短信预约 公共英语考试动态提醒 立即预约





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1. Personal Identification, People
I'm a teach/student/worker...

2. Home and Family, Environment

1) 常用句子

Do you have any elder brothers?你有没有哥哥?
Where does your father work?你父亲在哪工作?
What's your father?你父亲是干什么的?
How many people are there in your family?请问,你家有几口人?
I have father, mother and a younger sister.我有父亲、母亲和妹妹。
Where do you live?你住哪儿?
I live in Bejing. I'm a middle school student.我家在北京,我是一名中学生。
Does your mother work, too?你母亲也工作吗?
She has already retired.她已退休了。
I'm a freshman in senior class.我是高一新生。
How's your grandpa?你爷爷(姥爷)好吗?
Is your elder sister maried?你姐姐结婚了吗?
He works in a bank.他在银行工作。
How old is your father?你父亲多大年纪了?
My parents have two children, my sister and me.我父母有两个孩子,我妹妹和我。


My Mother and Father Are Older Than I
Teacher: Peter, do you have any brothers and sisters?
Peter: Yeah.
Teacher: Do you study English by yourself or in a class?
Peter: I study in a class. I don't study by myself. 来源:环球英语网校
Teacher: Do you prefer to go to the movies by yourself or with a friend?
Peter: I prefer to go to the movies with a friend. I don't like to go by myself.
Teacher: Do you live by yourself or with your family?
Peter: Of course with my family.
Teacher: Incidentally, Peter, are you the oldest person in your family?
Peter: No, my mother and father are older than I.

    网络课程辅导,随报随学,自主掌握学习时间,自由制定学习进度,反复视听,无点播次数限制,欢迎进入课堂试听 〉〉  
3. Weather and Climate

How's the weather tomorrow?
Is the weather always like this?
What does the weather forecast say?
Does it rain very much here in April?
How cold it is?
How do you like our weather?


It's going to be fine tomorrow.  来源:环球英语网校

It's going to cloud over, I'm afraid
We're hoping for a change in the weather.
Apparently the weather is changing.
I don't think the rain would last long.
It looks as if it is going to rain.
It seems to be clearing up.天似乎在转晴。
It's clearing up.天放晴了。

I hope it stays fine.我希望天气一直晴朗。
Isn't this lovely weather?这天气真好。
The air is close The Clouds are very heavy.空气沉闷,云层很厚。
It's raining fast.雨下大了。
It rains cats and dogs.下倾盆大雨。
What a lovely day it is!多好的天气啊!
It's fairly warm for this time of the year.就这个时节来说,天气是相当暖和了。
A lovely day, isn't it?好天气,不是吗?
It's been like this for a week.这种天气已持续一个星期了。
It's better than yesterday.今天天气比昨天好。
It's quite different from the weather forecast.这同天气预报所说的出入很大。
It's rather changeable, isn't is?天气相当多变,不是吗?
It's rather windy today.今天风很大。
It's snowing heavily.正在下大雪。
Nice and bright today, isn't it?今天阳光明媚、气候宜人,不是吗?
What a lovely weather we're having!多好的天气!  

4.Food and Drink


No more, thank you.够了,谢谢。
No, I won't have any more, thank you.不了,谢谢你,我再也吃不下了。
Just a little, please.只要一点儿。
May I have just a little to taste? We don't have it in my country.
No, thank you.不要了,谢谢。
No, I enjoyed it very much, but I won't have any more.不,我很喜欢,可是再也吃不下了。
Can I pass you anything?要我递给你什么吗?
Do you take salt, or pepper?你要盐还是胡椒?
Shall I cut you some bread我给你切些面包好吗?


