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环球网校·2016-09-26 13:07:44浏览97 收藏19
摘要   【摘要】2017年职称英语考试备考进行中,网校为帮助大家备考特分享了2017年职称英语考试卫生类模拟练习二,希望备考2017年职称英语考试的考生都能顺利通关,更多资料敬请关注环球职称英语考试频道!  相关



  Better Control of TB Seen If a Faster Cure Is Found

  The World Health Organization1 estimates that about one-third of all people are infected with bacteria that cause tuberculosis. Most times, the infection remains inactive. But each year about eight million people develop active cases of TB, usually in their 1 .Two million people die 2 it. The disease has 3 with the spread of AIDS and drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis.

  Current treatments take at least six months. Patients have to 4 a combination of several antibiotic drugs daily. But many people stop 5 they feel better. Doing that can 6 to an infection that resists treatment. Public health experts agree that a faster-acting cure for tuberculosis would be more effective. Now a study estimates just how 7 it might be. A professor of international health at Harvard University2 led the study. Joshua Salomon says a shorter treatment program would likely mean not just more patients 8.It would also mean 9 infectious patients who can pass on their infection to others.

  The researchers developed a mathematical model to examine the effects of a two-month treatment plan. They 10 the model with current TB conditions in Southeast Asia. The scientists found that a two-month treatment could prevent about twenty percent of new cases. And it might 11 about twenty-five percent of TB deaths. The model shows that these 12 would take place between two thousand twelve and two thousand thirty. That is, if a faster cure is developed and in wide use by two thousand twelve.

  The World Health Organization 13 the DOTS3 program in nineteen ninety. DOTS is Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course. Health workers watch tuberculosis patients take their daily pills to make 14 they continue treatment.

  Earlier this year, an international partnership of organizations announced a plan to expand the DOTS program. The ten-year plan also aims to finance research 15 new TB drugs. The four most common drugs used now are more than forty years old. The Global Alliance for TB Drug Development4 says its long-term goal is a treatment that could work in as few as ten doses.


  1. A. kidneys B. lungs C. bones D. livers

  2. A. with B. without C. of D. out of

  3. A. increased B. decreased C. changed D. disappeared

  4. A. make B. take C. try D. test

  5. A. as if B. as though C. as far as D. as soon as

  6. A. refer B. apply C. lead D. amount

  7. A. effective B. ineffective C. expensive D. inexpensive

  8. A. cured B. to cure C. being cured D. having been cured

  9. A. many B. more C. few D. fewer

  10.A. provided B. introduced C. tested D. tempted

  11.A. bring about B. contributed to C. promote D. prevent

  12.A. increases B. reductions C. creations D. collections

  13.A. developed B. invented C. delayed D. refused

  14. A. easy B. uneasy C. sure D. unsure

  15. A. with B. to C. onto D. into



  2. C die of意思是“死于某种疾病”,其他三个介词都不与die搭配。



  5.D答题时请注意句首的But这个词,显然与上句意思发生转折,而四个选项中as if、as though都是“仿佛,宛如”的意思,as far as则是“至于……,就……而言”的意思,填在这里均不合适,只有as soon as (“一……就……”)才恰当。

  6. C本空白处后面有介词to,虽然这几个选项均可与to连用,但意思各不相同:refer to:“谈及”,“参考”;apply to:“接洽”,“适用于”;lead to:“导致”;amount to:“合计,总共达……”,只有选择lead才能使本句意思完整、准确。


  8. A本句考查的是语法。根据所给的动词,我们可以猜到本句想说的是“Joshua Salomon 说,疗程较短的治疗计划可能意味着不仅仅是更多病人被治好”。这里从语法分析,应该是缺一个定语修饰patients。cure是一个及物动词,病人应是 被治疗者。B项to cure不能表示被动;C和D虽然有表示被动的意思,但是C是“正在被治疗”,D是“已经被治疗”,二者隐含的时态在这里均不合适,只有A才是恰当的。

  9.D前句说到更多病人可以被治愈,根据推理,后句应该是“将感染传递给别人的传染病人就会更少”,因为前后两句实际上具有因果关系。这里必须 用比较级fewer,因为few是表示“不多的,几乎没有的”(=not many),而fewer则只是与以前比较“更少”,并没有明确多少。

