【摘要】目前备考2017年职称英语考试的考生在循序渐进的模拟中。环球网校为考生整理了“职称英语《综合类》完形填空真题US Signs GlobalTobacco Treaty”,希望备考2017年职称英语考试的考生都能顺利通关,更多资料敬请关注网校职称英语考试频道……
下面的短文有5处空白,短文后有6个句子,请根据短文内容选择5组文字,将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。US Signs GlobalTobacco Treaty
1 The UnitedStates has taken the first step toward approving a global tobacco treaty thatpromises to help control the deadly effects of tobacco use throughout theworld. Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson signed the FrameworkConvention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) this week at the United Nations. (46)_____
2 The FCTC wasdeveloped by the World Health Organization and approved by members of the WorldHealth Assembly,including the United States, last year.(47)_____
3 For instance,cigarettes sold in those countries would have to have health warnings on atleast 30% of the front and back of every pack. (48)_____It also requires banson tobacco advertising, though there are some exceptions for countries like theUnited States, where the Constitution prohibits such an outright ban.
4 (49)_____ TheWorld Health Organization estimates that tobacco use kills nearly 5 millionpeople worldwide every year. In the US alone, about 440,000 people die eachyear from tobacco-related illnesses; about one-third of all cancers in the USare caused by tobacco use. If current trends continue, WHO estimates, by 2025tobacco will kill 10 million people each year.
环球网校友情提示:2017年职称英语考试即将开始报名,本文整理“职称英语《综合类》完形填空真题US Signs GlobalTobacco Treaty”。如果您在此过程中遇到任何疑问,请登录环球网校职称英语频道及职称英语论坛,我们随时与广大考生朋友们一起交流!
【摘要】目前备考2017年职称英语考试的考生在循序渐进的模拟中。环球网校为考生整理了“职称英语《综合类》完形填空真题US Signs GlobalTobacco Treaty”,希望备考2017年职称英语考试的考生都能顺利通关,更多资料敬请关注网校职称英语考试频道……
5 The treaty mustbe ratified by at least 40 countries before it can take effect. (50)_____
A. Tobacco stocksalso perked up as investors discounted fears of litigation(诉讼) from the US.
B. So far, 109countries have signed it, and 12 have ratified it.
C. The impact ofthe treaty could be huge.
D. Countries thatratify it would be required to enact strict tobacco control policies.
E. The treatycalls for higher tobacco taxes, restrictions on smoking in public places, andmore promotion of tobacco prevention and cessation programs.
F. The Senate muststill approve the treaty before the US can implement its provisions.
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环球网校友情提示:2017年职称英语考试即将开始报名,本文整理“职称英语《综合类》完形填空真题US Signs GlobalTobacco Treaty”。如果您在此过程中遇到任何疑问,请登录环球网校职称英语频道及职称英语论坛,我们随时与广大考生朋友们一起交流!