half-pint(1/2 pt.) 半品脱
pint (pt.) 品脱
quart (qt.) 夸脱
gallon(gal.) 加仑
ounce(oz.) 盎司
quarter-pound(1/4 1b) 四分之一磅
half-pound(1/2 1b) 半磅
pound (1b) 磅


dairy: milk, butter, cheese
乳制品: 牛奶 奶油 干
poultry: chicken, turkey, duck, goose
家禽: 鸡 火鸡 鸭 鹅
meat: beef, pork, lamb, veal,
肉: 牛肉 肉 羊肉 小牛肉
chops, fillet, steak, roast, 碎肉 去骨肉片 排骨 烤肉
leg of..., breast of
……腿肉 ……胸脯肉
fish: sole, flounder, cod, fillet
鱼: 鲽鱼 比目鱼 鳝鱼 去骨鱼片
shelled fish: shrimp, lobster, crabs
甲壳鱼: 虾 龙虾 蟹
canned foods: fruits, vegetables
罐装食品: 水果罐头 蔬菜罐头
beverages: soda, beer
饮料: 汽水 啤酒
starches: potato, rice, noodles
淀粉类食物: 土豆大米 (饭) 面条
proteins: meat, fish, egg
蛋白质食品: 肉 鱼 蛋
vegetables: cabbage, onion, cauliflower, carrot,
蔬菜: 包心菜 洋葱 椰菜(菜花) 胡萝卜
pea, asparagus, tring beaus spinach,来源:考试大
豌豆 芦笋 蚕豆 菠菜
turnip, eggplant, celery, beet,
萝卜 茄子 芹菜 甜菜
green pepper, mushroom, tomato, lettuce,
青辣椒 蘑菇 西红柿 莴苣
fruits: apple, orange, banana, pear 来源:www.examda.com
水果: 苹果 橘子 香蕉 梨
cherry, pineapple, strawberry, blueberry,
樱桃 菠萝 草毒 紫酱果
peach, nectarine, avocado, melon,
桃 油挑 鳄梨 甜瓜
grape, lemon
葡萄 柠檬
breads: white, rye, whole wheat,
面包: 白面包 黑面包 全麦面包
pumpernickel 来源:考试大
desserts: cake, pie, cookie, ice cream,
甜点心: 蛋糕 馅饼 饼干 冰淇淋。

5. Sports


He is an amateur tennis player. 他是业余网球运动员。
Have you entered your name for any of the event?你报名参加什么比赛项目了吗?
Sports make the body strong.运动健体。
They withdrew from the competition.他们退出比赛。
The ball game is scheduled for 8:30 in the morning.球赛定于上午八点半举行。
The game was fixed for today but it has been postponed for a week.
Taking exercises is one way of keeping slim.参加运动是保持身材苗条的一个办法。
How many entries are there for the high jump?有多少人报名参加跳高比赛了?
Several people went in for the race.好几个人参加比赛。
The contest will be stayed in the gymnasium.比赛将在体育馆举行。
The young swimmer has set up a new record for the back stroke.
He made a good score in track and field events.他在田径赛中取得了好成绩。
The players tried to keep themselves in good shape.运动员们努力保持良好的竞技状态。
The tug-of-war ended when both teams tumbled.拔河赛因两队跌倒而结束。   


A: I haven't had much exercise lately. My only recreation has been watching TV or going to the movies. What do you do for recreation?
B: I like to play tennis in the summer. My favorite winter sport is skiing. What's yours?
A: My favorite sport is track. Have you ever been on a track team?
B: No. In college, I was on the swimming team.
A: I don't like to swim very much. However, I'd like to sit and fish. Do you like to go fishing?
B: Yes ― oh all this talk about exercise has made me tired. Let's go to the movies.

6. Shopping


Good morning,sir.Do you want to buy something here?早安,先生。您想在这里买东西吗?
Good morning,sir.Can I help you?早安,先生。买东西吗?
May I help you?您买东西吗?
What can I do for you?您想买什么?
Anything I can do for you?您想买什么?
Are you being served?有人在招呼您了吗?
Can I be of any assistance to you?您想买什么东西吗?
Can I help you in any way?您想买什么东西吗?


Do you sell…?你们卖……吗?
I prefer……我喜欢……
I want to see…我想看看……
I'd like to buy…我想买……
I'm looking for…,我想买……
Bring me…,please.请给我拿……
Can you show me…?可以把……给我看看吗?
Could I have a look at…?给我看看……可以吗?


