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摘要 小编为同学们整理了2014年公共英语三级口语重点句型,有需要的就抱走吧。

  Holidays and special occasions


  A happy New Year to you.祝你新年快乐(幸福)。

  A merry Christmas to you.祝你圣诞快乐(幸福)。

  A merry Christmas and a happy New Year!祝圣诞快乐,新年快乐!

  Have a good Christmas!

  Have a happy birthday!生日快乐!

  Have a happy Easter!复活节快乐!圣诞快乐!

  Have a happy wedding anniversary!结婚周年快乐!

  Thank you.And I wish you the same!谢谢你。同乐!同乐!

  Thank you.And the same to you!谢谢你。同乐!同乐!

  Thank you.You too!谢谢你。你也快乐!

  Thank you.And a happy New Year to you,too!谢谢你。也祝你新年快乐!

  Thank you.And a merry Christmas to you!谢谢你。祝你圣诞快乐!

  All the very best!祝你万事如意!

  Let me congratulate you on your…让我祝贺你……

  Please accept my congratulations on…请接受我祝贺你……

  The best of luck.祝你好运!

  Congratulations!祝贺! Congratulations on your…祝贺你……

  I hear that you… Congratulations!我听说你……向你祝贺!

  Let's make a date to the park.让我们约个时间去公园吧!

  Shall we meet outside the park?我们在公园外见面好吗?

  Beijing is one of the most famous ancient capitals of China.There are many parks.


  I've planned to stay in Beijing for three days.我打算在北京逗留三天。

  I suggest you visit the Palace Museum.我建议你去参观故宫。

  You can go to the Beihai Park and boat there.你可以去北海公园划船。

  The mountain and water scenery in the Summer Palace is very beautiful.


  There are the Fragrant Hills,the Temple of Heaven… There are really many other places worth visiting.还有香山、天坛……好玩的地方可多了。

  Where is Central Park?中心公园在哪?

  The most surprising thing about Central Park is its size.令人惊奇的是中心公园的规模。

  Beiling Park is the biggest park in Shenyang.北陵公园是沈阳最大的公园。

  Central Park lies directly in the center of New York City.中心公园在纽约市中心。

  There is a stamp market in Zhongshan Park.中山公园里有个邮票市场。

  Can you show me the way to the zoo?请问去动物园怎么走?

  I don't like parks. It's a good place only for dating.我不喜欢公园,那只是为约会而建的。



  What's the quickest way to get there?去那里如何走最快捷?

  I hope you have a good time on your trip.我希望你旅途愉快!

  -If I have enough money,I'm going to take a trip abroad如果我的钱够了,我就出国旅行。 It's a beautiful country with many large lakes.这是一个拥有许多湖泊的美丽国家。

  How far is it from this country to that country?从这个国家到那个国家有多远?

  Your country is very large,isn't it?你的祖国很大,不是吗?

  Are you going to go any place this year?今年你准备去什么地方吗?

  Altogether it will take ten days to make the trip.这次旅行总共得用10天时间。

  She travels from New York to Washington about once a week.她每周都要从纽约去华盛顿一趟。 Is the coastal plain good for farming?海岸平原适合农耕吗?

  As we travel westward,we'll notice that the land is getting highter. 当我们向西旅行时,我们注意到陆地地势在逐渐上升。

  This part of the country is heavily populated.这个国家的这一地区人口稠密。


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