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第十四课   社会科学


⑴ 关于法国国旗


⑵ 关于雅典



⑴ associate  v. 使发生关系
考点:associate oneself with 加入;与。。。发生联系
      associate with  和。。。来往;和。。。共事
例句:Red is usually associated with danger.

⑵ maintain  v.  维持;继续
考点:maintain good relations  维持良好的关系
      maintain one’s composure 保持冷静
例句:He failed again and again simply because he had maintained his defeatist attitude.

⑶ promote  v. 提高;促进
考点:to promote the love of learning 鼓励学习的热情
      promote to 提升,擢升
例句:The boss promoted Mr. Xu to the post of chief account.

⑷ commit  v.  使承担义务
考点:commit oneself to  委身于;专心致志于
例句:He has commit himself to support his brother’s son.

⑸ compete  v.  竞争
考点:compete with/against sb. for sth. 与某人竞争而获得某物
compete with/in  比赛
compete against  对抗
例句:She and her sister are always competing attention.

⑹ reveal  v.  揭示
考点:reveal itself 出现,呈现;被。。。知道
reveal oneself  讲出姓名;表明身份
reveal a secret 泄露秘密
例句:The truth will be revealed someday.

⑺ estimate  v.  估计;评价
考点: estimate the possible results  估计可能的结果
例句:I estimated his loss at five million dollars.

3、 核心短语讲解

⑴ for the sake of  为了。。。利益,为了。。。缘故
与词组for sb’s/sth’s sake; for the sake of doing sth. 同义。例如:
For the sake of going abroad, he try to learn English well.

⑵ for instance  例如,比如
在句子里,位置可以在前,也可以在后,同义词组为 for example. 例如:
I like sports, for instance, playing basketball.

⑶ concern with  关心;忙于
同义词组还有 concern in/ about sth., concern 的常用词组为 be concerned about sth. 指‘担心的,担忧的’。例如:
We don’t need to concerned with this thing.

⑷ stand for 代表;代替,象征
His attitude stands for his family.

⑸ allow for 计算;考虑到;允许
通常后面接sb./sth. ,指‘考虑到;允许某人/某事’。例如:
You should allow for the special condition.


⑴ The Society is committed to developing theoretical and practical knowledge about disability and to promoting the full and equal participation of persons with disabilities in society.

讲解:with 短语修饰persons, 说明这种人的特征。词组 commit sb./ oneself to sth./ to dong sth., 指‘承诺,保证自己做某事’。例如:

I commit myself to take the full responsibility.

⑵ It also helps settle the long running debate of whether immigrants brought agriculture directly to Europe or if the idea simply spread west by word of mouth.
讲解:immigrants 指‘移民,侨民(自外国移入的)’,另一相似单词 emigrant 指‘移民(移居国外者)’。 Running 指‘不断的,连续的’。 By word of mouth 指‘口头地’。例如:
He only obeys this rule by word of mouth, actually he doesn’t.

⑶ Archaeologists have shown that agriculture moved northwest through Europe at about one kilometer per year, based on the dating of clay pots and other tools.
讲解:that 引导的句子充当 shown 的宾语。 Per year 指‘每年’。如 per day, per month. 词组 base sth. on sth. 指‘某事以另一事物为依据’。例如:
His decision is based on the fact.



关系代词有 who, whose, whom, that, which, as 等,可用做引导从句的关联词。对于关系代词的用法,我们应从以下几个方面来掌握:

⑴ 关系代词可用来引导定语从句,它代表先行词,同时在从句中做一定的句子成分。例如:
The girl to whom I spoke is my cousin.

⑵  关系代词在从句中做宾语时可以省略。另外,关系代词that 在从句中做表语时也可省略。例如:I’ve forgotten much of the Latin I once knew.

⑶ 关系代词有主格、宾格和属格之分,并有指人与指物之分。在限定性定语从句中,that 可指人也可指物。在非限定性定语从句中,不能用 that 做关系代词。例如:
He came back for the book which he had forgotten.

⑷ 关系代词which 的先行词可以是一个句子。例如:
He said he saw me there, which was a lie.    (环球网校资料,如需转载请注明出处)





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