What material do you prefer?您喜欢什么料子的?
What size do you want(take)?您要(买)多大尺寸的?
What size,please?请问要多大尺寸?
What sort of … are you looking for?您要买哪种……?
What style do you prefer?您喜欢什么式样?


Are these all right?这些行吗?
Do you like this design?您喜欢这花样吗?
Any particular color?要什么颜色的?
Can I get you anything else?还要买别的什么吗?
Is there anything else I may show you?还有什么要买的吗?
Is there anything else you'd like to buy?您还有什么要买的吗?
What can I show you?您要买什么?
What kind would you like?您想买什么样的?
How about this one?这个怎么样?
How's this one?这个怎么样?
I could recommend something for you.我可以向您推荐一种货品。
It's of good quality.这是优质品。
It's the latest fashions,very popular.这是最新款式,非常流行。  

How much do I owe you?我该付多少钱?
How much do you charge for…?要卖多少钱?
How much do you ask for it?这个你要卖多少钱?
How much does it cost?这个要多少钱?
How much,please?请问要多少钱?
What do you charge for it?这个你卖多少钱?
What does it come to?一共多少钱?
What does it cost?这个要卖多少钱?
What's it worth?这值多少钱?


It costs…这个要……
It sells…这个卖……
The price depends on the quality.按质论价。
The price is marked on the tag,sir.价格就标在牌子上,先生。
They're 5 dollars each.每个5美元。


Do you have anything ready-made that will fit me?你有适合我穿的现成的衣服吗?
I could also do with some aspirin.我还可以买些阿司匹林。
I wonder if you have any good bikes.不知你们有没有优质自行车。
I'm after a pair of glasses.我想买副眼镜。


What can I show you?您要买什么?
What material do you have in mind,sir?先生,你想要什么料子的?
What style do you prefer?您喜欢什么式样的? 


Are you likely to be having any cheaper ones in?你们会进些便宜点的吗?
How long would I have to wait for it?我得等多久才能买到呢?
Is this meat just in?这肉是刚进的货吗?
Could you advise me what kind of shoes fit me best?你能不能指点我,哪种鞋我穿最合适?


All out now.全售完了。
I can do the size, but not the color.我们有这尺寸,但没有这颜色。
I'm afraid we are out of them today.今天恐怕没有货了。
Sorry,but we don't have that in your size.对不起,我们没有您要的尺寸。
We may get a supply tomorrow.我们明天可以供应。   


Have you anything a size bigger?大一号尺寸的你们有吗?
Have you anything that doesn't cost so much?价格不那么贵的你们有吗?
How about showing me some samples?给我看一些样品好吗?
It's a bit too loud.这个有点俗。
It's a bit too small on me.这个我穿着太小了一点。
Pick me out a good piece,please.请给我挑一个好的。
Yellow becomes me.黄色同我很相称。


How do you sell the water melons? 这些西瓜怎么卖?
How much do you charge for the bunch of flowers?这束花你要卖多少钱?
How much do you ask for it?这个你要卖多少钱?
How much does the bill come to?这帐单一共多少钱?
What's the price of the apples?这苹果的价格是多少?


It comes to 65 yuan,sir.先生,一共65元。
It sells at 2.5 pounds a bottle.这卖2.5英镑一瓶。
It's priced at 100 dollars.这个定价为100美元。
It's sold by the yard.这是按码出售的。
The price depends on the quality.按质论价。


