a call.
=As I didn’t receive any letter from him, I gave him a call.
Given more attention, the trees could have grown better.
=If more attention was given, the trees could have grown better.

⑵ 选择现在分词还是过去分词,关键看主句的主语。如分词的动作是主句的主语发出的,就选用现在分词,反之就用过去分词。例如:
Used for a long time , the book looks old.
Using the book, I find it useful.







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