  10.C只有填C项tested (“检验”)才能符合上下文意思,其他三项不仅词义不合适,词的用法也不对。




  14.C DOTS计划土中就包含“直接观察”的意思,本句中也说到“卫生工作者监督结核病人每天服药”,目的自然是要“确信他们继续治疗”,C项make sure正是“确信”的意思。

  15.D research 后面常用on 或into,偶尔也用for 或after,例如:a research for/after facts (对事实的调查),但不与其他三个选项连用。








  Rescue platform 救生平台

  In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, security experts are trying to develop new ways of rescuing people from burning skyscrapers. One idea is a platform capable of flying vertically and hovering in the air like a helicopter. The platform would rise up and down alongside a skyscraper and pick up people trapped in high stories.

  The idea for the vertical takeoff platform was hatched more than ten years ago by a Russian aerospace engineer, David Metreveli, who has since moved to Israel. Metreveli's design, called the Eagle, calls for two jet engines that turn four large horizontal propellers. The spinning of the propellers generates the necessary lift, or upward force, to raise the platform. The more power is supplied to the propellers, the higher the platform rises. Moving the platform sideways involves applying differing amounts of power to each propeller.

  Helicopters are now used in some cases to get people out of burning buildings. Escape baskets slung from them dangle beside the building for people to climb into. Unfortunately, the baskets cannot reach every floor of a building because the ropes from which they hang become unstable beyond a certain length.

  So far, Metreveli has built a small-scale model of the Eagle to test his idea. In the wake of September 11, he has been able to secure enough funding to start building a larger, 4-meter by 4-meter prototype, which he calls the Eaglet.

  1. A rescue platform called the Eagle is capable of moving vertically but not sideways.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  2. The four propellers are fitted horizontally to the Eagle.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  3. With the help of jet engines, the Eagle can fly at a speed of 100 miles an hour.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  4. In the third paragraph, the word helicopter refers to the Eagle.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  5. The more jet engines are fitted to the propellers, the more people the platform can carry.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  6. In the wake of September 11, Mr. Metreveli has secured enough funding to build up a small-scale model of the Eagle to test his idea.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  7. Mr. Metreveli is designing for Israel a more advanced form of rescue platform than the Eagle or the Eaglet.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned









  Cancer Not Covered by Most Health Insurances, Cancer Insurance to the Rescue

  There are 1.2 million Americans diagnosed with cancer every year. (1) The cost of cancer diagnostics, operation or removal and cancer treatment are overwhelming to the victim and to their families as well. I should know, several of my family members have died from cancer over the last 13 years. Getting cancer insurance can help ease these financial burdens and give peace of mind to you and your family.

  What many people don’t realize is most regular health insurance policies do not cover cancer treatment. (2)Some treatments are very expensive. Expenses for cost of travel to a cancer treatment facility are not also covered by health insurance policies.

  My friend’s wife had cancer and thank God she survived. During the treatment, they had to coordinate transportation from friends to a get her to her daily treatments. This caused a lot of stress on my friend. (3) I pay about $88 bucks a month. It would have been cheaper $47, but I got the kind that returns all of my premiums to me after 25 years minus any money that has been paid out on claims. (4) I am still amazed at how robust the plan is. It has a rider that pays $350 per pay to me if any of us need radiation or chemo therapy. This would cover me for missed work or transportation costs or to hire friends to help in any way I need.

  (5) The coverage for this type of insurance may comprise of: Treatments while being an in-patient as well as being an out-patient. This includes radiation, chemotherapy, medications, etc; Transportation and living expense if cancer treatment is made out of town. Payment of traveling expenses for specialists may also be part of the coverage; Ambulance or air ambulance service when needed by the victim; Full-time nursing care and facility when treatment is made away from the victim’s residence; Reconstruction and prosthesis may be part of the insurance plan; Special diagnostic tests needed to determine type of cancer may be covered by the plan.

  A.Most health insurance policies do not cover this “specified disease” or “dreaded disease”.

  B. The price of such insurance may surprise you

  C. Although some policies include a few cancer diagnostic tests or minimal treatment, they not cover the whole gamut of cancer treatment. After that experience about 3 years ago, I bought a cancer insurance policy that covers my family.

  D. Cancer insurance is a supplement to health insurance assuring that treatment and incidental expenses are covered should such illness arise.

  E. So, if I don’t have a claim, I get all of my premiums back.














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