Can you come down a bit? ht

7.Holidays and special occasions


A happy New Year to you.祝你新年快乐(幸福)。
A merry Christmas to you.祝你圣诞快乐(幸福)。
A merry Christmas and a happy New Year!祝圣诞快乐,新年快乐!
Have a good Christmas!
Have a happy birthday!生日快乐!
Have a happy Easter!复活节快乐!圣诞快乐!
Have a happy wedding anniversary!结婚周年快乐!
Thank you.And I wish you the same!谢谢你。同乐!同乐!
Thank you.And the same to you!谢谢你。同乐!同乐!
Thank you.You too!谢谢你。你也快乐!
Thank you.And a happy New Year to you,too!谢谢你。也祝你新年快乐!
Thank you.And a merry Christmas to you!谢谢你。祝你圣诞快乐!
All the very best!祝你万事如意!
Let me congratulate you on your…让我祝贺你……
Please accept my congratulations on…请接受我祝贺你……
The best of luck.祝你好运!
Congratulations on your…祝贺你……
I hear that you… Congratulations!我听说你……向你祝贺!
Let's make a date to the park.让我们约个时间去公园吧!
Shall we meet outside the park?我们在公园外见面好吗?
Beijing is one of the most famous ancient capitals of China.There are many parks.
I've planned to stay in Beijing for three days.我打算在北京逗留三天。
I suggest you visit the Palace Museum.我建议你去参观故宫。
You can go to the Beihai Park and boat there.你可以去北海公园划船。
The mountain and water scenery in the Summer Palace is very beautiful.
There are the Fragrant Hills,the Temple of Heaven… There are really many other places worth visiting.还有香山、天坛……好玩的地方可多了。
Where is Central Park?中心公园在哪?
The most surprising thing about Central Park is its size.令人惊奇的是中心公园的规模。
Beiling Park is the biggest park in Shenyang.北陵公园是沈阳最大的公园。
Central Park lies directly in the center of New York City.中心公园在纽约市中心。
There is a stamp market in Zhongshan Park.中山公园里有个邮票市场。
Can you show me the way to the zoo?请问去动物园怎么走?
I don't like parks. It's a good place only for dating.我不喜欢公园,那只是为约会而建的。   



What's the quickest way to get there?去那里如何走最快捷?
I hope you have a good time on your trip.我希望你旅途愉快!
-If I have enough money,I'm going to take a trip abroad如果我的钱够了,我就出国旅行。
It's a beautiful country with many large lakes.这是一个拥有许多湖泊的美丽国家。
How far is it from this country to that country?从这个国家到那个国家有多远?
Your country is very large,isn't it?你的祖国很大,不是吗?
Are you going to go any place this year?今年你准备去什么地方吗?
Altogether it will take ten days to make the trip.这次旅行总共得用10天时间。
She travels from New York to Washington about once a week.她每周都要从纽约去华盛顿一趟。 Is the coastal plain good for farming?海岸平原适合农耕吗?
As we travel westward,we'll notice that the land is getting highter.
This part of the country is heavily populated.这个国家的这一地区人口稠密。Can you sell it for 3 pounds?3英镑你卖吗?
That's a bit more than I wanted to pay.这比我想出的价钱高了一点。
The price is not reasonable.这价格不公道。
I'll mett you half way.我让一半。
It's a real bargain.这是真正的便宜货。
It's our standard price.这是我们的标准价格。
How much would you like it to be?您想出多少钱?



I've been laid up with ________ (name of illness).我得了 ________ (疾病名称)。
Take things easy.别紧张(别着急,别过度疲劳)。
Don't work yourself so hard.别过分操劳了。
Get a good rest.好好休息一下。 来源:考试大
Go and see a doctor.去看看医生吧。
You look a bit pale.你脸色似乎不太好。
I hope you get well(better)soon. 我希望你不久就能康复。
I'm sure you'll get over it soon.我相信你不久就会痊愈的。
I haven't been feeling well recently.最近我感觉不太好。  


What sundry services does the hotel offer?这旅馆有哪些零星服务项目?
What sort of amusements do you offer?你们提供哪种娱乐?
Is there a dining room in the hotel?旅馆有餐厅吗?
Can you tell me the rate for a double room,please?请告诉我一间双人房的费用可以吗?
How much is a room for one night?一间房一个晚上要多少钱?
I have to pay my bill now.The name is Jack London,Room 238.
Are there any beds vacant?有空床位吗? 
Could you reserve a single room for me?你能不能给我预订一间单人房?
I'll be staying for about three days.我准备住三天左右。
I'd like a room on the sunny side,please.我想要一间向阳的房间。
We'd like to room together.我们想住在一起。
Can you let me have a room with two single beds?可以给我一间有两张单人床的房间吗?
I think I'll take the one with bath then.那么我看就租有浴室的那间房吧。
Is there a pubic telephone here?这儿有公用电话吗? 



Can you tell me how much it costs to send a letter air mail from here to…?
What's the postage on this parcel to…,please?
What's the rate for telegrams to…?

2)说明邮资时常用的句式 来源:环球英语网校

I think I'll look it up.Anything else?我想我要查一直。还有别的吗?
I'll have to check.Anything else I can do for you?我得检查一下。还能为您办些什么?
I'll have to weigh it first.我得先把它称一下。
It's overweight.You'll have to pay extra.超重了,您得另付超重费。
That comes to…please.共计……


A post card and…stamps,please.请给我一张明信片和……张邮票。
Can I buy some stamps here?我能不能在这儿买些邮票?
Can I get a money order here?我能不能在这儿拿一张汇款单?
Could you register this letter for me?能否给我把这封信挂号?
I want to have it sent by an urgent telegram.我想加急电报把它发出。
I want to mail this parcel to…我想把这包裹寄往……
I'd like to pick up my package.This is the notice.我想取我的包裹,这是通知单。


By surface mail?普通邮递吗?
Do you want it registered?您想给它挂号吗?
Do you wish to send it by air mail?您希望航空邮寄吗?
What kind of stamps do you need?您要哪种邮票?
Where would you want to send it?您想寄到哪里?   



I'm looking for a job.Are there any vacancies?我在找工作,有空缺吗?
I'm badly in need of employment.Is it possible to find one here?
Are there any positions vacant in your firm?贵公司有职位空缺吗?
Can you fix me up with a secretarial job?你能不能给我安排一个秘书工作?
I'd like to know if you need any temporary interpreter.不知你们有没有临时口译的空缺。
Are you familiar with that sort of work?你熟悉那种工作吗?
What sort of experience have you got?你有哪方面的工作经验?
What salary do you expect per month?你希望每月得多少薪水?
Actually I was trained for that sort of job.实际上我受过那种工作的训练。
I got a degree in literature and took a course in typing.我获得文学学位还通过了打字课程。
I've had five years' experience of office work.我有五年从事办公室工作的经验。
I've been doing the same job in another company.我一直在另一家公司里做同样的工作。
I think my training and experience have put me in with a chance.
I prefer something in the restaurant line.我喜欢饭馆行业的工作。
I'd like a good-paying job with excellent hours.我想要一个薪水优厚、工作时间非常合适的工作。

Sally: I'd like to apply for a secretarial position.
Mr. Allen; Very well. Do you know any shorthand?
Sally: No, but I can write very fast.
Mr. Allen: Can you use a typewriter and other office machines?
Sally: No, but I'd be glad to learn how to use them.
Mr. Allen: Yes. I see. This is a permanent position. Can you work every day from nine to five?
Sally: Oh, no. I'm a student at the university and I have to study most of the time. I can only work part-time.
Mr. Allen; I couldn't possibly hire you. You can't take shorthand, you can't type and you can only work part-time. Why did you apply for a permanent secretarial position?
Sally: Well, I thought you might be able to arrange something special for your daughter, Dad.


                       Work and Careers
    Sometimes we say that someone we know is "a square peg in a round hole". This simply means that the person we are talking about is not suited for the job he is doing. He may be a bookkeeper who really wants to be an actor or a mechanic who likes cooking. Unfortunately, many people in the world are "squarepegs"; they are not doing the kind of work they should be doing, for one reason or another. As a result they probably are not doing a very good job and certainly they are not happy.
    Choosing the right career is very important. Most of us spend a great part of our lives at our jobs. For that reason we should try to find out what our talents are and how we can use them. We can do this through aptitude tests, interviews with specialists, and study of books in our field of interest.
There are many careers open to each of us. Perhaps we like science. Then we might prepare ourselves to be chemists, physicists, or biologists. Maybe our interests take us into the business world and such work as accounting, personnel management or public relations. Many persons find their place in government service. Teaching, newspaper work, medicine, engineering ― these and many other fields offer fascinating careers to persons with talent and training.

13. English


Do you speak English?你会讲英语吗?
Yes, a little.是的,会一点儿。
My native language is Chinese.我的本族语是汉语。
How many languages do you speak?你会讲几种语言?
My friend speaks,reads and writes several languages.我的朋友会说、读、写几种语言。
I have a lot of trouble with pronunciation.我发音有很多困难。
He speaks French with an American accent.他讲法语带有美国口音。
My parents speak Spanish fluently.我的父母西班牙语说得很流利。
His English is perfect.他的英语棒极了。
Very often I make mistakes in grammar when I speak English.我老是在讲英语时犯语法错误。
His mother tongue is Portuguese.他的母语是葡萄牙语。
Once in a while I make mistakes in spelling.我偶尔出一些拼写错误。
He speaks Japanese extremely well.他日语讲得好极了。
Do you know how to speak Russian?你知道怎样讲俄语吗?
Martha knows Italian well.玛莎意大利语很好。   


Mr. Green; Do you speak Japanese, Mrs. Brown?
Mrs. Brown: Yes I do. I speak a little Japanese.
Mr. Green: Does your husband speak Japanese, too?
Mrs. Brown; Yes, a little. He speaks a little Japanese.
Mr. Green: How well do you know French?
Mrs. Brown: Pretty well. But I have a lot of trouble with spelling.
Mr. Green: How many languages do you speak?
Mrs. Brown: I speak four languages. How many do you sepak?
Mr. Green: I speak three languages. I don't speak Japanese.
Mrs. Brown: What language do you speak?
Mr. Green: I speak French, Greek, Arabic and English.
Mrs. Brown: Do you read and write those languages?
Mr. Green: Yes, I do. But sometimes I make mistakes in spelling.
Mrs. Brown: So do I.


                       The English Language
    English is the principal language of the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Bahamas, Jamaica, Barbodos, Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago, and Guyana; the official language of over a dozen African countries, and other areas such as Belize, Hong Kong, and Gibraltar, and numerous islands in the Caribbean, Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific oceans; also the "associated official language" of India. English speakers reach 365 million, so the language has been referred to as the "unofficial international language".
    There are three recognized periods in the history of English: Old English, from earliest time to 1150 A. D.; Middle English, 1150-1500; and Modern English, 1500 to the present. English reigned in England only in the late 14th century, with London dialect as the standard. As late as in 1700, there were only 8. 5 million English speakers. As a result of vast colonial expansion, the number shot up to 123 million by 1900, and has since tripled.
    English is structurally closer to Chinese than to any of its European cousins. Parts of speech are ofter fuzzy; the word "up" can be an adverb, preposition, verb, noun, or adjective. Word order is stereotyped; there is a big difference in meaning between "look over" and "overlook" or "stand with" and "withstand". Seven different meanings can be put into the following sentence by successively inserting the modifier "only" before each of the words: She told me that she loved me. "Run" has more than 250 meanings.
    The complete English vocabulary consists of almost 1 million words, yet 3,000 words make up 95% of all utterance. English accounts for 3/4 of the world's mail, 1/2 of the newspapers, and 3/5 of all radio stations.

14. Subjects


What courses are you planning to take?你打算修些什么课程?
I'm thinking of taking the course in modern American literature.我在考虑选修现代美国文学。
What field do you major in?你主修哪个方面?
I major in science.我主修自然科学。
What's your major?你的主修科目是什么?
I take world history as my major.我以世界历史为我的主修专业。
What subject are you studying?你学的是什么专业?
I'm doing modern languages.我在学现代语言。
What did you specialize in?你主修什么?
In college I specialize in organic chemistry.在学院里我主修有机化学。
I expect to take the linguistic course.我将修语言学课程。
I'm an economics major.我是经济学专业的学生。
I'm going to attend the lectures given by Prof.Johnson.我打算去听约翰逊教授的讲座。
I'm going to Harvard University to do postgraduate work in medicine.
I'm taking economics and mathematics.我在攻读经济学和数学。

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